I really do feel for you , I agree with above report him missing for sure , he might even get some help when found ,, directed to services etc , he’s vulnerable so state that on the phone when reporting him as missing I can’t imagine how worrying it is for you and how hard it is to keep going with three kids to look after too .. you’re priority is you and your children and you have to look after all your needs first . Does he have family that you could talk to ? Crack cocaine isn’t particularly physically addictive so it wouldn’t take long for him to be clean from it and he could do that without help but the mental support is definitely what he needs to deal with whats at the root of his addiction . And he needs to be fully commited to over coming it to engage with that . Look after yourself and your children first and get some real support in place . A lot of drug support places locally do have support for family members and it might help to talk to someone face to face x