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Heres my progress
These images auto delete after a week. I’m not fussed if people see me aswell with how far I’ve come I’m never going back
dotParticipantJust seen my emails today
Day 50 today ????????
Things are alot easier. Cravings are next to none.
My erratic behaviour has dissipated. I’m thinking clearly. I’m calm and finding self happiness.
My ex still hates me she says trying to wind me up yesterday messaging but I genuinely dont care at all 0 emotion 0 feeling. She was also slagging me off but got 0 reaction from me. I treat her like I’m one dimensional now so if she says something I just give her blunt replies and smile.
She was tryna call me a druggie etc etc I’ve said when I’m at day 90 I’ll do a hair strand for her and she can swivel on it.
17th may was last time I used when it happened. It’s like something in my head clicked and I cant go back to that life… never. The anxiety during the withdrawal Stage was unbelievable. I’m in week 7 so not long till it’s completely extinct from my system all guidelines state 10 weeks.
This Is for a lifetime but after week 10 lifes meant to be much easier.
I did this on my own the hard way. Was homeless with no money no job and no one.
I’ve got alot more money even bought myself a new car. Bought the kids an electric bicycle aswell the other day.
I have a job I have family I have new friends.
I list what am grateful for everyday. Last night I listed about 20 things. When I started I could only do 1 or 2
But thankyou for asking ????
dotParticipantGlad you are okay. It will get easier I promise. Focus on yourself for a bit and get stronger you can do this.
dotParticipantWhen your in the midst of everything you thinking is different. You have sort of anxiety and realise what your losing and then get paranoid and anxious
I took me till like day 30 to get my smile back. I’m smiling every day again and my behaviour has calmed down dramatically. I think logically. It’s only took me this long aswell because ice suffered with anxiety as well so when I argued with my ex I used to have little outbursts. Now that’s under control I feel like am back to the old me like me from 1p
0 years ago but wiser. Am happy and am smiling. If I could just explain to people using how different my life is and how worth it is to do. But like they say until someone is ready to change they wont…
All of my aspects of my life have improved and my quality of life is excellent. I’ve got money in my bank. Dont have dealers chasing me week in week out. I’m healthier I look better. My teeth are back white as they was going yellow at one point and yeah.
I might not have my wife back but it’s me now whose realised my quality of life is much better. I am loving myself and I’m a better person without her….
He will batter himself for the way he treated you. I’ve still not forgiven myself but I have accepted what I’ve done and know it cant be changed…
I hope he manages to sort himself.
If you need anything advice or w.e I can tell you what worked for me.
dotParticipantKids are my world I’ve got them 11 while 4 on sunday
I’m arranging to take them to blackpool in 2 weeks just to sit on beach and let them have some fun as they’ve been through alot recently.
I’ve been working all this week can t wait to have them sunday I really cant.
Its him that’s missing out no one else. He will come when hes ready but if hes using it might be best keeping them away anyway.
Wish I could help you x
dotParticipantMe and my ex have contacted mediation. I pick them up certain days and every other weekend.
We are using early help as a point of contact at the minute because we both agree we cant have a civil conversation without arguing.
Less drama now and I’m happier myself. Things will look up you just have to persevere with different things.
Dont tolerate his crap though. I was a propper head f””” till I got clean and I dont blame her for the way she treats me now.
dotParticipantWith this being an anon forum nothing we can do. Maybe message her privately or get a moderator too it will go to her email… all I can suggest
dotParticipantNo I haven’t heard anything
dotParticipantOfficially 1 month clean today. 31 days ????????
Doing well. Working nand trying to live a much better drug free life
Not 1 slip. Not out myself around it and changed my friend base.
Ty everyone whoa had input and helped
dotParticipantNo shes only just having a bit of fun but I leave her too it that’s her choice now. My moods are still up and down but nowhere near what I was like before.
The CBT is good and very helpful so far it gives me a different perspective and outlook on things.
I dont need help sleeping st all. The over eating has calmed down aswell it’s like I’m starting to enjoy life and enjoy things again.
And am glad SS are helping you they are there to help so work with them
dotParticipantI’m good thankyou day 29 today.
Engaging in my CBT therapy next appt is June 25th
My ex wife is now meeting other people etc butbits getting easier for me. Acceptance is hard but I just get on with it.
I’m noticing my calmness and happiness slowly coming back and I’m learning to love myself again my likes and dislikes etc.
I’m physically healthy again on the outside gaining weight I’m nearly 12 stone I was 10 and half a month ago. My mental health isnt too great but it’s getting better day by day I’m waking up happy ????
And im sleeping normally again and waking up early. This new life is great I’m totally against the drug and wont ever go back like I said.
I’m looking healthy and I’m getting here. I’m slowly returning to my old self before drugs. I’m excited myself because I know I’ve get a very bright and optimistic future
Ty for asking how are you?
dotParticipantdotParticipantSearch cocaine enduced psychosis
Will give you a bit more info.
It only kicks in while hes using. I used to get it in uncomfortable situations.
I only got it when having cocaine it was horrible
dotParticipantRight you literally need to leave him or make him leave. He will not get better when he doesn’t want help. I’m day 24 today off it and I’m like a new person… still have mood swings as these can occur up to 10 weeks after but not as bad as when I was on it. Honest truth is he will not change for no one until hes ready… I was made to be ready…
dotParticipantShe will throw 9 years away as shes been through it all with me and the using etc. I thank her in a way because I was a lost cause In my head. Deffo never going back there ????????????????????