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Hello there,
I am in pretty much the same horrid situation as you, only difference being my husband knows he is addicted and tells me he enjoys it and cannot quit completely! He has cut it down a lot but I want this to stop! I want it out of my home I will not have my(our) children aware of this as they grow older! I am trying to bring them up the best way I can and they are good children, but how long will that last if they ever found out! I feel like such a bad mum because I have aloud his addiction to continue in my home! I love him so much he is my absolute world and we get on do well, but I have got to protect my children and put them 1st. He is a great daddy but he could be soo much greater! However my biggest fear is if I was a to tell him to leave, what would happen to him then? Would I be adding to his troubles as to why he uses cannabis! Could it top him over the edge? My biggest fear is that he needs the weed more than me and would rather be without me! I keep sweeping it under the carpet hoping the problem will go away, and it does while I’m closing my mind off to it, but the reality is I cannot continue like this! I already know how stupid I am but I fell in love with this man 11 years ago and I was too naive to think how this would affect us in the future! So it’s not that easy to just say leave my children would be heartbroken, but if he can’t or refuses to stop what choice do I have??? -