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  • in reply to: Beverley saved my life #7979

    Just like to say “well done” and wish you all the best for the future!!!

    in reply to: Hate is a very strong WORD!!!!! #7952

    thank you, yes it help’s a lot knowing Im not alone. It was still really raw when I shared that story, I felt terrible for even thinking I hate him, but coming on here shown me its a natural reaction to the pain your feeling, we all crave peace, its so hard to come by with an addict in the family.. I still havent seen my son from that day till this, but Im not at peace..I hope your daughter gets well. sending you a hug xxx

    in reply to: TOUGH LOVE!!! #7951

    It’s so hard Maria, to watch someone you love completley destroy themselve’s and you can do Jack s**t to stop it.. I ve still not seen my son, but I have heard he is around about.. This time of the year is more upsetting, Im just putting on a brave face for the sake of others, god bless to you and your mum xxx

    in reply to: what should i do #7944

    Stay strong Vonnie, It’s devastating when you first find out, talk about your world caving in.. If you have a good relationship with your son, keep talking to him, find out what help is available in your area, through your doctor’s maybe.. I buried my head in the sand about my son’s addiction, I regret not coming down harder on him in the early days and 4 yrs on he is a heroin and crack cocaine addict, totally off his head and has made my life hell for to long.. have’nt seen him for a month now, I had to get the police to him at 6am he was smashing my house up, 1st time ever i’ve called the police felt gulity as hell, but I could’nt take anymore.. I am still raw to the thing’s he was saying but that was’nt my son ” it was a monster” stay strong, don’t allow yourself to be deluded, be one step a head of him but most of all look after yourself xxx

    in reply to: Advice please!! #7932

    Call a helpline SN, load’s of numbers on these site’s.. You will have one that cover’s your area!! What doe’s your son tell you? what drug/drug’s is he taking? You can never tell if they are telling the truth, to either just get money out of you or they are really in danger, Hope you get help fast whilst your son is still young xxx

    in reply to: My son #7929

    Going to checkout your blog Amanda, like you my son will smash everything in sight, He started dabbling in drug’s from 15yrs weed worked his way up to heroin and crack cocaine now.. He got a 6yr sentence when he was 19yrs assaulted someone whilst high on cocaine, He done 4yrs but little did I know he had been taking heroin all the year’s he was in prison, that’s where the real habit started.. thinking of all you Mother’s out there and me, stay strong some of us are given a heavy cross to carry xxx

    in reply to: ROSELEA #7928

    Well I have done the exact same thing Roselea, my son is 29yrs no children (thank god) can’t look after himself!! He has abused me that much and said the most horrible thing’s recently I really don’t think any amount of sorrie’s from him this time are going to work, like you I have been everywhere with him..For my own sanity I am going to have to keep him away from me… My heart goe’s out to you and his children, and I really hope this nightmare stop’s for you god bless xxx

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