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  • in reply to: My Son Cannabis addict #29561

    Hi mum46 that is such rewarding news to hear from you ????????

    My son is a living proof that change can happen sooner or later I wrote on this amazing forum so many times at my darkest hours desperately trying to find help advice and support ! It was so scary for everyone in my household to witness the withdrawal symptoms delusion thoughts and the phycosis

    My son is clean now and on anti phycotic drugs

    Stay strong , and support yourself ! Hope and pray you both get some peace in your lives , we are always here to chat remember that , this forum helped save my sanity ????????

    in reply to: My Son Cannabis addict #29560

    Hi mum46 that is such rewarding news to hear from you ????????

    My son is a living proof that change can happen sooner or later I wrote on this amazing forum so many times at my darkest hours desperately trying to find help advice and support ! It was so scary for everyone in my household to witness the withdrawal symptoms delusion thoughts and the phycosis

    My son is clean now and on anti phycotic drugs

    Stay strong , and support yourself ! Hope and pray you both get some peace in your lives , we are always here to chat remember that , this forum helped save my sanity ????????

    in reply to: My Son Cannabis addict #29521

    Hi mum 46 so sorry to read your pain and worry , i rang a 24 support group ADFAM 300 number and spoke to a councillor, who E mailed me and supported me in my darkest times , I also spoke on behalf of my son to his doctor who then re fared him to the early intervention team which you will have in your council area , they come out to your house and will evaluate the health of your son , which is what happened to my son

    He had phycosis deluded thoughts and began to self harm ! All of which has now stopped ???????? Thanks to medication , counciling and a support worker ,

    So firstly get support via the charity , ring the doctor for early intervention help

    Hope this helps ????????????????

    in reply to: My Son Cannabis addict #29520

    Hi mum 46 so sorry to read your pain and worry , i rang a 24 support group ADFAM 300 number and spoke to a councillor, who E mailed me and supported me in my darkest times , I also spoke on behalf of my son to his doctor who then re fared him to the early intervention team which you will have in your council area , they come out to your house and will evaluate the health of your son , which is what happened to my son

    He had phycosis deluded thoughts and began to self harm ! All of which has now stopped ???????? Thanks to medication , counciling and a support worker ,

    So firstly get support via the charity , ring the doctor for early intervention help

    Hope this helps ????????????????

    in reply to: My Son Cannabis addict #29481

    Hi , so sad to read your post I can completely empathise with your story and the pain in your heart and the want to make everything right and happy again for your son and your relationships.

    Looking back over the years regarding my sons addiction it was destroying My mental sanity , the relationship with my son , my marriage , I was living my life with only tears and sadness , and my home was being beaten up too ! I came to a point of my own rock bottom ! I was where you seem to be now ! A living hell ! And why ? All Because of my sons life style and choices ,

    So ! The best choice I ever made was to save my self !!! And my marriage And little did I know my sons life to ! It’s sink or swim !

    I rang the 0300 help line number family s with addictive children ! And was given the one answer that I had not implemented to my son ! And had not carried out for years and years the answer “Consequences “ the consequences for his actions and total disrespect he showed living in my home his home ! And the addictive destruction he was doing to himself , the lack of respect and concern for me his dad and family

    So I called the police and asked him to leave my home I had him removed I packed his bag and sent him out of my home to live the life and style that he desired to live ! Drugged stoned aggressive and uncaring he was horrified and shouted at me ! He was now the council s problem

    He left he had to ring a homeless charity and for 3 months lived in a homeless council hostel ! With drug addicts ! With out me !! enabling him ! With No contact

    It Worked it was the hardest heart wrenching thing I have ever done but the best thing too , I saved myself my marriage but best of all he saved himself too

    Today my son is 4 months clean and sober and living back in my home , no drugs , weed smoking , no smashing up my home ! Phycosis delusion ! Self harming stopped ???????? Iv gained his respect at last and he has gained mine !???????? I put rules into place home rules !! If he wants to live in our home !

    He now has a full time job ! Is Under the early intervention team , a psychiatrist and on medication for drug induced psychosis and depression, And has been diagnosed now with ADHD ! Which is probably why he smoked weed in the first place ! And is waiting for medication

    So if I can give you any advice it would be to draw a line on enabling him to continue to crumble you , and everything around you darken your life and relationship, it’s tough love , get on with your own life if you can

    Its His choice of life style and his need to smoke weed is his own negative consequence to himself you can’t control that , unfortunately he will decide when he has had enough ! And you will decide when you have had enough !

    So remember the word ! Consequences and stick to your rules if he breaks them rules you have set him then it’s down to you to decide how to deal with it and don’t back down , as long as it’s in a calm way

    My life is for now peaceful and Iv been to hell believe me !

