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  • in reply to: Cocaine addicted boyfriend #16775

    thanks hun im booked in with a phone consultation on Thursday for an abortion. I havent had time to think about it my famliy think I’m stupid if I keep it so doing what they suggest xx

    in reply to: Cocaine addicted boyfriend #16773

    hi Hox 26 my family have told me to have an abortion as they said I will struggle and I’m already a single parent to 2 children age 8. I dont belive in abortion but under the circumstances I dont think I have a choice. Its not something I want to do as he wanted a family with me and said he would love to be a dad and that it would give him something to focus on to get of the drugs. Ive not told him about the baby my famlily thinks I shouldn’t as they say he will see things to me so I keep it and then if he carries on using im going to be left with 3 children to look after myself. All if this is such an emotional rollercoster I feel so sad. My family hate him for how he’s been they said to cut him out of my life and move on as I deserve better xxx

    in reply to: Cocaine addicted boyfriend #16757

    Hi everyone not been on for a while. My partner moved in with me back in April hes paranoia and anxiety got bad so he moved back home last week. he said he needs to sort himself out he told me hes been prescribed anti depressants now and hes getting clean as its affecting him really bad and he doesn’t want to hurt me or my children. Hes accused me of cheating while he was living with me which isn’t true. We’ve split again and my family phoned the police saying he was abusing me and controlling me which I dont think that but that’s how they see it. He told me he really wants to be clean now if he gets to see me again and wants to meet in a month time. Im so emotional and ive just found out today that I’m pregnant and my family have started with me. HELP!!! I need someone to talk to xxx

    in reply to: Cocaine – really is the road to ruin #16240

    This is the first time he was adamant he was getting of it. It will be 3 weeks Tuesday xx

    in reply to: Cocaine – really is the road to ruin #16228

    Hi I got back with him 9 days later and he finished with me again yesterday he’s so paranoid thinking I’m cheating the coke has messed him up big time and he doenst believe me when I said I’ve done nothing. He stopped using it’s been over 2 weeks but not sure if he’s still of it. He’s just been awful with me xxx

    in reply to: Cocaine – really is the road to ruin #16095

    Hi kel I’ve just broken down I’m not handling this well at all. How are you doing today xxx

    in reply to: Cocaine – really is the road to ruin #16088

    I’ll try hun trying to stay positive but keep thinking the worst xxx

    in reply to: Cocaine – really is the road to ruin #16086

    I’ve doubts his not going to talk to me again. When he was with his ex she messed him up she cheated and he went back to her she mentally abused him won’t let him see his kids that’s why he ended up on the drugs to self medicate for feeling depressed. It’s hearbraking knowing after all she’d done to him he gave her another chance and I’ve been there for him and supported him with ringing rehab and programmes to help him and he didn’t go. Now he’s made the decision to stop but broke up with me saying he abused our relationship like he’s had abused himself with drugs and that he feels bad and that i deserve better than him. He constantly told me how much he loves me and that I was the best thing to happen to him but I don’t know what the future will bring. I messaged him of my sisters phone on watsapp telling him about the nac supplements and asked if he was ok I said I still cared for him and loved him but no reply. He was online so must have read it but nothing. I’m finding all of this so hard xxx

    in reply to: Cocaine – really is the road to ruin #16082

    Im eating but not alot felt sick since Friday and exhausted so been getting plenty of sleep xxx

    in reply to: Cocaine – really is the road to ruin #16081

    Do you have any suggestions to help him stay focused I’m passing loads of info on to his sister from these forums so any help would be greatly appreciated xxx

    in reply to: Cocaine – really is the road to ruin #16080

    Thanks kel it really is I feel like I’m not strong enough to deal with the heartache again. Luckily I’ve got my twins there for me don’t know what I’d do without my children. There heartbroken too as they loved him and they called him daddy and he walked out of there life’s like there dad did. Trying to be strong for the three of us there hoping he comes back too obviously they don’t know what’s wrong with him i just said he’s not well and needs some time to get himself better. Do your children know about there dads addiction xxx

    in reply to: Cocaine – really is the road to ruin #16078

    I will do least she’s still talking to me. I’m ok whilst at work it’s just when I’m at home or listening to music it makes me think of him and then the emotions come. I do find it hard I was used to speaking to him everyday and seeing him and now nothing. My laptops up at his house so will have to go at some point I’m just giving him time to himself just how long will he feel like this. When I’ve seen him not have coke for a few days he’s been agitated and tired and just eats alot. She said he’s been up and about and has been down to the kitchen 6 times for food well probably more now. I just don’t know how he can just go on like he hasn’t even thought about me xxx his sister messaged yesterday saying of course I think he’ll talk to you again as friends if nothing else. Don’t know what to think xx

    in reply to: Cocaine – really is the road to ruin #16076

    I know it’s hard I’ve just cried on and off for past week. I miss him. The nac supplements should be here Friday so he can start taking them I’m just holding out for him to talk to me again just don’t know how long it will be while he’s coming of the drugs. Just clinging on to him loving me to want to be with me again and now he’s sorting himself out to having a better life. I’ve not had any luck with relationships my husband cheated on me and left me for another woman so this is the 2nd relationship in 4 years I’ve had to deal with a breakup xxx

    in reply to: Cocaine – really is the road to ruin #16074

    I know I’ve got his sister telling me hes not had any still and he’s been downstairs to eat 6 times today normally he didn’t eat much. When we was on holiday last year he didn’t have any coke with him so he was constantly eating and agitated. But he then drove home 2 days later to buy some so it does sound like he was when he hadn’t had any back then xxx

    in reply to: Cocaine – really is the road to ruin #16070

    I’m heartbroken with everything and I’m worried sick about him hoping that he’s doing ok and that he has actually stopped. I’ve got his sister’s words that he has but I don’t know for myself xxx

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