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  • in reply to: – new to the forum #30197

    It’s called denile!!!!

    I actually thought we were doing ok this wk in regards to be accepting him and just listening.

    His episode last wk now has social services calling telling me I have to inform my ex!

    We talked deeply last night as he was drinking and opening up. Had an understanding eve then this morning he said he needs to decide what he’s doing in regards to staying or moving out.

    Because I have got upset and said why am I bothering going through all of this if u still are thinking like that he’s angry and telling me I’m abusive getting in his head.

    He’s told my kids he’s cooking a roast and now told me do it myself!

    Even made a point if he pays rent yet I still ask him to grab stuff from the shop!

    This roast has cost another £18 today on top of my £150 food shop as we went and grabbed all he wanted and I felt I had to pay.

    He’s made a point I can buy trainers


    He spends on alcohol daily and take always and I’m meant to feel bad

    The abuse is on me and how he can say I abuse him hurts so bad

    in reply to: – new to the forum #30160

    I feel ur pain. Living at ur mums must be so difficult!

    Is he aware he has a problem?

    My partner is very aware and that’s why he hates it pointed out!

    I’ve actually taken an extra half anti depressive this wk and it’s helped me let things go that there are no arguements and he’s being more communitive but never know how long that lasts????‍♀️

    in reply to: – new to the forum #30118

    He goes somewhere weekly and now the police has wrote a referral to his docs

    He doesn’t care atm that’s how he gets

    He’s scared what’s wrong with him

    I have no idea if bi poler also or if it’s all drink related ????‍♀️

    He’s in self pity mode as everyone has said he bought on the injury himself but he sees himslwf as victim

    in reply to: – new to the forum #30116

    He came back from work very loss and concust but was talking to me lovely and about supporting me.

    He then went to chop some weeds down and had a drink and it all changed.

    After he sat in the garden alone. I had no kids so thought great what a waste of an eve but I’ve listened to him needing space so I nicely said would u like to have the eve to urself or do u want to do something

    He said I feel sorry for u that u always have to ask questions????‍♀️

    When he’s in control of his drinking he is amazing amd so thoughtful and loving

    in reply to: – new to the forum #30115

    He came back from work very loss and concust but was talking to me lovely and about supporting me.

    He then went to chop some weeds down and had a drink and it all changed.

    After he sat in the garden alone. I had no kids so thought great what a waste of an eve but I’ve listened to him needing space so I nicely said would u like to have the eve to urself or do u want to do something

    He said I feel sorry for u that u always have to ask questions????‍♀️

    in reply to: – new to the forum #30114

    He came back from work very loss and concust but was talking to me lovely and about supporting me.

    He then went to chop some weeds down and had a drink and it all changed.

    After he sat in the garden alone. I had no kids so thought great what a waste of an eve but I’ve listened to him needing space so I nicely said would u like to have the eve to urself or do u want to do something

    He said I feel sorry for u that u always have to ask questions????‍♀️

    in reply to: – new to the forum #30113

    He came back from work very loss and concust but was talking to me lovely and about supporting me.

    He then went to chop some weeds down and had a drink and it all changed.

    After he sat in the garden alone. I had no kids so thought great what a waste of an eve but I’ve listened to him needing space so I nicely said would u like to have the eve to urself or do u want to do something

    He said I feel sorry for u that u always have to ask questions????‍♀️

    in reply to: – new to the forum #30112

    He came back from work very loss and concust but was talking to me lovely and about supporting me.

    He then went to chop some weeds down and had a drink and it all changed.

    After he sat in the garden alone. I had no kids so thought great what a waste of an eve but I’ve listened to him needing space so I nicely said would u like to have the eve to urself or do u want to do something

    He said I feel sorry for u that u always have to ask questions????‍♀️

    in reply to: – new to the forum #30108

    Hi sorry not been good.

    Having kids together gives u way more reason to hope!

    He actually spoke to me fri but turned pretty quick as he’s drinking.

    He punched my mirror and called the police on himself but ran before they came . Ended in them mid treating him and 12 head stitches!

