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  • in reply to: Rollercoaster #16480

    So tonight at 12.30 am , my whole house stinks of weed , it wakes my younger two , my middle child goes nuts and threatens to hit him , and blames me for him still living here . My youngest is in my bed because the shouting woke him . He does not care in the slightest just sits there filming us saying we are all mental . I don’t think my family are going to survive much more if this . I’m getting slowly more desperate

    in reply to: Rollercoaster #16467

    I often feel the damage is a complete action of control , can’t get what they want hurt you in any way they can . My son is also very verbal he cuts to the bone with his tongue and knows it . At the moment I’m just letting him get on with it for the sake of my other two children . He is in charge of his own fate I believe there is no more that can be done . Keep positive x

    in reply to: Rollercoaster #16454

    I’m so sorry to hear your story also . It’s heartbreaking. I have tried doctors , Camhs and adaction none worked . I believe they have to want to change . my son just thinks they are old idiots that don’t know how to have fun.

    I believe the police are good at this age before they hit 18 ,but I have never been brave enough to report him .

    It’s a painful living grief loosing the child you loved and watching this new one emerge . Keep strong and keep talking x

    in reply to: Rollercoaster #16447

    Yes I get told that all the time as he damages my house . But that’s only moving the problem not resolving it . One of my children has said him or me if only it was that simple x

    in reply to: Rollercoaster #16445

    I’m so sorry sometimes it’s just nice to talk to someone who actually understands, family try but they will never understand the gut renching feel constantly inside . I have forgotten how to feel happy , and I trust no one his first dealer was a blooming grandma!!!! Sending a big hug to get you through the day xx

    in reply to: Rollercoaster #16440

    I have found out today he is also dealing I’m so so angry disgusted and ashamed of him . I’m so low and trying to hold it together for my other two . I don’t think I have ever been more angry in my life

    in reply to: Chewing gum #16327

    I was told by a friend it’s mdma not sure how it works etc but they look like they are gurning . Good luck I’m feeling your pain x

    in reply to: Desperate #10428

    Thankyou for your reply…… I’m laying in bed unable to sleep after watching him come in stoned again…… This is a living nightmare. I miss my boy so much the pain and hurt is overwhelming. I have never felt so useless… My beautiful first born is unrecognisable…. The lies break my heart x

    in reply to: Desperate #10408

    It’s me again…. I’m so so lonely tonight….. My son that said he wants to give up is worse than ever…. He is so low and using on school nights and lieing that he is straight…….. I’m so so desperate…. Please if anyone has some suggestions please please let me know…

    in reply to: Chewing gum #10362

    My friends son did this and he was using Mdma…. I don’t know much about the drug but worth a read x

    in reply to: Desperate #10347

    I do hope this works for you, I have managed to get a team In place for my son at school, he has a mentor and has agreed to work with adaction… It’s a slow process but he does talk to them and he asked that they tell me what is going on. Sometimes a third party makes it easier for him to tell me what is happening. My son is also self harming and could only tell me through them…. We are awaiting councilling from Camhs but the wait is long….

    There is a lot of help whilst they are children, but I feel for the families that are dealing with older children classed as adults….. Good luck keep strong you are doing a great job x

    in reply to: Desperate #10344

    I just want to thank you both for your honest posts….. I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter that breaks my heart also.. No matter what age our children are I don’t believe it makes it any easier, they will always be our babies. X sending love and comfort x

    in reply to: Desperate #10340

    I also just want to say it’s not your fault we are all in charge of our own choices and decisions. Unfortunately some get it wrong or they are vulnerable and people take advantage of that… Keep strong x

    in reply to: Desperate #10339

    Thankyou for your reply, I made the decision from day one not to hide it…. If I kept it his secret I believe it would make him think I’m allowing him to do this to himself….

    I’m writing this whilst worrying as my son is out…. I chase him constantly but don’t get the honest answers…

    Social media now plays a massive part in kids lives, it has made them because desensitised to every thing… When you read people’s stories it does make you realise what a sad world we live in… I believe because it is still such a taboo subject that’s why we all feel so isolated….. Xx

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