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  • leaving78

    You are not crazy. And he is playing mind games as he’s on that horrible powder.

    They do this and I can assure you he’s been on the gear a lot longer then April. They are habitual liars. They don’t tell the truth. They just want drugs and will do anything to finance it. Even blaming us.

    I know how your feeling. Just take one day at a time. Keep reading forums. Understand your going through a grieving process. You have to leave him to fight his own battles and protect your mental health as I’m sure that has suffered.

    Remember you did not make him do drugs. That was a choice and he has to beat the demons and understand why he does that. But you can’t do that for him.

    Looking back (hindsight) I should have just left him to get on wirh it. But all I did was try to protect him from doing drugs until it cost me my own mental well-being.

    He will not let you go… he will be back… but hopefully you will be stronger to deal with it 🙂


    Hi Cali111, I’m afraid that horrible powder takes the husband that you once knew away. He will always be a victim when he’s using. He will always blame you or others for his addiction. He has to take responsibility in order to recover and give up the coke.

    I’m sorry he’s left you and you are going through this. From my experience it’s the drugs that’s made him likely leave and this woman could be his money supply. Either way this is an opportunity for you to see your self worth and an opportunity to rebuild your life without drugs ruining your life.

    I have lived this life. And I still suffer PTSD. I left a 17 year relationship. We’ve divorced in a 2 year period and my life is much better. I wil always love my ex husband – but I choose a life without cociane. He seems happy now he’s moved on too!

    Be easy on yourself, cry, grieve just be strong as he will likely try to return but you need to be strong. Please also be careful as they can be unpredictable too.

    Happy to chat if you need too xx


    I replied to another thread but they only care about there drug of choice. Cocaine is an awful drug.

    Things will get better. I allowed my ex husband to abuse me for 16 months before I went no contact. He started to back away as he found someone else. But no contact will keep you sane for a while.

    Communication for your child should be civil if you can just ignore the bits where he is reducing your self confidence.. you are worth more and deserve more.

    Things will get better … time heals and you will feel


    in reply to: Healing and moving forward #23757

    I too left my coke addicted husband.Walked away from a 17 year relationship as I was suffering emotionally. He harassed me for months. I am ashamed to say I seeked solace outside of the marriage as a way out. (I do not recommend) .. he stopped harrassing me after 16 months and now has moved on and leaves me alone. What I want to say is. I am in a better place now mentally and I will always love him but drugs ruined our lives. If anyone is contemplating leaving it will be tough at first but it gets better.

    My ex husband now no longer contacts me or his child… which is a shame for my child but our life is much calmer now

    in reply to: Cocaine and prostitutes #23691

    I’m afraid this is something they do. Although they may not have a hard on apparently! Who knows. What I do know is he would disappear for hours and had constant prostitutes on his phone talking to them etc. It doesn’t get better sorry. I’ve now left. And I’m

    Happier then ever.. sorry to hear your going through this

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