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  • in reply to: Not sure i can forgive anymore #27189

    You only get one life don’t let it be ruined any longer xx

    in reply to: Can I just say no? #26745

    Take one day at a time and even if you only sort one problem a day it’s a step forward

    You will go through a grieving process with many unanswered questions that seem so big now

    I can honestly say try and let it go because you will never get the truth and it will just stop you moving forward

    Do whatever you have to to get through and don’t

    Life is so very short do not waste another today

    Change is a good thing

    Don’t be frightened everything has a way of working itself out

    Be strong x

    in reply to: Just want to make sure I’m not alone out here #26703

    You are letting out all your despair

    Don’t spend the rest of your life in a guessing game

    in reply to: New here #26702

    You will heal

    There will be times of great sadness, tears and grief as you Let it all go and learn to live again

    learn to love life and yourself again


    I do hope that things are improving for you?

    in reply to: I’ve walked away #26629

    How are you doing ?

    in reply to: How to be yourself again when your Partners’s an addict #26114

    It’s a fight you will not win

    The drugs will win every time

    You will destroy yourself trying to save them and realise you are wasting your time and life on someone who is playing multiple games to keep their addiction alive

    Be strong and look after yourself x

    in reply to: How to be yourself again when your Partners’s an addict #26113

    My ex is still on the psych ward he asks continually for crack or a small wrap of heroin to smoke to take the edge off

    It’s who he became – who he was

    A crackhead

    Sounds horrible but it was part of his life for 20 years that’s a massive thing to leave behind

    It rewires the brain

    This was a man who had his own company a family and once a very bright future

    But if he was released the first thing he would do is score

    It’s taken a long year of grieving to reach a point where he no longer controls my emotions

    Having him out of my life is the best thing that ever happened to me

    He lied

    He manipulated

    He cheated (multiple times)

    He almost destroyed me

    This was the man who told me I was the love of his life

    You need distance and time to be free of them and move on

    in reply to: I’ve walked away #25835

    It’s co dependency and trauma attachment

    It’s so hard to separate from someone who you have given so much to and to realise they don’t appreciate it at all – you end up trying to prove yourself again and again

    Trying to validate it all

    I promise you that you will eventually Get to the other side

    Don’t beat yourself up you are exhausted and that makes everything seem so much worse

    Accept that you will feel absolutely broken and helpless and sad (maybe bordering Hysterical) beyond belief – that’s all a normal part of the grieving process – it is horrendous

    You don’t have to end things on a bad Note

    Honesty has been missing in the relationship but maybe now you have nothing to lose you can speak truthfully to get closure

    There is no right or wrong way to deal with it just so what you need to do

    Clarity will come with time and what is now so painful will pass

    Give yourself time x

    in reply to: I don’t know what to do… :( #25804


    in reply to: I’ve walked away #25783

    Forgive yourself and let go

    You have nothing to be ashamed of you have been honest and given love to someone who has abused it beyond all limits

    You feel broken because you are mentally and physically exhausted but day by day it will get easier

    Some days will feel just too hard (just do what you need to do to get through them) but they will fade as your self confidence and strength comes back

    Keep moving forward

    He will not change

    He will let you carry his weight without a care for your feelings as long as you let him

    There is life without him and you will look back and realise you are right it’s a relationship based on lies, manipulation with no truth

    Let yourself be free of it all and live again – not having to lie and cover up all the time feels so good

    You deserve to be happy

    And you will be once you get through this part which is horrendous the grief can be overwhelming and you feel it will never end and you will never get over it – but you will – eventually – just try to stay strong and not go back

    Being on your own is less lonely than being in a one sided relationship trying to work out what is lies or truth and left in limbo when they disappear for days up to all sorts and we are left worrying when they don’t give us a second thought

    You are not alone – there are so many of us going through the same awful torture because that’s what it is – and a good relationship is not that – it’s full of love trust and honesty and you don’t find that stuck in the past

