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Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 973 total)
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  • in reply to: How to feel about it? #21339

    Hi Holcat,

    Thank you for posting and I’m glad that you don’t feel so alone now you have found this forum.

    If you would like more support you might like to contact us at Icarus Trust. We are a charity set up to support the family members around those with addictions. we know how difficult it is to cope. If you get in touch one of our family Friends would talk with you. they are good listeners and would understand what you are going through. Talking with one of them might help you to answer some of your questions and make sense of how you are feeling. the Family Friend would also be able to let you know what other support we could offer.

    You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrst.org

    Good luck with everything.

    in reply to: My brother and alcohol #21338

    Hi Davetall,

    Thank you for sharing your story. I’m sorry to read how your brother’s alcoholism is affecting you and your family. I work for a charity called Icarus Trust and we offer support to the families around those with addictions as we know how hard it is to cope.

    We have trained and experienced people who are good listeners and understand the kinds of issues you are facing. If you get in touch one of them would be assigned to you. talking with them might be of help and they would be able to tell you what other support is available.

    You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrst.org

    All the best to you and your family.

    in reply to: My son and cocaine #21337

    Hi Catsmum,

    Thanks for sharing your story. I’m so glad that you have found this forum so that maybe you wont feel so alone. I’m really sorry to hear how badly your son’s addiction has affected you and how ill it has made you feel.

    If you would like some more support please contact us at Icarus Trust. we are a charity that offers support to families around those with addictions as we know how hard this is to cope with. we have experienced trained people that you could speak with if you get in touch. They are good listeners and would understand what you are dealing with. They would also be able to tell you what other help is available.

    You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrst.org

    I hope this helps. Good luck.

    in reply to: Newly separated from alcoholic partner, struggling!! #21319

    Thank you for posting and sharing your story. I’m sorry that you feel so guilty about the decisions you are making around your partner’s drinking and are feeling depressed and anxious. It’s very hard what you are going through.

    If you would like some support please contact us at Icarus Trust. We are a charity that provides support for people in the same situation that you find yourself in. We have trained and experienced people who you could talk with. They are good listeners and would understand what you are dealing with and may be able to help you make sense of how you are feeling.

    You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

    All the best to you.

    in reply to: My child’s father has a cocaine addiction #21318

    Thanks for sharing your story.

    I can see how worrying this situation with your ex partner’s cocaine use and the impact it’s having on you and your child.

    If you would like some support for yourself and to be able to talk to someone who would understand and may be help you to make some decisions about what to do please contact us at Icarus Trust.

    We are a charity that supports the families around people with addictions. We have trained and experienced people that we call Family Friends who, if you get in touch would listen, understand and help you to find out what other support is available to you.

    You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

    All the best to you.

    in reply to: My mother & me #21317

    Thank you for posting and sharing your story.

    I’m so sorry to hear how you have carried the burden of your mum’s alcoholism that must have been very hard for you.

    I wonder if you would like some support for yourself. if so please contact us at Icarus Trust. We are a charity that provides support for people in you situation, having to deal with the impact of a family member’s addiction. we provide a range of services and we have Family Friends, our trained and experienced people who would listen and perhaps be able to help you to find a way through.

    You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

    I hope this helps.

    All the best.

    in reply to: So confused and wondering #21263


    So sorry to read your post and see how upsetting and worrying your boyfriend’s coke habit is for you.

    If you would like some help please contact us at Icarus Trust. We are a charity that supports the families around people with addictions because we know how hard this can be. We have trained and experienced people we call Family Friends and you could talk with one of these if you get in touch.

    You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

    All the best to you.

    in reply to: I’ve Finally Had To Let Go of My Adult Alcoholic Son #21261

    Hi february Marie,

    Thank you for sharing your story. You sound a very strong person and it takes real courage to stop enabling your son as you are doing. But this is really hard so if you would like some support for yourself please contact us at Icarus Trust. We are a charity that offers support to families around those with addictions. if you contact us I will put you in touch with one of our Family Friends who would listen to you and offer you support. They are trained and experienced and would understand what you are dealing with.

    You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

    All the best to you.

    in reply to: My dad is an alcoholic #21260


    I’m sorry to read of your dad’s problems with alcohol, how ill he is and how thsi makes you feel. I’m so glad that you’ve found this forum as you will see that there are many people having to cope with the same sorts of issues as you. if you would like more support please contact us at The Icarus Trust. we are a charity that offers support to the families around those with addictions as we know hpw hard this can be. If you get in touch you could speak with one of our family friends who will tell you what support is available. Maybe speaking to one of them will help you to make some sense of how you are feeling.

    You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

    All the best to you.

    in reply to: Who knows #21075

    Hi Kez,

    Thanks for sharing your story and how tough it has been for you. Well done for what you are doing in supporting your husband. If you or your son would like some support for yourselves please contact us at Icarus Trust. We are a charity that offers support to the families around those with addiction problems. We have Family Friends who are trained and experienced and they would listen and maybe help answer some of your questions. They can also tell you what other support is available to you.

    You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

    Good luck with everything.

    in reply to: Wanting to share the pain #21074

    Thank you for posting your story which i found so sad to read. You sound so strong after all you’ve been through and I’m sorry you’re feeling low and alone today.

    I work for a charity called Icarus Trust which works with families aroun those with addictions. if you feel it would be helpful to talk with someone please contact us and you can be put in touch with one of our Family Friends. These are our experienced trained people who are very good listeners and would let you know what other support there is for you. may be talking with one of them would help you not to feel so alone.

    You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

    All the best to you.

    in reply to: My boyfriend uses cocaine 2-3 times a week #21056

    Hi Hollie,

    So sorry to hear your story and I notice that you are asking for some help. You might like to contact us at Icarus Trust. We are a charity that offers help to people like you who are living with someone with addictions. We know that this is difficult and we have trained and experienced people we call family friends who would help you if you get in touch. They would listen and help you to find a way ahead and tell you what other help would be available.

    You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

    All the best to you.

    in reply to: Cocaine addict boyfriend #21055

    Hi Alex,

    Thanks for posting Alex. So sorry to read your story about your boyfriend’s addictions and how its affecting you. I work for a charity called Icarus Trust. We offer support to people living with someone with addictions as we know how hard this is. If you contact us one of our family Friends would be in touch. They are trained and very experienced and would be able to help you answer some of your questions and tell you what other support we can offer both you and your boyfriend.

    You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

    Hope this helps. Good luck.

    in reply to: It’s so so hard everyday #21054


    I’m so sorry to read your post and see how desperate you are about your husband’s addictions. I wonder if you have seen your doctor or talked to anyone like Samaritans about how it makes you feel.

    Please get in touch with us at Icarus Trust. We are a charity that provides help for people dealing with addiction in their family as we know how hard that can be. We have trained and experienced Family Friends who would listen to you and help you find a way ahead. They would be able to let you know what other support is available for you and your husband.

    You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

    All the best and keep strong.



    Thanks for posting. I sympathise that you’re worried as it’s hard to watch someone with addictive behaviours. Please consider contacting us at Icarus Trust. We are a charity that supports families dealing with addiction. We have a variety of support which if you get in touch one of our family Friends can tell you about. They are very experienced and trained and will help you to answer the questions that you have and tell you what support there is for you and your husband.

    You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

    Good luck to you.

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 973 total)