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  • in reply to: Daughter’s drug use #10061

    To doctors wife and Rachel thank you both for taking time to write some words of support for me and my family. Just to say that I really appreciate it. I have a whole army of family, friends, colleagues and church groups who I have asked to support us in prayer on this and that is a comfort to because I believe in a God who answers prayer. Day to day, life is tough, all consuming and unpredictable. I don’t seem to have much of a relationship at all with my daughter – I try to do nice things for her to show that I care but sometimes we do have to challenge. She came home with a large lock blade knife in her bag this week and we asked her about it she went bolistic and started screaming abuse at us. She then ran off and was missing all night with her phone switched off and only a thin t-shirt and leggings. We had to get the police involved and it meant my son, myself and my husband all taking time off work and school to look for her. We are mentally exhausted but she is totally oblivious to the whirlwind of destruction that she is leaving behind her. Not really sure how to reach out to her but will take on board the idea of praising her where I can, even for the little things. I have tried telling her beautiful and clever she is but this just winds her up I am afraid. Thank you for saying that I should expect to feel stressed and emotional and not sleeping as I feel a bit of a failure for being all these things. Rachel keep going even though it is so hard. The community police have been a wonderful source of support to us even just to ring up and have a general chat about things. Also we joined a local family support group and found this really helpful. Sometimes I find it hard, as perhaps you will to talk to friends and family because as you say unless they have actually been through it they do not comprehend how hard it is. I live in hope that one day we will be needed when they get to the end of themselves and perhaps one day they will appreciate what we did in standing by them but I realise that this is not a given and that we must be there even when we do not get appreciated.

    in reply to: Daughter’s drug use #10036

    Doctors wife – thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I have found this very encouraging. We have already tried some of the things you suggest and without much success but you have suggested some new things for us to try and I will take these under consideration as to how we might best proceed with these. Thank you.

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