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  • in reply to: Traumatized By His Cocaine Addiction #32393

    Leave him , they never change. It will mess with your mental health , drive you insane.

    You are wasting precious time of your life on someone who only loves his or her addiction over you.

    in reply to: Struggling to forgive #32117

    Our kids don’t see this.
    i feel guilty for staying in a marriage with my baby’s father who has a really bad addiction to cocaine and Alcohol.

    i feel guilty that my child has to witness her parents arguing and unhappy.

    it’s not a stable relationship. I’ve decided best option is to stay well away from him and concentrate on my own life and my daughter fututre.

    What do you guy’s think ?

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction cost me everything #32115

    hi guys ,

    wish i could help u both , Bcdc to you i suggest you start fresh and build new memories now that you living soo many miles away from where you i gather had bad life experiences. You no longer need to face your manager or them people. Who cares what they think of you when they are nobody’s to you , so eff them all and be proud of yourself that you were clean for 5 weeks. As for you relationship break up its always sad and heartbreaking but im sure you will find someone who will love you for who you are and you will find happiness again . So don’t loose hope .

    Block your cravings for drugs by keeping your mind busy . It’s all a psychological trick . Find new hobbies. Go to the gym or something. Keep yourself soo busy and surround your around positive people and you will do fine. Learn to be happy. Fix yourself.

    Diane3468 i feel for you bigtime , im also a mother .  your son taking cocaine must be very hard to digest.
    what i would suggest to you is pretty much the same I’ve already mentioned about keeping the mind busy.
    if you can keep your son occupied with something he has interest in like a job or a hobby to keep his mind off it and also keep him away from any associate’s that are drug users then that would also help the situation alot. Even if you have to move away to keep him off drugs then I would suggest you do that rather than see him ruin his life over it.

    my mother in law should have done that years ago when my husband was 15 he started hanging with the wrong crowd and drinking alcohol and taking all kinds of drugs and he is now 36 still a heavy cocaine user and cannabis smoker.

    good luck and let me know how you all are getting on.




    in reply to: Husband is a drug addict and I had no idea #32113

    Hi guys

    iv just read all your story’s and they all sound same like mine.
    Let me give you all a quick intro of myself.

    me & my husband have three children in total. My 1st two are from my previous partner and the third is with my husband.

    we been together nearly 10 years now and i found 4 years ago that he is a heavy cocaine user and drinks Alcohol more or less daily. Smokes cannabis day & night every day no matter what.

    now the problem here is that he won’t admit he has an addiction because that he takes one day a week off cocaine and drinking so apparently in his head that doesn’t make him an addict.

    the emotional abuse and stress trauma i deal with only i know or my God knows.

    i suffer from severe depression due to his addiction.

    he tells me alot of porkies about other women he is seeing and then later tells me he only said that to me so I respect him and value him .

    he makes me sick . His hygiene is poor , his judgment is bad and his health isn’t good either.


    now we can sit and cry all day till the cows come home but still the situation aint going to change because it’s a cycle and we will keep suffering with the addicts and so will our children.

    i have decided to go no contact and I’ve left him to it .

    i refuse to put up with his abuse .
    im doing whatever it takes to move on and i wish you all the best to get the strength to fo the same because you can’t fix them but you can fix yourself.



    in reply to: Recovery, A never ending lonely road #32112

    Hi guys

    good to hear you are all doing well,

    well my partner has not stopped sniffing cocaine and drinking alcohol at least 4/5 times a week. He can go on for hours and roll on to the next day then he sleeps in all day and night and wakes up feeling like crap.


    we get in to soo many arguments and his attitude and mood swings then next day are too much for me to handle so i lash out.

    I can’t give him love and support anymore .


    it hurts me to see him like this . He has lost a-lot of weight and his eyes have dark circles. He has poor hygiene and has no interest in life.

    he blames for everything in his life and I’ve now decided to walk away from his drama’s and move on.


    i met a nice guy and im thinking of starting a new relationship but then i still love my addict partner he is also the father of my baby.

    what support can i give him?

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction is ruining my life #30814

    Good luck to you . I really hope you the best . Stay away from the deadly drug and anything that is associated with it because all it’s doing is dragging you away from all the good positive things in life.

    You could be spending that money on something better and using your precious time with your loved ones.

    Please please get help and stay away from it before it’s too late .

    Im helping my husband as much as i can .

    in reply to: My husband is an addict #30658

    Danman83 is the best person to talk regarding cocaine.

    He has helped me alot to understand my husband’s behaviour.

    in reply to: My husband is an addict #30657

    Hi guys . It’s been a while i have not heard from danman83.

    Im not far from you guys . Im from Rochdale.

    Hope i can help .

    Feel soo sorry for midgetgem .. how dare he throw you out of the house.

    If i was you don’t ever go back to him no matter how much you think you love him .

    Love is just a feeling , you can be strong and fight that feeling off and free yourself from this abuse for good and enjoy life or go back to him and live a miserable life with him because doesn’t seem like he will change.

    These addicts need us. They know we are better than them .

    My husband is always on dating sites , watching porn and probably even cheat’s on me but who cares.. I’ve lost that connection with him years ago.

    I to was hurt at 1st like you are and my husband would always put me down say nasty things to me , tell me about other women to get me jelouse, then he would block my number then unblock me .. oh the list goes on .

    It’s pathetic.

    I to suffer from mental health problems due to all this.

    I’m a very independent women and a good mother to all my children.

    He is the loser and the addict not me.

    in reply to: My husband is an addict #30656


    in reply to: Being with a cocaine addict. #30653

    What are you doing about your husband

    in reply to: Being with a cocaine addict. #30622

    Sometimes he says he will change

    in reply to: Being with a cocaine addict. #30620

    Basically he won’t get no professional help.

    He won’t turn to them he refuses.

    Yes and no … he sometimes admits he has a problem and sometimes he says oh it’s not that bad , it’s only occasionally.

    Anyway the problem is after two days he wants to drink and sniff.

    He will sniff cocaine all night starting around 8pm to around 8am then sleep in next day ..then the 2nd day be clean all off drugs and drink and then the 3rd day back on it.

    Is that addiction or not ?

    in reply to: Being with a cocaine addict. #30618

    Life is to live and enjoy .. not to waste on drug addicts and alcoholic’s and not to put up with their abuse.

    They are the ones who need help not us.

    My mental health comes 1st. I take care of me 1st because my children need me.

    in reply to: Being with a cocaine addict. #30617

    I don’t give him any money and I wouldn’t even if he begged me for it. He can afford it himself because he pays no bills and provides nothing to me with what he get’s paid so he use’s his own money.

    I’ve lost alot in the past providing for him.

    My house was repossessed i became homeless and he left me and went back to his parent’s house until I struggled so hard on my own to get myself a new home , then he came back crawling in my life with his sob stories and i took him back.

    His drug habit and drinking got worse at that point.

    One thing i have learnt is he will never ever change no matter what .

    Temporarily he will be good so when he’s good im good with him too… the minute he starts giving me abuse i block him out of my life and let him rot at his parents house.

    in reply to: Being with a cocaine addict. #30612

    Thank you keskin , i am trying soo hard with him . I sometimes think let him go die and deal with it himself because he can be very abusive towards me sometimes and say nasty things to me.

    I nearly threw him out of the house again . I took a deep breath and told myself we are in this together and he needs my support so i let the abuse go and he did apologise. He told me if i had thrown him out then that would have made him turn to drugs and alcohol more.

    Well he is behaving at the moment so let’s see.

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