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  • lily2424

    Hello Icarus thank you so much for responding to myself. I will definitely take some time out to contact you. Will have a look on your website. Yes reaching out really has helped me elevate the loneliness knowing I am not on my own with this. You really don’t no who to turn to. You end up closing it all up. I really appreciate your help. Thank you once again


    Thank you darling ????????❤️


    Thank you so much for your kind and understanding words it really means a lot to me I will definitely remember what you have stated. I feel I can take a positive step with gods grace ❤️????????With your supportive words. Made me feel a lot better ❤️ Thank you god bless you and keep you safe and happy at all times ❤️????


    I really appreciate it my love just this bit of support really helps get you through ❤️



    in reply to: Cocaine husband I need some advice :-( #23258

    Hey hun I am too in a very similar situation my husband use to be into gym and use to work hard. He claims a family member got him to use heroin because he needed someone to smoke with. It’s ruined my life and his. It’s made feel alone I just want to cry every day. I have an autistic son to think about not his habit. His been dealing with it on and off for nearly 5 years. His on prescribed methadone but ends up missing doses then needs money of me to score it’s getting ridiculously expensive and unaffordable. It’s ripping me apart. His in a such state sometimes that it’s physically out of my hands wish he could go to rehab we just cannot afford it. It’s an evil drug and who ever made it available to use I wish them hell. Till this day I am battling it with him I pray to god it all goes away but I can’t seem to see any light from it yet.

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