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  • in reply to: mr #14523

    Think positive. I’m actually feeling sick thinking about Cadburys chocolate lol

    in reply to: My son #14521

    I was wondering when Dan said just give him money for food. Like you said though you would’t know if he was buying food. Because he lives with you he doesn’t need any money because you are providing everything for him.

    in reply to: mr #14520

    Yes I do think about it when I see it in the tuck shop at work. But I won’t have it because it now tastes really awful.

    in reply to: mr #14459

    Hope this works for you Danman.

    in reply to: mr #14389

    Hi Bert.

    It is not your fault it is the addiction talking. You cannot reason with with him not whilst he is taking cocaine. Does your son want help or does he think he hasn’t got a problem?

    in reply to: My son #14292

    Does your son live with you Jasminnie?

    in reply to: My son #14279

    As Dan says, does he want to quit? Has he got to the point that he wants help?

    If not you are onto a losing battle I’m afraid. If you lend him money it will only enable him to buy more cocaine. When they are hooked it’s the only thing they think about and they will lie and manipulate.

    You can only offer support when he accepts he has a problem. It’s not a position any of us want to be in.

    in reply to: Lapsed on cocaine on the 4th week without again. #14277

    No not chocolate. It was because I was overweight. It was cheap because it was a group session. I struggle because when I met my husband I was a size eight to ten. I went up to size sixteen, i might not have looked that weight for my height but I was. I blame my mother in law for feeding me up lol because I looked so pale and ill compared to my husband. Well I wanted to be hypnotised to stop eating bread its my downfall but most had a problem with chocolate so we opted for that. No excitement lol. But it worked on me and yes I’m back to a healthy weight. Being able to be hypnotised is not a one session thing. I fought against it and was the last in the class to be able to be put under.

    in reply to: My son and cocaine #14268

    It doesn’t matter how much money you give him it will only enable him. Hopefully he will pay the arrears on the house and will only have whats left to live on. The dealers just want his custom and his money so hopefully he will not have racked up too much debt. Give him money out of guilt and he will only buy more he won’t go without to take money off his drug debt.

    in reply to: Lapsed on cocaine on the 4th week without again. #14267

    Mine was only about £60 for about five sessions. That was cheap because she was just starting out. She was good though. Don’t forget, every time you see that person think of the money you need to pay off your loan and have the extra for the hypnotherapy. Easier said than done though I know.

    in reply to: Son #14266

    Thank you. It’s been hard now for fourteen months.

    The comedown is not good but the feeling after taking it must be worth it or I wouldn’t be in this position.

    It is now a social thing to do, having a drink and sniffing a line, or two, or three depending on if you are out all night with your mates. All my husbands mates do it and their other halves. It’s the norm so it’s like asking someone if they want a drink, do you want a line?

    i really do hope that he has only tried it twice and will never be tempted again. My ‘husband’ swore on his dads life that he hadn’t had any for four years, but a cousin confirmed he was taking it regularly and was shocked at all the lies he is now telling folk. Something he had never been known for before.

    in reply to: Son #14260

    My ‘husband’ abused alcohol and sniffed cocaine.

    Before this he was a hardworking man and a lovely husband. Afterward he became a monster, he wasn’t violent but he was evil with his words. He eventually didn’t go to work regularly, letting people down as he is self employed.

    Getting hammered and sniffing coke was his priority to get rid of the stress due to his trial looming. He would spend all his time in the spare room sleeping off his comedown. He would have nightmares and was always feeling ill. He said he had the flu but the nosebleeds, sniffling, stomach cramps and blood in his stools all pointed to his coke taking.

    I’m now so much in debt. He owes family and friends money, credit cards bills, loans and I have to deal with his failing business. This is what became of him. Not good news I’m afraid, cocaine ruins lives.

    I wish you all well.

    in reply to: My son and cocaine #14259

    I’m in the same position as your daughter in law.

    The money that my ‘husband’ owes friends and his family is horrendous. Never mind the credit card bills and the debt collectors threatening to come round.

    All because of choosing to sniff cocaine when out getting hammered with his friends and family.

    ‘Husband’ thought he was invincible and took big risks with money and I am left with his debt, loans and his failing business. I too am a nervous wreck, feeling pathetic and broke. I’m on anti depressants and having therapy but it seems never ending.

    Sniffing coke was the downfall of my ‘wonderful husband’ who now fixates on all things negative. He was also the life and soul and well respected as a hardworking man and good husband.

    in reply to: Lapsed on cocaine on the 4th week without again. #14256

    I know you will get back on track.

    Yes I do know what they are like. You get the ones that will just deal when you want it and others that will ask you if you want it. These are the worst.

    Have you thought about the hypnotherapy. When you see this person or you see a line or bag of cocaine you need to be able to see and feel the comedown before you are tempted to buy it. Remember, I was hypnotised, I can’t eat cadburys chocolate anymore as it tastes horrible, so that stops me from even wanting it.

    in reply to: Lapsed on cocaine on the 4th week without again. #14254

    Dan, you are still doing well but this person seems to be your downfall. You seem to be able to to navigate round your cravings but not where this person is concerned. Can I remember you telling this person not to give you any even if you asked?

    Not back to square 1, you have come a long way.

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