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  • in reply to: Boyfriend smokes weed/cannabis #16429

    Evening Fatherof3

    Thank you for taking the time to get back to me on this matter. His told me his smoking the dry leafs~would this be hash?? He said it has a weaker strength to the other cannabis he was using before.

    I must admit I am quite naive to this world of drugs. I’ve never moved in circles of friends who use any and It was drummed I to me from a very young age to never do them, thankfully I’ve stuck to that.

    He tried to stop about 4 weeks ago and started to say about stomach cramps~he linked this to not smoking it and trying to get it out his system. As for the sleepless nights, his said it helps him get off to sleep~but wonders if it is all psychological.

    I’ve told him to go cold turkey but his refused saying you can’t do that on weed~I don’t know if that is just an excuse to bid him more time or the truth??? He has to do it gradually??

    Do you mind me asking how you managed to stop?? Did you have side effects??

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