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  • in reply to: Does he even care #35388

    Hi liberty,
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>I’m doing so’s really hard some days..I’m currently in therapy, I’m not even sure what sort of abuse that it was..and I so desperately needed’s going well at the moment though..I guess that’s the good part when someone goes to prison..that space you needed, time to think without ear bending going on!!..iv changed my mobile number..he had tried to call when he first got into prison, he was able to write, so I explained all that I see happening, how bad the addiction has got from my own eyes & just how he treated I don’t know if he will carry on anymore with the letters, he never mentions about the drugs..I suppose denying to himself with how bad it’s actually a bit up & down..for me, what I want to happen..I think it’s all gone, I feel so bruised, everything that went on..I want him to realise he’s in the best place to get into recovery..I hope he sees that..I can’t keep going back to the same old..couple of weeks of good times..never lasts long that part, before it goes all south, I don’t want to see him killing himself..never knowing if he’s alive or dead till he shows up at the door..will he get to his rock bottom & get many questions in my head..I know I need to walk away, it’s so hard when you love each day is a step forward!! is everything going your end??..reading coco & yours relationship with the men you love, just what it is you have both been through, and still going are both so bloody strong..why don’t these men see what they are in losing everything around them?! Xxx</p>

    in reply to: Does he even care #35382

    Hi, iv been reading the above with the lives you lead with crack much of what iv been reading, matches in certain ways to my own..ok I was with my ex partner for coming up to four years..we come from the same area, similar childhoods, knowing the same ex, well both of us, born in the early 70’s..caught the summer of love raving scene in the late 80’ early 90’ his case, the love of all types of drugs..loved the trips, loved how it made him feel..from around the age of 15, smoked weed..the weed has always been in his life..from around 18 19, crack..he became addicted..ended up turning to crime as he owed dealers who wanted their money, and with no job crime was how he saw to repay..basically he’s been in and out of prison since..when I started going out with him, around 2018/2019..I knew he was a stoner,although not doing drugs myself I didn’t realise just how much he smoked! an eighth would last like 2days sort of smoking..what I didn’t know was he was using meth, using meth as some sort of pain relief for his belly is what he told me when he came clean about it, think that was just sort of a year of being together..using other drugs was never admitted til around 7 8 months ago..the whole relationship he was using what ever..I only knew about the meth, nothing to do with the speed, coke, crack or skag or e’s..his behaviour, I don’t even know how to explain..I guess controlling, aggression..emotional, mental and physically abusing was horrible what each and every one of us has been through, on the loop of someone else’s addiction..anyway for the past two years, so much has happened..I have found pipes, foil, foil little spoon, little plastic wraps, burnt finger tips..weight going up and down..paranoid about me, what is going on around him,.constantly accusing me of cheating, jealousy, angry & hate..oh just so many things..each time I’m finding things, he would act as if it’s nothing, or it belongs to someone else, he’s found it on the floor..he would come to mine, have a bath..some dinner..maybe a natter or mostly edging for a fight over something in the past, or I’m cheating..maybe stay over for the night, sometimes needing to “borrow” 5, 10 or 20 quid, maybe a pouch of baccy..then he would be off..I guess I can see he was using me mostly..the fights..telling me it’s over, or me saying it’s over..him saying to me to bag up any clothes of his and put it outside..which I always did..he never collected, as he is homeless, jobless,.then have another fight as I lifted it outside, things missing,.I think or I can see now that his drug use has gotten to the point where it’s no longer a dabble or under control..about 2months ago, spice..the worst of the worst..he came to me tripping like trumpton, he told me he had a few tokes on a joint..then tells me it was spice..the worst fights came after that, aswell as the crack going you liberty, he’s now in prison..doing crime off of his face for the next go..we split up a couple of days before he was caught..he broke up with me..then tells me he loves me, that I’m his fiancée & im the one he wants to marry.. I have to keep it that way, with him breaking up with  many things have happened..the way he is after and when using’s broken me to a point where I know I won’t live if I stay with him any longer..yet I love him so much, miss the good times..having that space to breathe and see what he is like right now..ladies I admire your strengths & power..and I hope we all get through this xxx

    in reply to: What’s happened to me so lost #35270

    Hi Natasha21,

    hey I hope you are doing are so correct with the wired wrong part!!’s horrible that they continue to throw knives at us, and we still stand there..just absorbing it all..the lies are something else..we know it’s lies, they know it’s lies, yet they hammer it so hard..the little bits of cling film on the floor, in the a jumper..crack pipe..small spoon..tin foil..but no, I haven’t taken you think I would be here if I had..Natasha21, I don’t know about you, but don’t half feel like a detective most of the time…never actually believing anything that is said..oh the love bombs come in thick & fast..all the love you’d and minute they are in your face screaming blue murder..yet it’s never something they do, always something we have done..before he got nicked, I didn’t let him in my house..was with my eldest upstairs watching a program with her on her laptop..that was the last time of his screaming and shouting at me through the phone..because I didn’t answer the door!!

    when it comes down to you divorcing..darling that ball is right in your court..I was married for 20yrs, found out he was cheating..he moved out, said I was divorcing him, which I did..done it all myself..when he refused to sign..the court emailed him..he answered..I was granted my divorce!! can do it chick..amazing I go from one hot pot to the other..thought this man, he’s my man..turns out they are the same..cheaters..except it’s drugs, something they don’t want to let go of..maybe the best thing is to move on, close that door..the more we stand there, thinking if I loved him more, if he could see what I do for him, maybe this time he will’s not enough to stop them..hard to walk away in it..hard to take the drugs won..the person we loved, replaced by evil monsters..I don’t think they would ever be free of the drugs..the addiction is always going to be there if they don’t fight to be free every day..feels shit, it really does xx

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