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  • in reply to: Found Out My Boyfriend has been taking crack #28376

    Thank you I hope so but he hasn’t rang me or the kids at all since he got in their 4 weeks ago I know he knows I’m fuming with him and he knows I know everything now so he won’t want me having a go that’s just what he’s like and he knows I won’t wait for him again but he could still try ringing the kids the selfish idiot I was harsh I called him a Crackhead he hated it but that’s what he is ????????‍♀️ ahhh see their just liars aint they I mean he was locked up before for 3 years without touching anything and from what I was told he pretty much started it all not long after he got out and I literally had no idea but to be fair he was on curfew at his sisters flat for abit so from what I’ve gathered he leaving mine then going back to his sisters flat and having people round on the sesh I’m so angry with him I’ll never trust a word he says again he promised me when he was in jail before he wouldn’t touch drugs again I’ve wasted 3 of my life waiting for nothing ???? worst thing is I’ve been told by his sister he’s done crack while looking after our 3 year old son which obviously I’m fuming with her aswel for not telling me any of this at the time…I Really hope yours can stop I feel so sorry for you its horrible..could I ask how can you tell hes on it I honestly feel like a idiot cuz I haven’t been able to tell I only know because he went on a 5 day bender x

    in reply to: Found Out My Boyfriend has been taking crack #28314

    it’s a awful situation to be in ???? I’ve got 2 children but only one is his I know there’s no way he would of told me about it because he got sent to jail cuz of drugs last time and he knows he was lucky to get another chance spacially because he failed a drug test before he got sent to prison so when he got out his probation officer made a referral to social services the worst bit is the week he went on a bender we had a social services home visit It’s like he couldn’t give a toss about the kids im so angry and upset with him ???? but like you say it has alot to do with who he hangs around with because he doesn’t really know alot of People where we live has hes originally from Northampton and the only people he knows are bloody sesh heads and drug dealers ???? it’s been 5 weeks now since I last seen him and its been 4 weeks since he’s been back in jail and since I last spoke to him but I get that he knows I’m not waiting for him this time but he’s not even rang the kids It’s like he doesn’t care I feel like I don’t even know him anymore or has he just shown his true colours..it’s broke my heart cuz he is such a nice lad and he used to do alot for me I just feel like crying all the time cuz half of me hates him and the other half of me misses him I feel so sorry for my kids cuz they thought the world of him now hes gone again xx

    in reply to: Found Out My Boyfriend has been taking crack #28244

    I’m really sorry your going through it aswel drugs are so destroying and not just for the user ???? I’m not sure how regularly he used I’m still left in the dark at the min luckily he got recalled back to jail so I never seen him after that big bender so he would of had that come down in jail but his probation officer told me he looked really bad his skin was grey he said ????????‍♀️ I cant understand why they wanna do that to themselves I’m just hoping mine gets help while in he’s in jail but I doubt it he couldn’t even admit his problem to me on the phone..does your partner go off on benders to do it?

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