    Don’t be afraid to tell your family the truth it will help draw a final line underneath it all

    It’s done and they want better for you and you telling them means there is no going back

    It will all pass and everything will change for the better

    You took the first step and walked away – now keep going


    in reply to: New life… old addiction. #25524

    Hello and I am so sad to see that you are still going through so much it breaks my heart

    I feel every word you are saying

    I know it’s not easy but I think sometimes we just have to let it go to set ourselves free

    Even though I did find out quite a lot I know there is so much more that I don’t know and I now realise I don’t want to know because it damages you it changes who you are

    It takes a long time to heal

    By staying angry you are still trapped in his manipulation it’s still all about him

    You will get past this

    He will not change but will let you take his weight a along as you let him and do not expect any thanks for your efforts – it will just get thrown back in your face and turned against you

    Having given so much to someone who says they love you but abuses your trust again and again – it destroys you

    You said a kick in the teeth – I think it’s more like a sledgehammer to your soul

    You will regain your strength and yourself

    Just take your time

    Remember an addict usually attaches themselves to a good person who is a strong anchor

    Let him go and let yourself live again


    I hope things are getting better for you?

    Today is the first time In months where I have felt really sad about the past and all that happened

    But it is that now the past

    All the promises we made to each other were based on lies he told and the person he manufactured himself to be

    it’s so hard to accept that your whole relationship was based on lies and how blind love can make you

    Anyway tomorrow is another day and will be a better one

    I don’t feel lonely or miss the chaos he created; just the man I thought he was – so I have to just remind myself that there is no time to waste on something that I never truly had


    You know what I realise

    It’s always about them and what they need and those who put so much into helping them get little recognition

    We are left broken

    What we must remember is we don’t have anything to prove

    You know the truth in your heart

    They will abuse you a along as you let them

    I wish you strength x


    I am so sorry you are in so much pain

    I hope you are putting some distance to him now

    I can tell you that he will never tell you the whole truth EVER

    They have two lives

    Almost like a personality disorder

    Which they probably do have as the brain chemistry becomes so altered

    I have found out things from other people and by using his phone when he was crashed out and he would still get really angry and tell me it wasn’t true

    People were just out to ruin our marriage making things up

    That is was only about the drugs

    There was no cheating

    He would never ever do that to me

    So my brain was in total conflict I knew deep down he was lying but I so wanted to believe him

    But there is no smoke without fire

    And because my ex is on a psych ward he sometimes thinks he is talking to someone else and the things I have learned; I did suspect but as you say they damage you because you can’t believe this is your partner who has been leading this disgusting double life

    I have even learned he has a secret child that was born just after his first daughter to a women he used to see behind then girlfriends back and they did crack and heroin together

    He also used the drugs with his girlfriend when she was pregnant

    Some morals ??

    The coke world is like another dimension everyone knows everyone

    Everyone’s best mates but scamming each other

    the dealers scamming the addicts the addicts scamming each other it’s a total world of chaos

    Coke heroin tramadol pregablin Valium Polydrug use to regulate their emotions and functioning

    Sexual favours in exchange for drugs

    Escorts – sex sites – internet hook ups –

    It’s all normal to them

    It’s just what happens

    And as part of that – secrets are kept – because all their main priority is getting hold of drugs and keeping that going and when you are off it you are disinhibited and don’t care

    The women/girls definitely offer BJ as a norm and they will have sex for drugs and cash

    Many of us keep the Fassade of their life going so they look respectable and functioning

    You have to step away to remember who you are and what your boundaries used to be – take out the drugs – you wouldn’t put up with any of it

    Reclaim your strength and yourself and live life truthfully and happily

    I would never have believed that my ex was the man I came to find they become master manipulators and their is no end or boundary to the lengths or depths they will go to

    They tell you what you want To hear

    Trust your intuition. – it is always right

    Forgive yourself and let it all go

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