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    The Love Over Addiction Podcast

    in reply to: Found out he’s an addict #24783

    The Love Over Addiction Podcast

    A free podcast for women who love someone that drinks too much or suffers from addiction.

    in reply to: Advice please!!! #24782

    Addicts tell you want you want to hear and produce a smokescreen to others to hide and enable their use

    They make you think your are mad and undermine any self esteem or confidence you have to keep you where they want you

    You begin to lie not only to yourself but to others to cover up what is going on so you are a co conspirator and part of the web

    Trust you instincts

    You are stronger than you realise and you will look back and know that

    It will take time but don’t panic you need to rebuild yourself it takes time and it takes a long time but give yourself a chance

    He will only get arrested if there is an incident and you call them and that will start the chain reaction of social services intervention

    Because he is using drugs FT and drinking all in the family home around your daughter

    They will definitely come to the house and investigate

    They may contact his employer

    They will possibly contact yours

    They will contact you GP to see what the level of risk is to your daughter and to yourself

    If you go down that avenue it will be recorded but he might not be charged and there will be that fallout to cope with

    He could also turn it round on you

    I would honestly advise you to take control of the situation by yourself and get you both into a better place

    Your employer should help to support you

    I often say out loud to myself when I am thinking about a situation I was in or how ill I was with stress and anxiety when my ex husbands crack addiction took over “Christ he nearly killed me” it stops me in my tracks

    I cannot believe how it dragged me down under the lies and deceit

    I was paralysed with grief

    I could sit for hours just staring into space reliving the nightmare of what was a happening trying to make sense of it

    I went out with a friend and her daughter on Friday I was telling them stories about what had happened when I say it out loud it’s sounds ridiculous now that I put up with any of it; they of-course are shocked, but it is now “the past” and we ended up laughing at the absolute absurdity of it all. It does make you realise how much of yourself you lose trying to save and protect them.

    Be strong believe in yourself

    You know he is not doing the right thing you don’t have to settle for this

    You can move on from this and you will grow beyond it and him to something better

    You are not abandoning him

    You can’t fix him

    He has to want to make that change himself

    He has pushed you to a point where you have realised it’s not enough and you and your daughter don’t deserve any more abuse

    Because that is what you are describing

    It’s not right xx


    How are things


    The Love Over Addiction Podcast

    A free podcast for women who love someone that drinks too much or suffers from addiction.

    These are really good x

    in reply to: Binge drinking boyfriend #24774

    Great pod casts that will help you figure out your situation and feelings

    in reply to: Advice please!!! #24773
    in reply to: Advice please!!! #24772

    Hard as it feels my advice would be to Walk away

    He has put the drink and drugs before both of you

    It won’t change

    Protect you and your daughter from anymore harm ,chaos and abuse.

    You can build a better life without feeling scared and broken down

    It may not feel like it now but you can make a Choice your Choice for something better

    A man should cherish what he has

    It’s not your fault

    Social services will record it and investigate the circumstances

    They probably won’t intervene Unless he is using drugs around her or there is an incident of direct violence or drug use with police intervention

    The fact that there is the possibility is enough reason

    Don’t put her through this let her life be free of it and any stigmas it might bring

    You say he doesn’t direct violence at your daughter but she is witnessing it and that will become more damaging

    I felt reading your post you were looking for reassurance that it’s not right; what is happening to you, and no it’s not on so many levels

    You are hiding what is really going on because you know it’s wrong

    You should be celebrating life and your daughter but at the moment you are under a lot of stress and pressure and that clouds our true judgements

    Your daughter will become your best friend – hold that protect that relationship it’s for life and the most precious thing you will ever have

    She will grow up respecting your strength because she already is and always will be the centre of your world

    Dig deep you are strong I can see that from your words

    in reply to: Husband is a crack addict #24702

    You have made the hardest decision and it will feel awful but you have totally made the best choice for you and your son; your sanity and your Future

    in reply to: My husband is addicted to cocaine #24676

    I can only tell you to trust your instincts and gut feelings they are always right

    in reply to: Can’t cope no more #24399

    You will have weak moments but once you have made the decision there will always be no real turning back

    in reply to: Mr charmer the man that destroyed my life #24394

    Karma – correct it repays

    And you deserve the biggest repayment of kindness and love

    Not much comfort for being on the receiving end of such betrayal I know but honestly you are so strong

    in reply to: Can’t cope no more #24391

    Honestly – it will go on a along as you let it – as long as you put up with the lies and deceit

    Don’t be scared of change – it certainly can’t get any worse and I promise You from experience – life will get better

    I miss my ex everyday and will always love the man I met, but he’s long gone and so far removed from the man I ended up with.

    He was destroying me and the kids and I couldn’t take anymore

    It was the best but hardest decision I have ever had to make

    in reply to: Partner in recovery #24371

    You are strong I can see that in your words and in time you will see everything in perspective

    It takes time and a long time to come to terms with the many betrayals on so many levels

    I thought I would never feel normal again but time and space are the healers

    in reply to: Heroin/cocaine, and now infidelity #24251

    Your instinct is your best friend and will try to tell you the truth

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