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  • in reply to: Does my husband mean this or is it the Alcoholism? #19359

    Fantastic… Let’s hope this is it.. the breaking of the chains of Alcoholism for him.

    I’m so happy for you ????

    I will continue praying please keep me updated. ❤️

    I’ve hit that wall recently where I’m missing him like crazy.

    Had to delete more people that have chosen to be with Con.

    Simply it’s because I’m jealous of the fact they get his attention and I don’t get any.

    Anyways it is what it is & as awful as I feel I stick to my guns.

    No contact… ????

    in reply to: Does my husband mean this or is it the Alcoholism? #19304

    Thank you Nik ????

    I don’t know how this comes across but I don’t think I want any contact from him.. I’ve come to realise that I need my breathing space.

    I’m also enjoying having that healing time.

    Even through the waves of missing him that sometimes come to haunt.

    But I’m not going to be his emotional punch bag.

    Wouldn’t it of been great if I had been able to say that I can find someone to contact him.

    But his family in all honesty would be throwing him a party if they knew we had split up.

    They enable his behaviour because they all have a weird way of looking after each others needs.

    A Background in history of Drugs, Alcoholism, unstableness, Toxic behaviour.

    Oh and his mother has destroyed every single relationship he has ever had.

    Now my marriage.

    My family are moral, Christian, stable, forgiving, unconditional love and support.

    But they hate my family so what can you do Huh.

    Honestly I sigh of relief that I don’t have to deal with his side.

    I can’t help him he has to help himself and he has pushed me out of his life.

    So my silent treatment is justified because I’m giving him what he wants.

    He’s manic depressive but never admits to any of his behaviour.

    I pray for him but that’s all I can do.

    “Avoiding certain people to protect your Emotional health is not Weakness it is Wisdom” ????

    I’m Sorry for everything your going through with living under the same roof as your man.

    You brave brave prayers are with you.

    To constantly say he’s leaving and then stays must be incredibly cruel.

    Emotional torture is the worse.

    Honestly my heart goes out to you and thank you for your advice.

    It’s helped because I realise how blessed I am that I don’t live with my man.

    Maybe he saved me from all of that.. I was starting to think he just hates me or had no love or feelings for me anymore.

    Now I’m not so sure ????

    in reply to: His Mother supports his addiction #19214

    I’m so sorry for the frustration you must be feeling.

    It’s never easy to fight ones corner against a loved ones family.

    I totally understand you and sympathize with you strongly.

    I will never understand why a mother would ever be in denial of her son being not only an addict but destroying himself like it’s got out of fashion.

    I just hope that you don’t get isolated from him because of his mother.

    That is my sad situation & believe me it can happen & you feel helpless to stop it.

    My partner of 7yrs has 5 days ago deleted me out of his life.

    Because he lives at home with his mother, he’s a mother’s boy & everything is about her & her well being.

    He is an alcoholic in denial has many physical symptoms but still can function at work.

    His mother buys him drink & openly enables him to do whatever he wants.

    She has taken away every relationship he has by hating his ex Gfs.

    But I’m his wife & it’s been lonely & exhausting trying to fight & defend my corner.

    Unfortunately he wants a divorce because alcohol and anyone who is to do with the damn poison is who he wants in his life.

    I’m sorry but the reality you face is a lot of heartache.

    And if you can hold on to him through the interference & look past the broken man he is then that’s amazing.

    But also be prepared to also be pushed away,

    I’m not going to candy coat this for you. He could isolate you also known as the silent treatment. Use you of everything you are & have until your Emotionally drained like you was a sponge bled dry & your self esteem can be severly knocked until you are nothing but a former shadow of yourself.

    Some addicts will do anything for that fix & if you think your helping them by trying to clean them up or get them help.

    Think again… You didn’t CAUSE it, can’t CURE it & can’t CONTROL it.

    Only he can unfortunately.

    But as I said similar before if you can take the rollercoaster ride then that’s incredible brave of you & honourable.

    I really hope you succeed.

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