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  • in reply to: Am i expecting too much? #20123

    Thank you for your message. It is really helpful to see it from the other side. My boyfriend was drinking everyday from the moment he woke up. I didn’t know the extent of his drinking until I moved in. We then spoke about it and he admitted he had been doing this for over 10 years to “function”. He wasn’t getting drunk or going on benders he was just having enough alcohol in his system throughout the day to get by. I couldn’t cope with the thought of him drinking when he woke up and he also got sacked for drinking at work. So I said to him if he doesn’t do something about it I would have to leave him as it was affecting me. He went to his GP and got tablets for 7 days to help with the withdrawal symptoms. He did 6 weeks off the beer then re introduced it back in at a healthier level. But there have been times I have caught him drinking in the morning at weekend and i can see him on countdown sometimes to a time it’s classed as “acceptable” to have a drink. He no longer drinks before or during work and he is probably drinking half of what he used to. We don’t really argue about it and I do try and leave him to work it out for himself but if I see him going back to old habits like hiding drink or noticing a can has been drank in the morning at weekend I will bring it up to him. I have said to him I don’t mind him drinking and I don’t want to police him. But all I ask is that he doesn’t drink in the day so it doesn’t affect his work and try and have 2/3 days off most weeks to give his body a break. Other than that I leave him alone. Would you say that is fair or unreasonable?

    in reply to: Does it get better… #20119

    How much is he drinking? I told my boyfriend I would have to leave him if he didn’t do anything about his drinking as it was affecting my life. So he went to his GP and got some tablets to help with the withdrawal symptoms. We are in a better place now but there’s still a long way to go. I think if it’s taking over your life / thoughts then you have done the right thing in leaving and sometimes things like being arrested or a partner leaving is the wake up call they need.

    in reply to: Does it get better… #20110

    I am the same. My boyfriend drinks as a coping mechanism. It’s a strange one as we have a good relationship but I’m aware he is probably thinking about beer a hell of a lot more than me. My boyfriend had been drinking all day every day for over ten years. When I found out the truth of his problem I was already living with him. Some of my friends know but it’s hard when they don’t really understand what it’s like to love someone with an addiction.

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