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  • in reply to: Anyone else feel rejected #27518

    I recognise this. Seems the only time he has a sex drive is when drunk etc. it has made me hate myself

    in reply to: I worry he is still using…. And using me to do this #27517

    P.s – I told him I had tried to seek help from forums because of how it is impacting me and suggested he did too. He refuses any idea of groups etc as says he ‘doesn’t need them’ and that it would make him feel worse. A close friend is over in England for one night this weds who is many many years sober and I am hoping he will join me when I meet him. I struggle to talk to any of my friends or family about how I feel as I feel I am bad mouthing him ????

    in reply to: I worry he is still using…. And using me to do this #27516


    Thank you so much for your reply! I did try and reply some time back but the site never let my reply post and I got caught up in everything else since but I can’t tell you how much I appreciated it. However if this allows me to post it will be somewhat a different reply as much has changed since- apart from how grateful I am you took the time message me and how difficult I am sure it was, and how it gave me some clarity! When you said what you did it made me feel less bonkers, it offered reassurance and you was spot on. It was a really helpful perspective thank you.

    An update is- My partner continued to lie to my face, convince me I was mad and the same patterns continued…. Until I physically caught him doing it while we was at friends house. At which point he STILL told me it was in my head and I was mad. We had his teenage children over that night and they was downstairs on camp beds. He was still down stairs with them – they had both fallen asleep and he was insistent on ‘staying up to watch tv’ while clearly wired continuing to drink and probably do gear. I confronted him- (I know I should have waited until he was sober but I couldn’t bare the thought of him doing it in my home with kids here too!) he got shouty telling me to go f*** myself and woke his daughter. At which point he decided he would leave and stay at his mothers- taking his kids with him at 2am (his mother collecting him too). I even found cocaine on the floor where he was sat in my living room between his kids.

    He apologised the next day and totally came clean (but played it all down) promised to get help etc etc. that was a few weeks ago, and he has sought no support. I am massively unhappy and not myself. I don’t think I can keep trying to support him as it’s destroying me, making me snappy with my everyone including my own son and impacting my work.

    It’s so tough as he has made MASSIVE changes, he doesn’t drink as much, and isn’t going out disappearing. There are dates he definitely could have gone to parties etc and declined to. He has not had a day off work in ages, a bit better with money, and I do believe he has cut down significantly.

    But we went out Friday night together as a ‘date night’ and I was suspicious he was using. I did confront him and he made me feel mad and awful for saying so. He went to ‘visit a friend’ before we left- his nose was running all night, pupils huge and a bit of a gurn. I’m not stupid. I just knew he was! At the end of the evening he brought food, made a point of eating it and saying ‘see if I was on something I’d never be able to eat this’. I can’t help thinking he forced himself to be able to. To me I felt used as someone to go out with so he could drink and use. As if our night together was just a smoke screen for that rather than it’s intended purpose of trying to restrengthen a definitely fragile relationship.

    my head has driven me mad since so I have looked at his phone tonight, I feel terrible for doing so but of course the calls and messages asking for drugs are on there. I really don’t know what to do – behind all this is he a wonderful man and my son thinks he is great too. I am also becoming something I am not as I am not distrusting and wouldn’t invade someone’s privacy by going on their phone etc. i just feel I need to reassure my sanity at those times if that makes sense. It’s all the lies deceit and gaslighting. I’ve never been so depressed in my life

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