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  • in reply to: My Son Cannabis addict #23183

    Hi it’s so hard do feel for you I found it just a waiting game for him to hit rock bottom, which he did he didn’t take anything to help him he just went cold Turkey. I wish I could be more helpful and hope it works out for you x

    in reply to: My Son Cannabis addict #19345

    I know what you going though this happened to me with my son I was a single parent. He was stealing from me and smashed my house up as he had mood swings I couldn’t handle it anymore and ask police to come round so I could kick him out, I didn’t see him for a couple of years and it broke my heart that I had to do this then one day he rung me asking for help so i brought home home he shut himself away in his home and went cold turkey, that was 8 years ago now. His now good a good job and is a lovely man he had abit to drink a a party and cried saying how sorry he was for the things he put me though.so there is hope and I really hope its come good for you and your son xx

    in reply to: Scared for her #16175

    Thank you laylalay

    It’s nice to hear from someone that come out the other side .And hope my daughter will do the same, shes very clever in telling me what I want to hear but I’ve got wise to it all now the police are always raiding the house and she has dealers using the house , new years day she came to me so drugged up I had to ring police as I cant have it as iam bringing up her daughter . Why when she has such lovely kids but she doesn’t want them it’s all so sad. I took the kids away as she wasnt caring for them they have seen far to much. But they are both happy now and Ive got them off child protection xx

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