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  • in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #15350

    It seems like the lovely life they have had is not as good as the cocaine they put up their nose. We cannot compete. No amount of talking and threatening to leave will make a difference. They will lie and manipulate to get hold of that coke.

    I’ve never seen my ‘husband’ angry in my presence before the coke took hold of his personality. I used to look forward to seeing my ‘husband’ return from work and used to live for the weekends. After, believe me I dreaded every moment.

    I was unhappy, anxious, not eating and working all week too. But they don’t care anymore. Only about their next line.

    I have started looking after myself now physically and mentally because I am of no use being a pathetic mess. I need to respect myself.

    I hope life becomes easier for you. Stay strong.

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #15349

    My ‘husband’ told me he thought he could be depressed. I told him he wasn’t and that it was the alcohol and cocaine he was using but he didn’t agree. Like you say it is laughable really drinking and sniffing that up your nose. He used to be an intelligent man.

    It is the same where we live, drinking and coke is normal and ours is a nice area too. My ‘husband’ used to say it disgusted him even though he did it himself. I wondered why at the time because when we went out only I didn’t partake and everyone seemed to be having a much better time than me. I was just fed up, bored and uncomfortable. I have learned a lot.

    I too have been supportive and done everything I can but it has gotten me nowhere. I have had enough of the disrespect. The CBT is working that I have been referred to and the anti depressants are getting me back on track. ‘Husband’ is at HMP so hopefully cannot get hold of any. Then again I know you can get hold of everything in there for a price.

    Life has changed, I’m not free because of the mess he has left me in financially because of the crimes he has been imprisoned for but I am progressing and I am now hating the person he has become.

    in reply to: Had enough of cocaine! Coming off here for 5 week at least. #15049

    Looks like you were put in the worst situation though, with friends like that I wouldn’t like to see your enemies.

    Keep going Dan.

    in reply to: Had enough of cocaine! Coming off here for 5 week at least. #14992

    Glad you are staying on Dan. You help a lot of folk and it does help you too being on here. Selfishly, we would miss you.

    in reply to: My husband and cocaine #14990

    Hi Georgia. I’m glad your partner is on the right road and continues to get himself right. Staying positive without being naive is the right way to go about it. You are a good ‘un supporting him through all of this and the added stresses it brings with it.

    There is always seems to be reason for abusing the coke. Stress in their lives so self medicating. ‘Husband’ did it to forget his up coming (at the time) court case so I can understand.

    Luckily I don’t have to mix in those ‘recreational’ circles now with ‘husband’ inside and out of harms way. But I am left to pick up the pieces of this shattered life all because of his bad choices.

    in reply to: Husband relapsed #14893

    It does knock the wind out of your sails, like you say there is no preparing. Nothing is normal what they do anymore. Selfish is an understatement.

    You are right about it being inexcusable leaving the children and are spot on about them getting worse if there are no consequences to their actions. Their addiction can become their excuse for everything they do.

    I have been depressed for fourteen months and I tortured myself not going to the docs. I was anxious and deflated, not sleeping and I developed bruxism too. I couldn’t take it anymore i’m now on anti depressants and am going to CBT and am feeling more level if you know what I mean. The tablets numb me.

    I have to go to work too to keep everything going. It has been a struggle and we haven’t got kids.

    We bother because we loved the person they were before the addiction took a hold of them. Before sniffing coke my ‘husband’ didn’t flinch at anything that life threw at us. Now he runs away.

    I don’t know how you can build yourself up after this as I’m still trying myself. I wish I had a magic wand to take all our misery away I really do. I’m trying to deal with being on my own too after all these years.

    in reply to: Husband relapsed #14879

    Gutted. I can understand you feeling awful.

    I think if you truly love him you cannot let him go. It’s not possible in my opinion. But probably stop contacting him , let him contact you. Let him hit rock bottom.

    Its an excuse him telling you that you won’t let bygones be bygones. A good enough one in his mind to walk out and put his needs first. He would have used the argument as his excuse to go.

    I can understand the ’emotionally unavailable’ that sounds like my ‘husband’ in fact it describes him quite well nowadays.

    It is not right him walking out and leaving the kids alone. I don’t know if you remember my ‘husband’ left me, just went. It was six months later that I found out about his addiction. He is reckless, didn’t go to work.