    Good luck stay strong and there will be a light and happier times ahead I’m living proof

    in reply to: How to deal with my addictive child #28170

    Hi , so sorry to read about your heart breaking message s , my advise is to conduct 0 tolerance and have consequences for aggressive phycotic deluded behaviour and drug use in the home I had too look after my mental health and I felt threatened

    a year on it’s worked ! Iv now got support and respect from my son , drug free ! And now Under the early Intervention team and a mental health team with a prescription of sertraline and olanzapine for his phycosis and deluded thoughts , he has also been tested and has ADHD , so being medicated abd supported with that too , he still occasionally has a crisis which leads to delusion and phycosis and in turn leads to self harming with blades , AE if it is deep and needs gluing , I know how to deal with him and clean his wounds and give him medication to calm him down , it is all induced from smoking weed and drugs , but things are much more calmer and my relationship with my son is back to love not resentment and fear ! And he has a job ! So only By sticking to my rules we are at this positive point

    Iv not messaged in a while as I felt I was bombarding messages to the forum every day , my son was so out of control I had to make him homeless for 3 months living with drug addicts in a hostile , he liked it as he was independent smoking and taking prescription drugs at lib without anyone challenging mother and father

    I never had any contact with him for over 3 months and had a rest bite !

    He came back home only when he was clean and ready for support

    The Early intervention team are there waiting to support young drug users they need to be refaired via the GP ,

    Thank god my son got the support he needed

    I also now have intervention counciling we tried it together with my son but it was to raw for him

    Good luck it’s taken my son 9 years to get to this point but there is light at the end ????????

    in reply to: My Son Cannabis addict #24172

    Thank you anita I am so happy your pain and your sons health is starting to be positive , I am too waiting for the moment the words from my sons mouth I want rehab

    He has literally just come out of custody, 18 hours , the mental nurse assessed him there and said he shows no criteria for taking away his liberties but he does show attention deficit and even autism but can’t test as he takes drugs !

    He is going to stay with my daughter till Tuesday then he is getting an emergency housing , as he will be homeless , he has lived a privileged life and needs to experience real life if he spends all his money on drugs then he will have no food etc , he does not want rehab and would rather have the worst option !!he can come home if he goes to rehab !

    I have to detach all contact for 4 weeks

    He has already told my son and daughter he has a knife hitting it on the counter ! We just ignored him ! attention !

    We have explained that if he comes near the house the police will be called !

    I feel like I have been in an mentally abusive , controlled relationship where my son controlled the house and me and my husband !

    Iv got to stay strong ,energise and enjoy my home and marriage again with out my son living here !

    Best wishes too anita ! You stay strong too and bless you all in your household xx

    in reply to: My Son Cannabis addict #24163

    Hi today was the last straw ! I and my husband /have been manipulated and bullied abused by my drug addict son for the last time !

    Today he has been abusive , bullying, and simply vile as he has no drugs or money !

    I spoke in desperation to a help line ! Who who asked me what consequences he has for his actions ! I was like ? ??

    She said cut off internet !

    So I did ! He was furious ! And took a cable to hang himself I front of my husband and stole his phone and said he would self harm ! So I called the police ambulance! My son was very high still ! And threatened to punch the police man in the face ! Talking absolute nonsense he was

    Arrested !! I watched once again ! Handcuffed !!! With no emotion seeing him sat in the police car !! he said mum I love you !!

    He is no longer allowed to my home he is homeless !now No money ! No phone ! No drugs !

    He has a choice ! Rehab ! Or homeless !

    I have to ring the police if he comes to

    My door ! Iv gutted his room and given a bag of clothes to clothes to my daughter to hand to him in custody!

    Iv had enough ! Of being played manipulated and abused ! As a mother !

    It’s tough love but hopefully he gets it snd goes to rehab it’s his choice and not my fault ! I felt very sad but it’s affecting my mental health being controlled by a drug addict !

    Hopefully he reflects in a cell and gets assessed as mentally unstable by the nurse in custody!

    I feel free ! I feel like I have been in an abusive relationship and Iv stood up to the bully !!

    Me and my husband feel relieved and safe now he has gone ! That’s so sad to say about your own son but he has consumed and bullied our. lives for too long !!

    It’s going to be stressful but I need to stick to my rules there’s going back now !!

    in reply to: My Son Cannabis addict #24117

    Hi I feel I really need to share my horrid experiences with you all from over the last 3 days since writing my last post

    My son has been extremely high and almost sedated hardly able to speak or keep conscious , over the last 4 days I thought he had been drinking a fluid of a cannabis substance and smoking it but what we found today was a shock

    He has been addicted and using a drug called lean ! It is basically cough mixture , with a high amount of codine and an antihistamine in which mixed with a sprite ,lemonade and served in a polystyrene cup !!! he has also taken and bought 34 diazepam, snd smoked cannabis too in the last 4 days ! plus had 50 mg of sertraline which was prescribed for his depression! God only knows why he is not dead !!

    The drug lean is I now know is what he had taken with a consumption of alcohol when he needed CPR and his heart was stopping !! but he is still drinking it !

    All his money from his Benefits has gone now so he can’t buy any more so wanting money off the family !! There is non to be given !! now I’m waiting for the withdrawals!

