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  • in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #23110

    Hi all , Chris , light , chas ,

    Sorry for delayed replies , had a busy day again my son played hudini and disappeared from school . Im in a stressful way still no resolve with my ears or my head , im frightened things wont resolve . I know i was fine until i stopped all meds , not sure thou if there is a link . Day 11 for me still upset stomach lack of apetite , well i hope your all doing good ?? Xx

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #23076

    Hi chris ,

    Your doing well , your not cheating lovely your still going through the same things as me , im the stupid one . I hear you about mentally not managing . Im hoping mine lifts soon as i cant manage much more , feeling constantly in a bubble , …my son was fine in the end thank you xx

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #23067

    That is very true chas , i sneeze every now and then smell isnt to strong either atm but hoping it will pass ( not covid ) or related as had smell in hospital .. i think my problems are my racing thoughts and anxious mind .. x

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #23065

    Morning Chris

    Thankyou , yes everyday is a positive i am trying to hang onto those feelings .. i am sure this will all lift as soon as it came . Mind over matter . Like you i suffer anxiety not felt like this in a very long time thou tbf … the weather was really bad last night windy and very cold , today cold windy but no rain .. im just trying to sort bills out and house then awaiting return of my 3 stooges 10,17,24Hope your doing okay ??


    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #23064

    Hello chas i only took codeine 3 weeks , oxycodoyne 12 weeks and gabapentin 12 weeks due to hospitalusation at christmas , 8 weeks stay .. its the head fog and sounding muffled its driving me crazy and im not sure if this is part of withdrawls ,?? X True chas my body and mind went through hell i bust my pelvis saving a patient from falling , had sepsis then covid it certainly came in 3s … im in my last week of SSP back friday , think im anxious about that …

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #23061

    Morning All

    Day 9 and ive still got the head frog and anxiety , i just wish i was me again . Fingers crossed it lifts by day 10 .. Hope everyone else is feeling better today ? Ive had a rough start my son 10 asd refused to go to school had a meltdown .. police had to be called ..

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #23047

    Well done light , keep going forward … x

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #23046

    Good evening Chris

    Yes horrid cold day , hopefully when your back at work tomorrow youll not notice the mental aspect .. your doing amazing ,and you can do it !!! X chas thank you lovely , good to hear it all gets brighter … sometimes hard to see that .. xx

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #23029

    Afternoon Chris / Light .

    How are you both feeling today ? I hope youve both had a good sleep. Im getting there slowly i think day 8 … my stomache still giddy but appetite yesterday i ate like a pig whats thst all about …. ive still got head frog but trying to ignore it sometimes it works . X

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #23028

    Hi again chas,

    Did you have the head frog ? Muffled ears and nose . Sneezing , im glad your feeling more like yourself , Drs and friends have looked at me like im crazy when i say i just want to be me again … i dont think i will ever use codeine agsin paracetomol is going to be my route … oh no bless gerd is horrid , hope you find a good remedy ? X

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #23025

    Good morning Chas ,

    Well done you !! Did all your symptoms pass on day 7 and 8 ?? 5 years bless that must have been really tough for you to manage withdrawls , but youve done it .. and your continuing . Strenght . X

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #23019

    Light / chris ..

    That would be amazing if it is , As our brains have been through alot with the nerve blockers …. x

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #23013

    No chris im getting that too , one min on top of the world … im on citalopram everyday have been for years as GAD i take mine at bedtime , yes were all doing good and thats our goal wasnt it ?? So achievement of our physical and mental strenght … x

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #23010

    Your doing AMAZING !!! Xx

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #23009

    Oh chris sounds like were going through similar things , day 8 for me tomorrow .. 9 for you isnt it ?? No plans as weather here is raining cats n dogs . My kids keeping me occupied as a taxi , lol … mind you i like the sound of the rain ….well done both of you on this journey … x

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