    I can also remember him defending a mate of his. Not to me but to a friend of ours he totally went on one when she said the person was a waste of space. He told her his was a respectable business man and was a different person nowadays. Do you know what, without the cocaine he would have said he was a waste of space and he had said so for years. But he started going around with this chap because he could take all the coke he wanted with him in tow. It’s all about them and their needs.

    Try and look after yourself whilst he is going through his episode. We will never understand their thoughts and their addiction, how can we it’s not what we call normal.

    in reply to: When do you say enough #14743

    For fourteen years I had an exciting life. We both worked, had a nice home. Have dogs. Had dinner parties on occasions for family and close friends. Went out to restaurants. Wanted a family. Had holidays, everything was an adventure and I loved my life. Husband did too before he decided to get in with the wrong crowd and ended up being arrested. This in turn turned him to drink more and take cocaine every time he went out with friends.

    When you say ‘you understand that isn’t all there is to life’……. I think you are wrong, that is a normal life doing all the nice things you have mentioned.

    Only you will know when enough is enough.


    You are not alone there are a lot of us on here worrying about our other halves cocaine addiction.

    Problem is there is nothing you can do unless he wants help. At least he has admitted he is addicted. Ask, don’t be afraid. Tell him you are there to help.

    Look at our ‘stories’ on here it will give you an insight of what is to come if nothing is done about it. Don’t sweep this chance under the carpet.

    in reply to: My husband and cocaine #14595

    You don’t have to leave your husband to concentrate on yourself. I would never have left mine. Keep yourself well and when he needs help you will be strong enough to provide it.

    Keep your head up.

    in reply to: My husband and cocaine #14587

    I thought I was failing my husband and family if I didn’t try to help or pay his debt and maintain his business. But they have failed us by choosing to sniff. Or also rub his gums as my husband did also.

    It hurts more than anything I have ever known. Our wonderful life was destroyed. We were a team. Now I have to do everything myself and it is hard not having his help.

    I too wondered if my husband would overdose and die. I worried about it, too much alcohol and cocaine. But he wasn’t worried and didn’t care about me worrying either.

    He was having the time of his life. ‘Champagne Charlie’ that’s what he’s called by folk. Partying and being the big man.

    I feel lost and lonely too, thats why I come on here. People in the same position can help and understand what we are going through. Going out and trying to socialise is something I can’t bring myself to do. Doc has upped my dosage of anti depressants and I now don’t feel anxious and sick all the time. My mind is more settled because I feel numb inside now. That is a good thing for me because fourteen months of this hell has taken its toll on me.

    Don’t take anything to heart, I know its hard. I just think that my husband is dead and the one that has replaced him is a monster. One who has a fork tongue and lies like a rug.

    Concentrate on yourself for a while because if he decides that cocaine is not what he wants you need to be the strong one. Focus on you, look how B8988 has turned it around. It doesn’t work for everyone but its worth a try. You are doing this for both of you. Not just yourself. Keep strong.

    in reply to: My husband and cocaine #14570

    We understand, we have been there.

    I have isolated myself too. I’m lost without my other half. I was the same listening into conversations on the phone, something I had never done before. Constantly worrying. Problem is they are not concerned about us worrying. Cocaine comes first I’m afraid.

    My life was at a stand still, I’m now on anti depressants and have CBT and hopefully this will help me get myself right.

    in reply to: Cocaine #14555

    Gardening Danman. Plenty of it plus a bit of sunbathing as i haven’t been on holiday for two years, good job its nice here.

    Enjoy your long weekend.

    in reply to: My husband and cocaine #14554

    No amount of talking, arguing, testing or lie detecting will stop him from using cocaine. Only he can stop and he won’t because he doesn’t think he has a problem. You do.

    What’s worse is they believe their own lies and will manipulate any situation.

    We would all love our husbands to return to the men they were and not this substitute we are left with. You cannot help until he wants it.

    Try to look after yourself and your family through all this. I know its hard but your health has to be looked after too. Keep strong.

    in reply to: Cocaine #14545

    Feeling numb Danman. But you are right, I have to now think of myself. I hope i find some peace of mind and happiness. He can fend for himself now.

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