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  • in reply to: accepting my son has a problem #8051

    Hi It’s soul destroying this kind of life!! I know exactly how you’re feeling.. I have done all that over the years put him out and then had to ask him back because Ive been out of my mind with worry, its such a vicious circle. Have you got anyone to support you? I hope so x I tell debt collectors and the likes my son doesnt live here anymore and I dont have a forwarding address as my relationship with him has broke down. Could you talk to your doctor? They normally say there are no magic pills for us heartbroken mum’s but it might be worth a visit take care, you’re not on your own fiona xx

    in reply to: Am I losing my son? #8048

    Hi Patrica, I share your life, its the mirror image of my own.. my sons coming up 30 in April and its been all about drugs since his teens.. He is a heroin/crack cocaine addict now.. homeless, I had to turn him out for my own sanity 🙁 I’ve told my son to only contact me now when he serious about getting clean ( again) you can Email me on and maybe we can help each other
    out, I feel ive wore my friends and family out, they care but are at a loss as to what to say anymore..
    stay strong fiona xx

    in reply to: It’s only me again :( #8045

    Thank you Sue : ) I will be going to see one of the counsellors myself on Tuesday, will be better if James turns up and comes with me but cant really see that happening at present. If it wasn’t so serious it would be bloody laughable the way they switch it that we are the selfish uncaring people.. God what does that shit do to your brain at tall !!!! Have a nice wk/end Sue, chin-up we live to fight another day : ) xxx

    in reply to: A concerned Daughter #8033

    you shouldnt have to live like that hun, I cant give you professional advice sweetheart but as a mother of a heroin/crack addict I know where your coming from, its so bloody hard!! you sound like a good kid at uni and that, so to keep your future looking bright focus on yourself hun, can you talk to anyone at uni? a councellor or the likes? I hope so.. never leave yourself without food again, it will only go to some scummy dealer : ( your in my thoughts and I hope your mum does the right thing by you take care fiona xx

    in reply to: whats next !! #8032

    Hi Sue, hope your ok hun, my son called round yesterday, not seen him for a month or so, same clothes on, hair like a scare crow and basically looked like a tramp.. he just doesnt seem to care.. I ask him straight out ” do you want to die” he said he doesnt care weather he lives or dies, he just doesnt like hurting me and his nana.. how sad! He wants to do another cold turkey in his bedroom but the stress he has caused me on other attempts is making me very wary.. I know he is to far gone to do it that way, but doesnt stop him trying to convince me he can.. Oh Sue I wish i could wave a magic wand and make it all better for all of us, I really do xx

    in reply to: Kat #8030

    Kat I wish I could help you love, but like so many on here Im also in the depths of despair with my son, heroin/crack addict.. I can only say your not on your own.. I can not even begin to imagine the heartbreak you have been through losing one son already, go to your doctors Kat, I know there’s no magic pills but someone somewhere needs to HELP YOU !!!! take care xxx

    in reply to: Worn out! #8029

    Your right there worn down mum, no-one can really help, I think we all secretly hope someone, somewhere will say do this, go there 🙁 and all will be well again… Its help me to vent on here cause friends and family eventually tire of me ( not to be hurtful to me) but to try and make me focus on something else..myself mostly !! I can for a while, then the horror’s rise with in me again.. It is a very sad state of affairs when they have to put there self in prison, but I can’t even wish for that because that’s where my son’s heroin addiction started.. I hope your lad gets him self sorted this time, take care fiona x

    in reply to: cant take much more!! #8025

    Thinking of you Sue, wish I could say or do something to help you.. don’t be scared your not losing your mind, your just feeling every emotion a loving mother feels when her child is in danger… xxx

    in reply to: so sad #8014

    Aw Sue, so sorry to hear this, Jesus christ when will they stop!!! You must be out of your mind with worry, 17yrs of hell, I really think if there new the pain us mum’s feel that would stop, they can’t that drug takes all there feelings away..It is not your fault!!! nor is it mine but I know where you’re coming from sending you a big cyber hug take care of your self fiona xxx

    in reply to: Hubby #8004

    Just want to wish you and your family all the best for the future hun, you’re some woman to have stayed through all that, hope he stay’s on the straight for the sake of your little boys, so they can be proud of there Daddy : ) take my hat off to you, can’t of been easy, be happy Fee xx

    in reply to: I cant forget the past #8001


    in reply to: I cant forget the past #8000

    Is it the past hun? are are you still living this nightmare? x

    in reply to: My sons cannabis addiction is similar to a heroin addict #7987

    Hi Emma, hope you’re bearing up love, it’s so hard whatever the drug is, its robbed you of your child, like Sue above, my son started on weed at 15yrs, thou I didnt like it, I also thought it’s just a phase and he will grow out of it.. He is now a heroin and crack cocaine addict. I use to hear people say cannabis can lead to harder drug’s I did’nt agree, I was wrong where my son is.. try not blame yourself, we all do, but deep down we know it’s out of our control and that alone is scary.. take care Fiona xx

    in reply to: My son !!! #7982

    Hey first of all don’t apoligize, your not rambling these are your thoughts and thank you so much for your comments… Im finding this site pretty helpful for me, because in every day life when i mention (James) my son, I feel as if people think “oh god not again” there tired of hearing about him.. it’s gone on to long, he has brought it on himself, forget about him. you’ve tried your best!! If only it was that easy hey frantic mum? your ailas name say’s it all 🙁 He is my only child/ man, the apple of my eye.. and I love him… It’s heroin and crack cocaine I HATE!!! thank you from the bottom of my heart for including us in your prayers.. I will do the same, let’s hope he hears us : ) xx

    in reply to: HOPE !!!!!!! #7980

    Aw bless you, no we had a big fall out and he went to ground, I chose not to go banging on door’s looking for him as I normally would do, get’s a bit embarassing after all he is nearly 30 yrs old now.. He doe’snt want help again yet, so i will wait in vain for him to decide when he has had enough again!! Hope your son is doing well, alcohol in my eye’s is just as dangerous to some people as class A drug’s..thought’s are with you both xx

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