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  • in reply to: So here goes… #10198

    Thanks for your support. I spoke to him. He swears blind nothing is his. I basically found a bottom of a can that has been used to cook crack in. He has denied its his. Says its his mates. They are always leaving stuff in his car. He must have picked it up or it dropped in his bag. Or his mate put it in there. Either way denies it his, he has mates that do it and he has more about him to ever smoke it. I should have more faith in him and not accuse him. Etc etc. I just said that I wont accept crack as a part of my life. Im worried about him. I love him. I cant believe what he says though can I really. Its just ridiculous. But what can I do?

    in reply to: So here goes… #10196

    Good to see we are not alone but what I can see is that we are all trying to deal with this issue and suffer the anxiety from it when we really shouldnt. Being with them is a choice. We dont have to be with them. On the other hand. He is love of my life and its like he is 2 different people

    Ones loving ,attentive, protective and just what you want for in a man. Makes you feel safe. But then the other side can drop me so quickly when hes on his missions with these so called mates and thats it. He will be gone and I’m left waiting. Then thats the same side that says “you make me lie to you because of how you are with me” and remember defense is always the best line of attack so no matter what you come at him with and im sure he has a reason to act that way due to something you have done. I’m asking mine again to be honest with me today as I have found items again which he cant blame on a mate. I just want the truth so I can react. I doubt I will get it as he knows its shameful and that means admitting it to himself as well.

    I read something earlier about a woman whos partner was an addict and the advice she got was likening it someone walking a dog on a flexi lead. So the dog is right at the end of the lead and hes running away and not coming back. The woman kept calling the dog back and walking after it. Nothing. She started running after it and the dog just kept going. The point is if you stop following the dog hes going to stop at some point and look around and realise hes all alone. You keep following and he wont.

    in reply to: My partners a drug addict. #10184

    I was looking for help for dealing with my partner and ive just read your post. My partner done this as well. I noticed he had installed snapchat and kik on his phone. I confronted him and he lied to me. Saying it was for contact with mates. I said people only really use that stuff for untraceable sexual content. He of course denied this until I caught him out. He left his email account logged into my pc and there i saw it all. He had been contacting people using kik abd snapchat. For pics.videos. thing is he had asked location as well. Why ask location if there was never an intention to meet up? He was doing huge amounts of coke at this time.Going missing for days hanging out with some new mate of his and staying there. How will I ever know if he met them or not. I have decided to give him the benefit of the doubt after he broke down when i said we were finished. He a blamed it on the coke.Saying it messed with his mind. He been amazing since.This was 5 months ago. But now ive found crack paraphenalia in my bin and so we move onto the next problem as we all know theres always something.Some drama.Some new way to self sabotage whats good to further their own feeling of unworthiness. So now I have to decide. Is it his or was it his mates and he knew nothing about it. I know what i would prefer to believe. Love is blind though isnt it.

    in reply to: So here goes… #10183

    Hi Bella, I’m not sure I can help with your question. I’m quite lost myself at min. I think my partner is on a similar path to yours but I cant prove the crack use. Ive found some items but he blamed them on a mate. He does coke tho and drinks.goes missing.Can I ask how you discoveres your partner was smoking crack?

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