    Iv stayed calm no shouting just firm cried a lot to drug help lines and the early intervention team which still can’t help him , he is at the min collapsed on his bed still dressed and sedated with the drugs , now I’m dealing with a new addiction to LEAN !! And weed !! Iv sent him a message and said rehab is waiting for him when he has had enough pain ! I have to keep checking he is still breathing ! I keep praying ! He is wearing rosary beads around his neck he knows god is there close to him ????????

    Thank you for allowing me to share my pain ????

    in reply to: My Son Cannabis addict #24072

    Hi pixie , reading your post brought back memories of the earlier months and the chaos in my house hold and tormented mind I consumed that my son smoked weed day and night ,

    I now have learned how to detach from wanting to control my sons smoking and usage wether it is in the morning , day , or night time as long as it is not inside my house ! They are the rules

    I set my rules and then gave him his own choices to get stonned or get clean ! Iv had enough of the tormented conversations and arguments, Even my son laying on the bedroom floor receiving CPR a month ago has not stopped his addiction, so Iv let go

    Only this morning he has been up all night running outside to smoke weed and is very very high ! I just calmly asked him if he was ok and made his bed up and smiled gave him a drink ! No shouting no abusive comments , he looked at me with confusion I have now after 7 years just accepted my son is an addict and I have no power to stop it , I now just love him more , lots of hugs and kisses

    Step back and let go as it’s out of your hands and power to control the addiction of this substance, or your sons will to use

    It is what it is and only god knows what’s in store for him ,

    Take care hope things get better and you find peace


    in reply to: My Son Cannabis addict #23817

    Thank you to everyone here who has listened to me and shared their experiences and prayers on this amazing forum , it has helped me so much , emotionally, to know I’m not alone ????????

    in reply to: My Son Cannabis addict #23813

    Hi everyone , praying for my son and our boys I know god replied to me

    A week ago my very damaged son left the house to go to a party only around the corner ! My words to him where stay safe be carful I love you ,

    After having a good few weeks with no drug use I was anxious about him

    1 hour later he was brought home completely unable to walk alone , talk Or communicate ! My husband took him to bed and held a bucket over him while I video’d his behaviour to shock him ,

    Then it all went wrong ! He had a fit and laboured breathing , I called the ambulance and they went through CPR with my husband to keep him alive ,

    Paramedics came in 2 responses and took over stabilised him and we took him to AE ,

    He was unconscious fir 8 hours after X-rays CT scans ! Of his brain ! I never left his side then he woke up ! And became aggressive! Shouting at me I was a grass !! Prob as I had told police about the drug dealers in the past

    Any way he was seen by the mental health team assessed and told he never fitted their criteria as his urine test was clear of drugs ! Not even weed ! But had had something prob over dosed on the date rape drug which their all using now or he was spiked

    After showing him the footage of himself and the fright of nearly dying he has seen a doctor and he is taking sertraline each day I give him 1 every day

    He is reluctant to use again thank god , we took the lock off his door and cuddle and love each other each day I feel like I’m getting my boy back it might have taken nearly dying to reach his rock bottom ???????? Please god save our children from this addiction, thank you for sharing your stories it helps me so much that I’m not alone

    in reply to: My Son Cannabis addict #23561

    Hi , praying hard every day too our boys will find peace and freedom from the torment of drugs , I feel so much empathy and care towards you ???????? re the shouting at the top of his voice 6am ! I try and Stay calm and try not to raise my voice over the psychosis outburst s , I’m praying your son reaches 4 days free of weed and counting forwards !

    It feels good to talk to someone who understands thank you , stay strong ????????

    in reply to: My Son Cannabis addict #23548

    Hi , wow I needed to read your shared post yesterday thank you , makes me feel I’m not alone in this nightmare of addiction,

    my son after having no weed has turned to wine 2 bottles he drank and yesterday ended up self harming upper arm s and forearms , running over to me early hours phycotic , and needing to go to A E for a clean and patch up of his wounds plus a tetanus ! I

    I thought this would be a good enterence to the crisis team ! So I phoned them requesting an assessment! Aaron obs declined the offer , he said what can they do mum ? they cant fix that I’m sad and lonely ???? when we got home I cried into his arms telling him how much I loved him , as he lay there vacant on his bed , telling me mum I just need weed and everything will be ok !! I collected around 15 empty bottles of wine , he refused to go to his grandads 84 th birthday gathering as grandad and nanny would be sad seeing his arms and he would ruin the night !! My babies arms so scared ,

    Your posts all help so much it’s nice to express emotions freely ,

    Today is a new day ????????

    in reply to: My Son Cannabis addict #23367

    Hi , you in my opinion did the right thing by confronting him and keeping to your rules which if he broke had consequences , we have had the same situation many times and asked my son to leave the house , only me having him arrested and calling the mental health team did he start to respect me and my husband and the rules ,

    My son lived in a drug squat for a week after he left but soon came home , with the rules agreed , short lived though , but I felt empowered when he walked through my door again

    Keep doing what your doing , it’s hard but stay positive, you will become stronger each time , I have , Iv been through hell but seeing a light in the distance xx

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