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  • in reply to: My son and cocaine #14248

    Yes he gets really upset but he doesn’t appear to have any willpower. He took an overdose a while ago and a referral was made to the dual diagnosis team but he hasnt heard anything. He starts going to open road but then stops saying it doesn’t help. He works all month then when he gets paid all his money ends up going because he owes to dealers and the other bills just end up not being paid…..this month his wages will all go to pay arrears on the house he says the dealers will have to wait….which fills me with dread as to what could happen

    in reply to: My son and cocaine #14220

    When he used to live with me it was a nightmare…..the difference now is my daughter and young grandson live with me I cant expose my grandson to seeing him like that or the risk of dealers coming to the house. If I thought he could change it would be different but I am not sure he would…….and I can’t put my grandson at any risk.

    I have tried sitting with him, I have been to the drs with him, I have taken him for meals so we can chat, if I could make a difference I would but he is now at the point where whatever I did wouldn’t help sadly. He is off work Monday so am i, I will go see him but if I don’t go with cash he won’t really be interested I’m afraid……

    in reply to: My son and cocaine #14184

    I am reading the book at the moment……I wish I could pick my boy up and put him somewhere safe and away from these dealers who wait with their hands out to take all his wages….he works so hard and just hands the money over. I have to take a step away for my own sanity.

    By the way I understand the comment of an older woman…..it’s not even older….it’s the right person x

    in reply to: My son and cocaine #14171

    It does sound very much like our situation…..I don’t know how this will end….I hope that losing everything will wake him up….I think if it doesnt sooner rather than later he will be dead….I cannot have him home as I live with my daughter and 7 year old grandson who I will not put at risk…….I am going to help get him to work next couple weeks then if he can’t pull it round….I can’t do anything

    in reply to: My son and cocaine #14169

    I don’t know if my son got to work today or not….Otis hard being your child because I can’t bear the thought of him being on the streets……I hope that now I won’t help financially hisdecisions and choices will kick in…..I worry the dealers will hurt him….but what can I do …if I paid the, offhe would see it as a clean slate and run up more drug debt. I hope when he has lost everything he will wake up……the other thing is a while back he took overdose of paracetamol and alcohol….he wasn’t kept in hospital but it is another thing to worry about

    in reply to: My son and cocaine #14156

    Thank you both…..I do love my son but it’s took me a long while to understand that my helping bail him out, negotiate with companies etc has just given him more scope to get in more debt. I asked him last night how much he owes dealers he says he doesn’t know he has pushed it to the back of his mind. I told him I won’t give him petrol money for work…..he is taking me down with him…..I feel bad and guilty and tearful…..I don’t know what to do

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