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  • in reply to: Any one with a coke problem? #10778

    You are wrong, speak to any addiction counsellor/professional – if the use continues EVEN if its monthly, weekly or whatever, despite knowing it is causing or exacerbating physical or psychological problems it is an ADDICTION as you cant not do it, even if its ruining your life. You dont have to be doing it daily to be classed as an addict, there are all different types.

    in reply to: Does cocaine make you more likely to be unfaithful? #10777

    Cocaine does make you horny apparently but ive also read that they release the urge of addiciton with porn/gambling etc, its so odd. I dont think it would make you more likely to cheat, but I know it doesnt make you think right and that it makes you selfish as hell as you know. Him saying other women are attractive etc is deceitful in itself to be honest as he is planting the seed.

    I feel for you, so much. I have read your other posts, its horrendous. xx

    in reply to: my partner left #10723

    If you go to the doctors, theyll refer you to support groups. You need to want this, you wont overcome this until you truly want this.

    It sounds harsh but its true, addiction kills.. the sooner you get help the better, its the saddest disease, I feel for you truly.

    Do all you can to get help and support, theres lots of it out there, youll find it if you want it that bad.

    in reply to: my partner left #10721

    You need to seek help and go into rehab ASAP, or you’ll die from this disease. Do not do this to your family, seek help.. you can overcome this.

    I wish you all the best, sending you love and strength.

    in reply to: My husband and cocaine #10719

    how sad, its like the person you love and know dies but theyre still there alive just a different person. My bf is only doing it once a month self medicating for his anxiety but I am worried itll get to this point, he is getting help, but I am struggling to deal with the relapses and stuff I get so angry, my life is on hold until he sorts this, I cannot start a family with him, I dont want to be pregnant going through this.

    Sending you lots of love and strength B8988.

    hoping to god mine gets over this stage, sometimes i wonder what on earth ive done to deserve this.


    in reply to: My husband and cocaine #10717

    Bless you, thats so horrendous. Thats my worst nightmare you know, being pregnant and feeling the way I do at the moment.

    You are right, it makes them so so selfish, I have cried my heart out and said I am leaving and hes snuck out the front and sniffed cocaine again, that comes first.

    Mine knows he needs help and hes getting it, at the moment he does it about once a month so is in ‘recovery’ I suppose, as before he was drinking like 5 days a week and probs doing cocaine as well, not that he’ll admit it.

    mine relapsed on Wednesday, he went mad last night in rage and threw our wheelie bin across the garden – this is what drugs/alcohol do to him the days after, his mental health is massively affected, he cries and hates it, I am so so done with crying.

    He is so determined but I have heard it so many times before. Counselling starts Monday. I cant cope with the anxiety I am living with daily.

    B8988 – how did you stop getting so angry when your husband does it? when mine relapses I get SO angry, I dont blame you for throwing a glass to be honest.

    Cocaine brain makes them so so selfish, like no feelings – what a vile disgusting horrible drug, I have prayed and asked god to help, and ive never been religious even. I am so done with it all its bringing me down.

    I wanted to start a family with him, i am still young but thats not possible right now.. I dont want to go through this forever.

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #10716

    Oh god its awful isnt it? we all laugh about it but humans really are so weird. This made me smile this morning reading this. As mine relapsed on Wednesday his mental health is horrendous, he went mad last night in rage and threw our wheelie bin across the garden šŸ™‚ this is what drugs/alcohol do to him the days after, he cries and hates it, I am so so done with crying. He is so determined but I have heard it so many times before. Counselling starts Monday. I cant cope with the anxiety. He works from home on Fridays too which gives him a free rein so makes me feel worse, you cant get away from the stuff its everywhere, I wont be a hypocrite as I did it the odd weekend occasionally but I dont get the big deal, I hate the stuff it made me feel paranoid – although its hard as i havent ever been addicted to nothing, not even a fag.

