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  • in reply to: My Son Cannabis addict #23210

    Hi , so sorry to read your situation you are def not alone , in my experience the boundaries that i set re living in our home since my son was 12 to 20 where never respected as he respected the weed and drugs more , when he smashed up my home over and over again ! I eventually had him arrested and handcuffed from within our house ! He was mortified! And thought I’d never do that to him But I was relieved they took him away ! And felt empowered, it worked as he never smashed it up again as he knew I had the police on my side now and only had to ring them

    Re the psychosis and deluded thoughts ! Iv now got the doctor and the young intervention mental health act team to support my family and my son if he wants it

    In my experience the addict will not except help with mental health until they want it ! Iv had the services in my house waiting for my son to come down from his squat of a bedroom ,, my son now understands that the next bad psychosis deluded episode I can call the team and have him sectioned, and I will too as he is a danger to me and my family in a psychotic state , it scares us all ! My heart beats and feel intimidated ,

    Your life and well being will most certainly become strained if your son moves home , you can’t fix him , he has to fix himself , Iv learnt to detach with love ,

    One day at a time

    Take care always here to chat too ????

    in reply to: My Son Cannabis addict #23188

    Hi , everyone, this forum feels so therapeutic for me just talking , my son a few weeks on from my last post has had the worst !! deluded phycosis state of mind episode yet ! in the middle of the night , hallucinations with a talking spot light !!!! it was the scariest yet , for us all , I rang the crisis team for help , by which time he had calmed down and they advised leave him alone !

    Any way since that night he has sort of stopped smoking weed as must have scared himself , so bad he said sorry he had a nightmare !!

    Re His mental health today he really suffers from social anxiety.but He did go out over the weekend and ended up in a fight ! Bruised as draws attention to himself dressed the way he does !

    I’m Hopeful his Rock bottom is nearly there , as still not smoked ???????? Unless I just can’t smell it ! As eating it now !

    in reply to: My Son Cannabis addict #22605

    Hi , yes I’m still on the forum

    Regarding my son has been using since he was 12 and now is 20 , I did write on the forum about him last year , due to his aggressive behaviour, and I was at my wits end ! a year on and during lock down things got worse he has now psychosis and has very severe delusions and hallucinations and ! Still using canibis On Saturday he was sleeping with knives to protect himself and running around the gardens looking for so called trespassers looking for him ,he really cuts and self harms now and lifted a knife in front of me to cut himself

    I rang the doctor and she tried to contact my son but he would not talk to her , today we where visited by the young persons intervation team to support aaron to help him with his phycosis ! But he again refused , I now have the support from the mental health team thank god , and told that if he has another psychosis I can ring and have him sectioned , ! Which I will do ! My son can not cope with out using ! He has a bed room like a squat and never leaves the house ! His cannabis is posted to him from America ! Only this morning while I was trying to coax him out his bedroom to talk to the team in my house he said I was crazy ! His mental age is about 15 although he is 20 !

    Praying one day he will seek recovery !

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