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  • in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #23008

    Oh bless you , i hope you sleep better tonight , how are you feeling in yourself thou ? X

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #23002

    Hi Chris ,

    I slept great last night never woke up once till 9 am , was in bed by 11.30 .. i listened to some meditation music .my stomache still doing summersaults and im still freezing , then hot , then cold .That i can handle . My head frog is there but not as noticeable . How about you chris ?

    Hugs back xx

    Afternoon Light ,

    How are you today ? Good i hope ?

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #22998

    Afternoon Chris ,

    Its not wrong to want to protect the ones you love . So dont beat yourself up about that . You are quitting so your doing all the right things . I hope your symptoms are subsiding ?? Wouldnt know about sex drive been single 10 years , x

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #22991

    Im a single mum with 3 children here my youngest 11 just been diagnosed with ASD . I told mine what i was going through so they could comprehend my disgusting irritability and all my crying . Thats good you confided in your daughter .. absolutely a better day tomorrow xx

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #22988

    No thankfully i really dont know what id be like if i was on them long term … im glad i made the decision to stop … you may take longer light but they say its the strenght not the timing … not sure if true or not … my ex was a heroin addict ketamin meow etc £100 a pop … he told me roughly 7 to 10 days he was on them years .. 10 i think x

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #22987

    I love the list chris , lavender is so theraputic ive settled atm for Albas oil as i thought i had blocked sinuses or hayfever . Yorkshire tea is a must i only drink that and coffee .. lush are amazing the smells , window shopping yep sounds good too .I listen to reiki music and binaural beats … i havent had alot of muscle pain think im lucky !! Yes to nausea and fairground rides , dizzy too x

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #22986

    Yes random i agree ive been sneezing and yawning too , i feel drained mentally and physically . Hoping we all have a better tomorrow x

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #22982

    Aww bless you chris oh most definitely head frog !! Did you say you were suffering same things ?? And tapering is just as hard lovely , your doing well . Everyday a step closer … youve got strenght ,look at what youve achieved . X

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #22981

    I never would of honestly connected those symptoms … so your head fog started to lift and smell ?? .. sorry im having bit of meltdown here as im struggling to sort my head out .. i was only on codeine 3 weeks , And oxycodone 3 months and gabapentin 3 months aswell as 3 months of antibiotics intro and oral .. x

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #22977

    Hi Light ,

    Thank you for replying . How bizzare i never thought ear stuffiness , and loss of smell would be associated to withdrawls .I too thought hayfever ..

    How long did yours linger ??? Day 7 x

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #22974

    Hi chris ,

    Bless you ! I honestly feel your pain . Im on day 6 presumably i still have the foggy head and loss of smell , well restricted smell .. yet i can taste . Im hoping tomorrow day 7 maybe one hell of alot better and im me , not in a fishbowl .your choice of drink is a very good one , and eating is good too i can only manage a few miuthfuls of food .. You stay strong too x

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #22972

    Hello light , well done you for managing to quit . Yes me too if hospital told me of all the withdrawl symptoms id never have taken them either . Light did you get stuffy ears and loss of smell a little ?? X

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #22967

    Hi Chris ,

    Thank you for reply and thinking about my wellbeing on this hellish journey ( but better than being on opiates ) yes i do listen to meditation music but my stupid brain wont allow itself to be calm and heal … i know we can use the brain to heal . Mind over matter they say isnt it !@ i cant bath due to my leg not being able to get high enough as ligaments and muscles still sore . I like the ideas , Im pleased to hear your journeys going well . Well done you !! No its not covid i do regular 15 min tests in fact 5 lol all clear and ive had one jab .. i nearly lost my life to covid in dec .. Thankyou im hoping and praying it gets better , x you too

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #22961

    Hi guys , ive been really low today and struggled with my mental health , funny as yesterday i was on top of the world , today im crying, my ears feel stuffy and muffled , my nose loses smell then comes back my head is so congested and i dont know why ive got myself scared . Im hoping that someone says this will pass im on day 7 and im glad i done it but mentally im not myself . Im pleased you guys are doing well everyday is a positive step forward . Much love

    in reply to: Day 2 – Taper #22934

    Afternoon chris ,

    Bless you and the workload . Today has been a funny one , not alltigether sure of what my bodies doing lol i dont feel bad just tired and yawning still , hopefully tomorrow will be a brand new breath of fresh air as day 7 . ????

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