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  • in reply to: My son and heroin #17297

    Hi, I apologise in advance that I don’t have all the answers for you but I wanted to reach out and say “hang in there”. You sound like a great and caring parent. Your story made me cry as I am going through a similar thing with my boyfriend’s drug addiction.

    If you are like me, I have never had any issues myself with addiction so I think it is difficult to understand why it is so hard for them to quit. But from reading articles, it seems that addiction is quite complex and requires more than just a strong will, it is a sickness. I try to remind myself to stay positive and that it’s not his fault but it is REALLY hard.

    At times I think I’m going crazy too.

    I think the fact that your son has gone to counselling and smart recovery in the past means that there is a part of him that wants to get better.

    You mentioned that you spent a lot on him last year and I read before that this enables him and prolongs the process. But of course.. how can a parent not help their own son when he asks for help? I am so sorry that you are in this dilemma.

    Well I’m not sure if I was much help but I just wanted you to know that you’re not alone in your feelings.

    in reply to: Ketamine addiction #17296

    Thanks for sharing the contact. Do you have any similar resources based in Canada? Please help. I caught my boyfriend lying to me again about his whereabouts and buying more drugs behind my back.

    I’m tired of the lies. I still love him and want him to get better but I can’t take it anymore and I want to leave this relationship. Does that make me selfish?

    I cry every night thinking about this and I just wish the pain would end. Please can anyone help?

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