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  • in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17466

    Girls we are not alone! I found this forum accidentally last night. I went through exact all the same…can you believe it! Every word, every situation, every story – kel 1 , louise, every each if you have told IT’S GOD DAMN MINE STORY TOO. Girls I will be very Frank now, after I left him 6 month ago I was agonising, I had physical symptoms of pain in my heart. The words he ever told about me were spinning in my head and making me mad, crazy. I had anxiety, panic attacks, i thought he will find and kill me…it took me 3 month befire I could take the control over my life, over myself and to start to heal my self , my soul, my spirit, mental part of me. Girls, please bagging you don’t compromise don’t go back! It’s a big danger and risk to lose yourself forever. This forum helped me a lot! I thought that I am alone, but you are so many…sisterhood of abused and used by miserable addicts. I am sorry for my rudeness. These people are miserable and tearing apart genuine, beautiful and emotionally intelligent ladies.

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17462

    You definitely know what you are talking about! We are on exact the same page! Confirm and support every word you’ve said.!

    in reply to: My boyfriend has cocaine issue #17461

    Just think about your baby! That’s all I can say. You have a choice your baby has not …think about it and his future

    in reply to: Advice please #17460

    The things will never get better..promises..it’s not him you knew, it’s cocaine..his personality is destroyed…just get rid if him..you deserve the life,colourful and full of happiness. You just feel sorry for him..it’s not a love. The love never brings sadness, stress and constant cries..it’s up to you to stay and to be the nurse, babysitter, to be abused all the time..or to start up your life, your beautiful life full of kindness and respect. No matter what just pit your head together and move on!

    in reply to: Boyfriend has a cocaine addiction, how can I help? #17459

    Hey Naz

    I feel sorry for you and it is really sad that you are experiencing any of those bad emotions. I hope the story am going to tell will help you to open up your eyes and to make the only and good decision.

    I met the guy 4 years ago, same scenario: first serious relationship after being single (and trust me very successful, happy and independent) for a year or so. After dating with him a month, he confessed that he was selling & sniffing cocaine but not any more and he has nothing to do with this all. He said that he is looking for family and person like me. That was a beginning of true love. I got pregnant, he was so happy, but some time later after I told him this news he started to disappear, calling and saying that he is with friends at 2am, etc.. i clicked that he is sniffing…badly, after 3 and a half month I’ve lost my girl because of stress and shock realising who actually is next to me…I knew that it won’t be any good to stay with him.. but that time I decided “to help and save

    him”. After 6 month KNOwing each other and experienced miscarriage we moved together and that is how my worse nightmare became a reality. He started to act! He was sniffing 2 or 3 times a week, drinking about 11 12 cans of beer, getting loud ,aggressive chatting with mates about prostitutes etc. Finally started to abuse me, calling slut, dirt, filth, rat, cu**t ( well, I am highly educated person, with good manners,coming from the very respectful family and family oriented person)..well, he ended up with a great idea that the baby I’ve lost was not his and he said that if I will ever get pregnant again he will take me for DNA. Things got worse after another year, and another and another year. I had about 4 attempts to leave him, but every time when my stuffs were packed and ready to go, he was bagging me to stay! And I was keep giving him a chances…please Note he was on cocaine twice a week and could not wait to get the line in to him. Aggressive, arrogant, rude almost all the time..because of cocaine.. I did not sleep nights for a weeks, month and years..crying, praying getting depressed.he was wasting OUR money, I took a loan for the house improvement 10k…in the end of the story I left, I got myself free from all it. Cocaine alcohol prostitutes betrays lies, lies lies again, promises. I am now renting on my own ( ran away literally), having a debt of 10k with the bank, paying myself for my mistakes, grief for my baby girl never been born, attending councillor…the cocaine IN Him destroyed my self esteem, my personality, my piece, my highest me. Now I need to invest in myself to get back to myself, to be back to normality. Have you ever heard about emotional violence? Do you like to experience it and to waste your treasure time and yourself on some scumbag? Love for…no girl…the people who uses cocaine don’t know what is it..they are numb!!! No heart, no sense no morals, no feelings…only they think about is a fat fat line. Now, after my story is over..think again what kind of life you wish for yourself. If you need to talk, just message me. Girl, run!!!!! It not a love, it’s worse nightmare ahead..unfortunately for you, not for him. He is grand with his best friend! Cocaine….

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