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  • in reply to: despair #7836

    Hi, thanks for your support in this, I dont mind the questions, he uses between 10 and 70 pounds a day depending on how much money Ive got he doesnt work he had a heart attack a couple of years ago and now he has liver problems Im a teacher and thats how he gets his money. We are together all the time but the niceness is dependent on how much money Ive got although he will deny this! We are friends but I feel very responsible or him and it eels very one sided a lot of the time. Im not allowed out alone or to have my own phone or go on facebook, he used to try and hide it but because Im more outspoken and need more support now I will tell people what he does like my dad and mum and his mum but everyone else doesnt know, its shameful isnt it? We have four children and one on the way, aged 10 8 6 and 4 he has never been physically abusive towards me and the only time Ive been scared is when he has had a “bad” bit and its sent him mad and I sent him from the house until he was “normal” again. Ive never tried any drugs and I dont drink, Ive never even tried a cigarette. Hes not verbally abusive towards me either but then there hasnt really been a day where he hasnt had drugs. It sounds silly but he can pick on, sounds childish doesnt it but I dont know how else to explain it, just lately his behaviour has changed and hes repeating things a lot forgetting things and waffling more than usual Im convinced its because of long term drug abuse causing it but could be his liver problem I suppose. Dont get me wrong its not always bad we do have a laugh together and although I have to ask for affection its never denied me I just feel so lonely. Thanks again for your support x

    in reply to: despair #7834

    Thank you for your message, its so true, I know it is. Ive never tried leaving but if im honest with myself they are excuses and not reasons or doing so. Its like this huge sense of responsibility or him for the kids for the normality that society expects but I guess the bottom line is Im just not strong enough. I, like you would never have to think twice about the choice him or them its my babies everytime and I know the time is dawning that Il have to be bold and make that move. I cant thankyou enough for your words Iv always felt so alone in all of this although Im sorry for your experience its nice to know Im not the only one and Im so grateful to you for reminding me that I have the right to expect normal. x

    in reply to: Consumed #7830

    Hi, rosie cheeks, Im the wife of a crack and heroin addict and sympathise with your situation, I wish I could tell you it gets better but it doesnt, the only way is out and I know thats not easy because Im still here. We’ve been together fourteen years and he was clean when I met him, I was 19, five children and several house moves later and Im stil dealing with the same stuff I was dealing with back then. Why do I stay? Well, the kids love him, he loves them and he has nothing or nobody because thats what addiction does to you even when its not you taking the drugs. Its lonely and selfish and grdy and dangerous. I hope your situation improves and that your boyfriend realises what hes likely to lose but dont hang around too long hoping this is going to happen because it is very unlikely and you’ll look back as Im doing and feel so sad at all the lost years. This is not your fault and never was. My Dad one told me you’ll never bring someone up to your standard they will only bring you down and its the truest thing Ive ever been told. With love rosie cheeks n if you ever need to talk to someone who understands just drop me a line x

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