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  • in reply to: Husbands drinking #20666

    Hi there not so boring 123

    I can relate to the putting the bottles back empty. And that he pays the bills and works hard so why shouldn’t he have a drink.

    and yes the room smells of alcohol….I also hate it……hate the smell. This last four months I cannot even face having a drink with a meal….makes me feel sick. I don’t drink now.

    You don’t have to drink in a morning to have a problem.

    in reply to: Husbands drinking #20662

    Hi, not so boring123. Can’t call you boring 123

    You are not alone, lots and lots of people are going through what you are. And you have every right to be concerned. He deffo has a problem. He is hiding how much he drinks, my partner does that, hides it in the house, car even in coloured water bottles so it looks like he is drinking water !

    Speak to him when he hasn’t had a drink about your fears. But have planned what you want to say and the point you want to make. And stay calm.

    It’s not easy, but it will help a little talking to strangers on here. Helps make you stronger and is a release.

    in reply to: Need help #20661


    Thanks for your post. Everything you say is completely true. He admits he is an alcoholic and has tried AA once for a couple of weeks. He is a sneaky alcoholic and hides alcohol in the strangest places around the house and fills water bottles with wine, but only coloured water bottles so you can’t tell. This has been going on for well over a year and since lock down has either got worse or I’m noticing it more. I’ve stopped policing it as it serves no purpose but to stress me.

    You are so right about not winning a argument ! Where possible i tread on egg shells when he is drunk. As having a discussion is out of the question as he gets so angry, and will twist what I say . Arguing doesn’t solve anything either.

    I have found a few numbers other than the AA and given them to him, he says he rang and they give him some links. I don’t believe him.

    I think I could cope if he drank, and wasn’t so angry and argumentative . But he is not a happy drunk. He also suffers from depression which obviously is worsened by the drinking and all the probs he has are magnified because of the drink

    I try to explain to him that if he is going to drink it may be an idea we didn’t talk about any problems he thinks we may have but to talk when he has not been drinking. This hasn’t worked . But to be honest didn’t think it would .

    Anyway thanks for your post. Helps just writing it down and sharing it

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