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  • in reply to: Boyfriend addicted to Cocaine #17527

    Mine actually has changed! Hes now five weeks clean. Two weeks into his recovery he left me. Literally got up and left took all his stuff. No arguments no chance for me to make anything better. The reason given is that im too controlling and I dont trust him… of course the 6 months of lies, manipulative behaviour, him stealing from me could have something to do with that. Im genuinely heartbroken because we went through so much together and I worked so hard to try and get him clean.. only for him to leave me as soon as he did.

    Genuinely if you keep giving chances maybe he could see the light and change but the problem is… once they stop it brings to the surface all of the emotions that they have been trying to bottle up and calm with the drug taking.. so its not necessarily any easier to be with someone who has gone clean than a user at least in my experience. Either way always here to listen

    Good luck darling

    in reply to: Boyfriend addicted to Cocaine #17336

    Ive been through the manipulation, that its all my fault, that im imagining things. That im crazy and that I need to see a psychologist. Thats what makes me say that you sound as if you have got out at a good time because you need to take into account that it can get much worse. The offers to change or home tests etc usually only last until they use again and again you are trying to control or manipulate them. I think you should take time for yourself and think about whether you really want to carry on as you have been so far as there is no guarantee anything will change for the better.

    in reply to: Boyfriend addicted to Cocaine #17327

    Genuinely if youve moved out its probably a really good thing. Though its heartbreaking honestly its better at this stage befote you start losing a grip on reality. It sounds like you are doing a really good job of thinking rationally which is amazing. Him “getting worse” because you have left is a lie that he will either tell you or you will tell yourself because he was doing this long before you came into his life and he was doing it during your “happiest” moments together. So dont be manipulated into trying to rescue him. Initially my boyfriend told me he didnt need professional help, that if I would just help him then he would be able to recover but it was a huge mistake because all of the pressure I took onto myself and every time he used and lied it became a personal faliure. You sound like a very strong person and you deserve the best in life. Think carefully about what you want long term and how you feel you will be able to cope if the situation was the same in 6 months or a year.


    in reply to: Boyfriend addicted to Cocaine #17311

    Im sorry for what you are going through. I have a similar story. I cant really offer much advice and im a few months down the line from you in that I found out in February. I heard all the promises to change and denial of needing professional help. Hes now (june) finally attending a rehab programme but the damage that was done to our relationship through all the months of lies betrayals and blowup arguments over the drugs has completely broken our relationship and hes actually left me.

    So just be careful, now that you know you are in a strong position to be able to walk away if necessary. I know i had rose tinted glasses on when I fiest found out as I assumed ah him telling me is his cry for help and a sign he really wants to change but I couldnt have been more wrong.

    Be careful, look after yourself first.

    Sending you big hugs

    in reply to: Payday hit? #16739

    Im so sorry!! I completely understand the feeling of being so angry you want to scream and dont want to be in the same room. Im also so sick and tired of the waiting for him to come home and apologise. It gets harder and harder to swallow your anger each time. Youve genuinely summarised how I feel so well.

    Today everything is great but only two nights ago I was sat here crying after I realised hed stolen 50 from my handbag to go and buy cocaine. Now is the calm apologetic time. Everything will be fine until its not again. Im here trying to solve all his problems again and paying for everything until his payday comes.. and hence the dread because I genuinely need him to pay me back what he owes me (usually 500 by the end of every month) in order to survive.

    Im really sorry. Sending you a big hug.

    I wish I could make it better for you but always here if you need someone to listen. Xx

    in reply to: Payday hit? #16707

    Yes absolutely. I dread the end of the month as I know whats coming on payday. Sorry to hear you are experiencing the same.

    in reply to: When the addict leaves #16412

    Likewise… im here anytime you need. Currently in a really lovely moment wherr hes showing me who he used to be, one week clean but I know what will happen at the end if the month once he gets paid. Its the calm before the storm because his parents have thrown him out (he went there to binge 3 weeks ago and they have now had enough) and I will also ask him to leave if the same thing happens. Its such a surreal situation with the lockdown… he cant work so i have him in front of me 24/7. There is no chance for him to lie and things are great… but I know I have accept that this isnt sustainable long term eventually he will be out of my sight and ill be a paranoid wreck again driving myself over the edge because of the lies only to be told im crazy and imagining things.

    Theres no shame in talking about what you are going through, you are very brave in opening up. Dont bottle it up xxxx

    in reply to: When the addict leaves #16409

    Thanks so much Hox!

    MusicMimi Im really sorry to hear about what you are going through and I can totally relate about the lack of empathy. Its difficult to understand how someone can keep doing harm keep lying keep hurting and causing pain but still feels as if they are the victim. Its as if they are completely blind to the pain and destruction they cause. Im really sorry you ended up having a breakdown. We cant rely on others to be kind to us or have empathy sadly, we have to show ourselves the kindness and care we shower on others. Its not fair and it shouldnt be that way but it is. Sending hugs x

    in reply to: When the addict leaves #16399

    Thank you so much for your response. I really appreciate it… as you know its a lonely place to be. For now hes back and doing very well but I know it will only last until payday…

    Im sorry for what you have been through with your husband too. Theres nothing that can prepare you for this!

    Anyway I just wanted to say thanks again for your words it means a lot that you went to the effort of responding. Thank you xxxxxxxx

    in reply to: Can’t cope anymore…… #16329

    Reading your post and its a scarily accurate description of how my partner behaves. You are not alone in this though it feels that way and you are not a bad mum. Sending you hugs.

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