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  • in reply to: Wife of an addict #10761

    Hox, I really feel the same pain as you!!

    Yes I did tell my husband to leave and many times he put up a fight and I took him back!!

    The last time he just left, no arguing, I had caught him stealing again and knew he lad been lying to me again!

    I really couldn’t take being the loving wife and wanting to save him when he clearly couldn’t help himself! My children were suffering too! I was in a no win situation!!

    I too live in hope that one day my husband comes back from the dead!!

    I have filled in divorce papers 3 times but just can’t go thru with it!

    Can I just ask? Do any of your partners ever seek help??

    Clearly tho as they don’t see it as a problem they won’t!!

    I just want to say talking to you has helped me get it off my chest a bit so thank you!! And let’s keep talking if it will help you too xx

    in reply to: Wife of an addict #10747

    It’s so nice to know I’m not the only one in this position.

    I know I should be feeling like I don’t care because he has treated us like rubbish for years! I hate his behaviour but I can’t hate him! I really wish I could!

    Talking of sleeping with someone else, his behaviour towards me changed recently, kisses on end of texts stopped, and just generally attitude changed, then last week me and the children drive round the corner where he lives in the pub and the kids saw him kiss a women. I know the women and not at all angry with her, just hurt that he can move in when he always said he would only ever love me! I could not imagine kissing another man as I’m still in love with my husband.

    He has denied this of course which hurts more as if he admitted it maybe I could deal with it but as he tells lies so easily I’m struggling to believe this was just a friendly goodbye kiss lol

    I will always hold out hope and best wishes to anyone that can change so I do hope your hubby can do the right thing

    Thanks for your hugs, they mean a lot and I’m sending some back in return!! X

    in reply to: Wife of an addict #10745

    i agree, they seem to be happy doing what they are doing they don’t see the effects it has on those that care!! It’s heartbreaking!!

    It makes me sadder that they have everything to fight for and support is here but they choose not to get the help!

    Like you I lost my brother to addiction, makes it harder to watch someone else follow the same path!!

    I hope your son sees sense and gets some help soon x

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