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  • in reply to: Dont know how to stop… #25638

    Hey blagginit, i live a mirror image of your life right now, subo can relate to your story 100%,the pure fact that we are both desperate to stop and for myself, I’m struggling every day, I’ve just joined on here and I’m loving tge sincerity of all the people’s honest heartfelt stories, as lindyloo mentioned, being part of n/a is a really great place to start, you get strength and inspiration from the members of the fellowship, just being with others who get you /us, the hardest part is taking that step, because we are hiding our other life, I’m currently going to the online n/a meetings, maybe that would be a good place to start, and get a feel for it, thank you for sharing and I hope you /i can get to that ready day and change the cycle take care lindsay

    in reply to: Crack cocaine addiction #25637

    Hey lettie, I’m sorry to hear that your boyfriend is in this very unpredictable place right now and that you dealing with the back lash of addiction, it’s very brave of you to share your story, so thank you, drugs can make you do deceitful things and completely change you as a person, so well done for being loyal, the answer to your question is a tricky one, however I’d like to believe he isn’t being disloyal, i can imagine all he’s thinking about is feeding the habit, and not ingageing in infidelity, I’m sure if know in your gut that he isn’t, it’s a pretty big powerful feeling, so I’ve learnt, and(and it’s taken a very long time to realise it) trust that gut feeling,, you are both going through individual hard times, don’t forget about yourself and look after you also, i hope this reply has been a good one for you lettie, take care from lindsay

    in reply to: The story of a dual addict #25636

    Wow pj, reading your life story has touched my heart, so many things I can relate to and has given me the heads up that i to can share my life story with all of you in time, writing is so powerful, it’s enables us to be honest on paper, as I’m sure you know how hard it is to to open up and admit in person, reading this will and has inspired me, thank you so much for sharing and just for today, we are going to be ok, I’ve just joined here, what a wonderful entrance to join on and read this life story as my first, take care and keep writing, many thanks linds

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