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I would just like to share from the other side of the coin. Addiction is a horrible and nasty situation but hand on heart no one can help an addict with support. The only way an addict can be helped is by hitting rock bottom and then falling again. An addict believes they want help when they dont have it but as soon as they get it that thought goes out the window. They will say what ever it takes to get money and next fix. It’s really sad to say but all you can do is walk away and tell them once they have got help then you will start rebuilding with them but until that help has been sort by them theres nothing you can do. You can certainly make appointments are your GP and substance misuse place and attend with them but you can’t believe the “1 more fix and I’ll get help” story
exaddictParticipantWhen I was a little girl I had so many dreams,
I’d become a vet with a nice house, car and I’d be free,
My husband would be successful and 2 children we would have,
But sadly life had other plans,
For I met heroin at just 15, it was amazing and made me feel I could breath,
I was cool and had my own money,
Life was amazing when I had my honey,
Then one day I had made plans, instead of meeting with him I was going to see my pals,
Heroin was not happy and he would make me pay,
How dare I go without him even if it was for 1 day?
He made me ill he made me sick he make me pray for just 1 hit,
So I gave in, I begged and I pleaded just 1 more hit is what I needed.
Where did this come from? I wasn’t an addict, how come this be? Why do I feel this way when I dont have it?
From then on my life was a mess.
I would walk for hours trying to find him, stealing, lying and cheating just to feed my habit.
All I could think about was where my next fix was coming from,
I remember the days I would want to die, I didnt want this life I just wanted to fly,
At least if I was gone my family could then move on.
Then one day God looked down and he answered my prayers,
But before he brought me home he agreed to give me a final scare.
I woke up in hospital and I was free, you see theyd medicated me.
They told me no more would I need to beg,
For they would simply give me some meds,
They would help me break my habit, my addiction no more would I need to carry,
I should have been over the moon but I was scared.
I didn’t know what to do.
I loved heroin and when he was around I knew he loved me, it was just hard for him to be found.
But then I realised it just wasn’t meant to be.
I took each day as it came, I would take my meds without delay.
It was hard to let go and I felt so alone.
Before I knew it my life had moved on, no more thinking of what had gone on.
I was free and able to fly,
My prayers had been answered and I didn’t need a line.
Now I’m back on my lifes path,
Following my dreams and I know it sounds daft.
So many still trapped and feel your alone.
But your not, we each have a home.
Theres help out there you just need to ask,
Once your ready to leave him, it will be a bloody hard task,
But life is waiting for you as it was me,
Today is the day, just ask and you will see.