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  • in reply to: My husband and cocaine #14605

    I am also trying to focus on myself iv made plans to do things with the children although my husband does not want to come. Iv also taken up a lot of things in the house he used to do ie decorating and the garden he has lost all love for our home. At the moment I can’t end our marriage he is not strong enough to kick this on his own ( he still denying he is back on it) and I fear it would kill him as he would completely give up so I guess we will go on as we are for now, it’s hard hiding things from my family and his as I know they will all disown him.

    in reply to: My husband and cocaine #14504

    I found out about the coke followed by the affair shortly after from what I got told she is a user also, I’m not sure how fare it went as she wouldn’t speak to me and he played it down, he couldn’t tell me why he did the coke or played away.

    I would saying he was using at least three days of the week, and like your husband it’s when we are in bed and he will sit up most of the night (clamming to be watching a film).

    He has always been a moody old sod but I do notice the changes in him. Last time I caught him using the coke I found it in his wallet but haven’t come across anything as of yet.

    in reply to: My husband and cocaine #14502

    I think that is the horrible part is they make you think it’s all in your own head which leaves me doubting myself even more. He had a affair with a woman he used to know on Facebook thats when I found out about the coke use , he deleted Facebook and promised he stopped as he said he couldn’t bear to lose me or the kids, on a whole our relationship is good so was extremely hurt and surprised by this affair. I told him it was me or the coke and he said he chose me but after reading the comments I don’t think it would be that easy to just stop, I’m not really sure where to go for help I really want to protect the children from any heartbreak.

    in reply to: My husband and cocaine #14495


    I’m literally at the last hope I caught my husband doing coke behind my back a few years ago and he promised me he stopped as he cheated on me whilst doing it, it was like he had a separate life it broke me into pieces, lately he has started acting like he did before and he never has any money now and we are really struggling financially, I haven’t been able to catch him doing it again but am pretty sure he is and I just don’t know what to do we have too children which are not young so I don’t want cause a argument without good cause.

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