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  • in reply to: Cocaine #22594

    Can you smoke cocaine? If yes I didn’t know that!

    I am worried if by miracle he has stopped and I’m seeing a positive test and putting restrictions in place.

    in reply to: Cocaine #22591


    I have bought urine dip tests just for cocaine but he is saying it’s because he used for so long it will take ages to leave his system. For example if he took on Sat when would he be clear? 4days later?

    in reply to: Cocaine #22578

    Yes he has been quite open and contacted eclipse for a keyworker but when a test comes back positive and he is adamant he hasn’t took any. I know the lying is good but I don’t know what to believe.

    in reply to: Cocaine #22544


    Sorry I wrote Glad you are winning, when you are looking for help. As you can tell my head is all over the place with worry. I hope you beat this, it ruins the family as well xx

    in reply to: Cocaine #22543

    Hi Daryl

    Glad you are winning!

    I was wondering have you any experience of urine testing? I wanted to know after long use will it stay in your system for ages when you are not taking? Sorry asked this question on another post but realised it wasn’t on yours

    in reply to: Cocaine #22542

    Sorry that meant to say urine test not tribe ????

    in reply to: Cocaine #22540


    I’m asking Dannan83, if possible. My son has used cocaine constantly for over a year, we are beginning to look at methods to stop. I bought tribe cocaine tests but I am not sure after heavy usage how long it would stay in your system. Just trying to check if long term use can stay in his system a while or it comes out in hours. Any experience of using urine tests?

    in reply to: Feel totally desperate about son’s addictions. #22416

    Thank you

    I am trying to ring Eclipse today to check if he is really waiting but no one answering must be closed bank holiday. I did a test yesterday and it was positive but he is blaming it on weed( which he rarely has) but I know it’s a lie as my gut is telling me so. I’m just devastated as early March I got a loan to pay his debts off on the understanding he pays it out of his wages, ( stupid I know but he had so many pay day loans 400 here 500 there) he has no credit. A week later he looses his job as he basically can not be bothered and they were all selling drugs at work! I got him a temp job whilst we looked for something more permanent. All going well paying me each week and then his behaviour changed, going out at dinner, a couple of evenings to addresses not before ( as he has to keep his data on) and then bank blocking him and him desperate to get a pin no for a new card( to me he had borrowed more money and couldn’t get to it) he is adamant he hasn’t had any and I believed him at first as he wasn’t going out and home straight after work but can see changes. I am testing again today and already dreading the result. It has made me totally paranoid, I know it’s hard to come off but he gives me behaviour to question his activities

    in reply to: Feel totally desperate about son’s addictions. #22411

    Hi Tiredmam

    I am reading your post and I can relate to everything.

    My son is basically killing me emotionally and mentally with his lies, debt, and activities ( which has turned me into a cid)

    I work full time and it is affecting all my life as though I’m the addict. I have withdrawn from all friends as I am so ashamed, also I can’t bear seeing their kids living as a responsible person as it makes me feel as failure as a mum as my child is not acting like a responsible adult.

    Easter Sunday I lay on my bathroom floor and just wanted to leave this world ( not as in doing anything) but thinking it’s the only way I’m going to get peace as a year on, arguments, hugging and being truthful to making more debt I see no end. He rang a help line and said they took details and said he would be appointed a keyworker but could take up to 3 weeks? But now I think that is a lie too. He has had 3 bank accounts blocked so now I’m worried he is moving money for people ( not sure what else)

    This is just some snip it’s, I have no one to talk to, his once real friends have all disappeared, so can’t get any info. Any advice would be grateful.

    My husband can’t cope, he rares up then acts like everything is back to normal, leaving it to me to be the constant checker, questioner etc

    I feel like I’m close to a break down which then will affect my job

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