    Sunday told me he wants to move out and be alone to learn who he is( heard this before) then Monday went for a drive and had a good day. All over me.

    He’s now carried on as normal so last night he was drinking and I stupidly said it’s unfair I’m

    Told he never loved me or wanted to move in and now he’s being all normal.

    The response was t good!

    Why can’t I just breathe.

    I said i don’t want to invest my time and heart if he is actually making plans to go.

    He went really weird, hands over ears talking to himself.

    I went to bed. He’s stayed up and drank( with concussion) and has just gone to bed.

    All I want to know is did he say all those things to be nasty and does he actually want me and love me. It’s a head mess

    in reply to: – new to the forum #29937

    I ask myself this all the time.

    He’s only been here a month but before that he had got to a steady stage. Was a lot better and deseperate to move forward so all felt perfect. This tells me the addictions are the issue but there’s always that niggle in my head maybe he really does mean all he says?!

    When he’s sober and realises he is lovely, apologetic and admits he’s a nasty bastard with his mouth but each time it makes my self esteem drop and he doesn’t get that. He says all the time he doesn’t deserve me and he will be alone and ok if I look for better but that is awful also!

    Last night we actually laid in bed watching a movie. At 10.30 he said I’ve got to go get a bottle of wine. When he’s bad he gets anxiety about getting to sleep so uses alcohol so we are back to that. There is something deeper with him for sure!

    He tried to hug me but I went stiff and said all u said last night is hard to process. Instantly he was moody. It’s like he blames the drink but needs to also realise I’m owed an explanation despite that.

    I asked for the light to be turned off. He just said no, I want it on so I went to sleep. It’s my wkend without kids so needs addressing. Like u said if he really doesn’t want to be here, pack ur bags this wkend then????‍♀️

    in reply to: Boyfriend has addiction issue #29920

    He even took to Facebook asking for estate agents . Cruel

    in reply to: Boyfriend has addiction issue #29919

    We don’t have kids together. Funnily enough he’s not allowed to see his atm until he proves he’s not drinking with them there yet im the one he’s convinced needs counselling!

    Been together on off for 5 years and any argument has always been linked to drink, drugs, women.

    We are amazing when he isn’t low and struggling . I do all

    He asks when he’s in the mood to talk about it but once it’s gone too far he then turns on me if I try to stop him.

    Last night was evil what he said. Apparently being homeless is better so wondering why he continued drinking and sleeping in my bed and is still there now. ????‍♀️

    So hard to believe anything g nice was genuine when he takes it all back in a rage. Any normal women would have kicked him out last night

    in reply to: Boyfriend has addiction issue #29917

    I can smell the alcohol even in the day but he will lie and lie which makes me on edge then the whole dynamics change. He has no convinced himself it’s our relationship why he’s unhappy and drinking . Yet we are perfect when he’s clean. It’s like spilt personality

    in reply to: Boyfriend has addiction issue #29916

    I feel

    Ur pain. We tried the detox but day two he tested positive, went on one . Started lashing out which ended with me with a black eye so they refused it.

    He goes to classes wkly but I find they just give him the agreement that he wants that it’s ok to slip as long as u notice it!

    U shoukdnt be moving out so please don’t. If need be kick him

    Out and get restraining order on him if that’s needed!

    No one will ever understand unless they have been in our shoes.

    After all he said last night he’s the one upstairs still asleep whilst I slept on sofa and can’t rest with covid!

    in reply to: Boyfriend has addiction issue #29914

    Alcohol but can lead to coke and gambling

    5 years of when he’s good I’m amazing but when he’s not he says such awful stuff and how he’s never wanted us.

    He’s moved in as he wanted to progress. Wants to get better but the min I speak up if he starts drinking etc I’m a nag and he becomes evil and repeats how pathetic I am and how I’m worthless . I have kids so just take it so they don’t hear. Last night he said he would rather be homeless than live in this toxic prison. How I’m pathetic and need counselling for being insecure.

    Every thing he said he wanted is now the opposite. We both have covid which hasn’t stopped him and I slept on my sofa. How can someone love u then the next day their mind plays tricks and maybe they never have

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