    Its so hard to try and understand, it is a disease, youre right, but it drags everyone around you down.

    in reply to: My last chance with coke or i lose my family. #10715

    Oh god its awful isnt it? we all laugh about it but humans really are so weird. This made me smile this morning reading this. As mine relapsed on Wednesday his mental health is horrendous, he went mad last night in rage and threw our wheelie bin across the garden šŸ™‚ this is what drugs/alcohol do to him the days after, he cries and hates it, I am so so done with crying. He is so determined but I have heard it so many times before. Counselling starts Monday. I cant cope with the anxiety. He works from home on Fridays too which gives him a free rein so makes me feel worse, you cant get away from the stuff its everywhere, I wont be a hypocrite as I did it the odd weekend occasionally but I dont get the big deal, I hate the stuff it made me feel paranoid – although its hard as i havent ever been addicted to nothing, not even a fag.

    Its so hard to try and understand, it is a disease, youre right, but it drags everyone around you down.

    in reply to: Any one with a coke problem? #10691

    ha the way you speak half made me smile today, thank you for all your advice, i really wish you the best… he is paying, he wants to pay, he cried he wants help. Its such a terrible thing addiction. Going to make him download that app you said about. its all about removing himself from those type of environments I guess and get the therapy for his anxiety

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #10688

    thank you so much, I will tell him to watch her videos. It is hard isnt it, I want to support him. I cant leave him, he cant help it. It is hard though as I am suffering because of it – its definitely anxiety relapses that causes it for him. Does sound similar to what youre doing, glad I have your advice, the hardest thing is, he drank last night and didnt do no coke, then got home and snuck out the front and did it even know he knew how upset I was.. hes so selfish when he drinks or sniffs coke, its heartbreaking

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #10685

    I agree I do need to go out and do these things but I worry what he’ll do if I am not around.

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #10684

    he does this once a month ish – he went to the pub from work last night, which is a no go, he hasnt done that in months, he called me after an hour crying saying hes done it again. All his friends do it casually. He has never been a drug taker, he finally admitted he had a problem last night, he said its like when its there and offered to him its an angel devil situation and the temptation is too much, alcohol is a no go when youre an addict, it lets barriers down.. I cant leave him, not like this. Seeing him broken, crying, a strong man.. I feel so sad for him and me as its putting me through hell.

    in reply to: Any one with a coke problem? #10683

    Yeah he used to do that, so was surrounded all the time. He is surrounded by absolute idiots, it seems to be when his anxiety spikes he looks for a release.

    He relapsed last night, its so odd my gut was telling me all day yesterday, hence me writing on here. He took himself to the pub and drank, then called me to admit it, then his friend come to ours to ‘get a tool’ and he went out come back and i KNEW he had sniffed cocaine. Why did he do that? after being so sorry about drinking again? he then went outside and sniffed cocaine?

    Were from the South, near Kent.

    Yes 26, no no kids, but live together.. I wanted to settle down now and how can i possibly? he said he wants to start a family to give him purpose again – he has 2 kids he doesnt get to see, its sad really.

    He is seeing a therapist tonight, he does want this so much but it keeps getting him. Do you have anxiety? He does need to delete every twat out of his phone youre right.

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #10670

    My husband relapsed tonight, 2 weeks in. Iā€™m devastated.

    in reply to: Any one with a coke problem? #10664

    hes gone from drinking only, to cocaine only – its like a stimulant addiction. He cant not go without it. Hes definitely a bit in-denial, we are week 3 in and my anxiety is awful, he does stay in and dont actually go out out anymore but he pops out and he will bump into someone who will offer it to him and thats it, he cant say no.

    Last time, he sniffed a couple of lines while I was at work someone offered it to him, and he came home and had an awful comedown and blamed me for making him feel worse for shouting at him, then his mental health is fucked, he cries etc and i am expected to cuddle him when I need supporting!

    I am still young, starting my adult life.. do i really want this, thats the thing. I cant see no end!

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