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  • in reply to: Cocaine #22607

    I know how you are feeling. I have experienced both sides, I’m a former addict (opiates) and I now work with people who suffer with addiction. Make sure you catch him off guard with the test to ensure he can’t sabotage the test, you’d be surprised the lengths people go to try and get away with it by either using someone else’s (I’ve even tested someone and it turned out to be apple juice!) so we now have to supervise them.

    I’m sure you know all the things to look out for but dilated pupils, running nose, weight loss, mood swings, trouble sleeping, hyperactive and rambling just to name a few. It’s a horrible horrible drug.

    And most importantly reinforce your doing this because you care about him and how dangerous it is, he could overdose and the people who are supplying it to him are NOT his friends, they’re just after the money and cocaine is a very expensive drug and most of the time its mixed with all sorts to bulk up their supply.

    Here if you ever need to chat, Erin.

    in reply to: Cocaine #22606

    I know how you are feeling. I have experienced both sides, I’m a former addict (opiates) and I know work with people who suffer with addiction. Make sure you catch him off guard with the test to ensure he can’t sabotage the test, you’d be surprised the lengths people go to try and get away with it by either using someone else’s (I’ve even tested someone and it turned out to be apple juice!) so we now have to supervise them.

    I’m sure you know all the things to look out for but dilated pupils, running nose, weight loss, mood swings, trouble sleeping, hyperactive and rambling just to name a few. It’s a horrible horrible drug.

    And most importantly reinforce your doing this because you care about him and how dangerous it is, he could overdose and the people who are supplying it to him are NOT his friends, they’re just after the money and cocaine is a very expensive drug and most of the time its mixed with all sorts to bulk up their supply.

    Here if you ever need to chat, Erin.

    in reply to: Cocaine #22593

    Hi there,

    It depends how often and how much cocaine he has taken, if he has taken a lot over a long period of time there is a chance it would still show up but generally speaking cocaine can be detected in urine for up to 4 days after using.

    Saying that there are many factors to consider when doing a urine drug test that could effect the outcome.

    If he has been drinking alcohol while using it will stay in his system longer, other factors are the method in which he used it if he dabs it on his gums or snorts it it will remain in his system longer than if it was smoked or injected. Another main factor is his weight and metabolism, no malice intended, the larger the person is the longer the drug remains in their system.

    Hair follicle testing can detect a wide range of drugs and can tell you if the person has used within 90 days instead of 4 days but I understand urine tests are more readily available and the majority of the time they are just as accurate.

    I hope this helps and remember to look after your own well being.

    As much as we want to help our loved ones, they also have to want to change.

    You sound like your doing everything right so stay strong and I hope it works out for yous.


    in reply to: Cocaine #22592

    It depends how often and how much cocaine he has taken, if he has taken a lot over a long period of time there is a chance it would still show up but generally speaking cocaine can be detected in urine for up to 4 days after using.

    Saying that there are many factors to consider when doing a urine drug test that could effect the outcome.

    If he has been drinking alcohol while using it will stay in his system longer, other factors are the method in which he used it if he dabs it on his gums or snorts it it will remain in his system longer than if it was smoked or injected. Another main factor is his weight and metabolism, no malice intended, the larger the person is the longer the drug remains in their system.

    Hair follicle testing can detect a wide range of drugs and can tell you if the person has used within 90 days instead of 4 days but I understand urine tests are more readily available and the majority of the time they are just as accurate.

    I hope this helps and remember to look after your own well being.

    As much as we want to help our loved ones, they also have to want to change.

    You sound like your doing everything right so stay strong and I hope it works out for yous.


    in reply to: Cocaine #22590

    Apologies, I didn’t think my comment posted but it ended up sending twice!

    in reply to: Cocaine #22589

    Hair follicle tests are probably the most accurate and with quick results, they can detect drugs (amphetamine, methamphetamine, ecstasy, marijuana, cocaine, PCP and opiates such as codeine and morphine)

    A a urine drug screen can detect if you’ve used drugs in the last few days, a hair follicle drug test can detect drug use in the past 90 days.

    Hope this helps.

    in reply to: Cocaine #22588

    Hair follicle tests are probably the most accurate and with quick results, they can detect drugs (amphetamine, methamphetamine, ecstasy, marijuana, cocaine, PCP and opiates such as codeine and morphine)

    A a urine drug screen can detect if you’ve used drugs in the last few days, a hair follicle drug test can detect drug use in the past 90 days.

    Hope this helps.

    in reply to: Where to go now? #22579

    It is a difficult situation to be in when the person you love the most and has brought you so much happiness falls into this horrible situation.

    The most important thing to remember is, if she doesn’t recognise her behaviour as a problem then she won’t change. The hardest thing is watching the person you love head into a downward spiral but until they realise that the only person who can change their behaviour is themselves.

    Never put someone else’s mental health before your own, it sounds like your a great person and have done everything you can.

    Maybe if you sit down with her when shes sober and calmly explain that its not only effecting her but its taking a toll on you and maybe, just maybe she’ll realise what she has to lose and is it really worth the pain she’s causing to the person she loves.

    Many of people aren’t as lucky to have someone like you but it gets to a stage where its too much and if it did come to that it is important to remember that none of this is your fault, you have done everything you can.

    You have the best intentions but only she can make that change.

    Remember to look after your own mental health first and foremost and remember you’re not alone. People with loved ones and friends need support too.

    Wishing you well and stay strong.

    in reply to: Cocaine #22574

    Hi Daryl, I’m glad you reached out on this because whether you know it or not that is the first step and shows that you want help. I’m sure my addiction is incomparable to yours as I was addicted to opiates, I was spending ridiculous amounts of money and lost a lot of friends because the codeine came first. I didn’t see it as a problem at first and this went on for 8 years. It turned me into a horrible person.

    In all honesty it is not going to be easy but it is only temporary. You have to be realistic and not be too hard on yourself, my addiction service gave me “milestone tokens” which I would not advise because it made me feel 100 times worse when I relapsed and if you do relapse don’t beat yourself up about it, just pick yourself up and start again.

    Take less and ween yourself off slowly going cold turkey is a receipe for disaster.

    You CAN do it and you WILL get there eventually.

    Take care of yourself and I wish you the best of luck.

    Addiction of anyform can happen to ANYONE so never feel ashamed.

    Here to talk any time and will give the unfilterd truth (no textbook analogies!)

    Best of luck, take care and hope to hear how you’re getting on!


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