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  • in reply to: Torture #7873

    My son is only seventeen, but I feel I know your story already. I often say I feel like I am being tortured. My heart goes out to you, you are not alone. feel free to get in touch if u want.

    in reply to: Can the vicious circle ever end? #7872

    I would bring it into the open with the other family members. It is not fair that the burden of this is being left with you. I would also phone the national drug helpline the 24 hour one and try to find a support group of drug users families. Also try your local Carers agency to speak to and find a local MIND group. Good luck.

    in reply to: will my son ever stop his drug habit? #7871

    my heart goes out to you. I am in a very similar situation only my son is seventeen and a half has been out of control using ketamin for a year. Two years sporadic before that. He has been in Hospital twice, where i found him semi conscious. he has stolen and takes it most days though denies it even when i catch him in the act. I am torn , to throw him out or not. I am also on medication due to it and last yr had a breakdown. i recently found a support group for families of drug and alchol addicts. It is time we tried to look after ourselves, as this disease of theirs will destroy us, if we dont get support. we can not stop them using, only look after ourselves. we are also someones children and deserve some peace in life.

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