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  • in reply to: Cocaine took the love of my life #14977

    That’s the worst part, I did cut contact for a month and I felt so much better but if I’m honest I had hope then that he was genuinely trying to find himself again. It was when we I let him back in that he got back in my head. He kept denying the other women saying he’s not with her in that way and it’s too soon for us to try and made me feel that in time we would be ok. He’s not at the point where he users everyday and maybe cuts it out for days/weeks, he still functions as in goes to work he bought the company he works for in April. He really was depressed and says he left because we don’t work and the relationship was toxic. My response was yes I agree but the toxins you put in your body have to come out somewhere. I know I can’t help him and he needs to see what he has done. I’m really am going to focus and myself and my son and cut him out again. He’s not a bad person but he is no longer the person I fell in love with. I despise coke and what it has done to him I’ve never done it and will never understand why people would want too.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Cocaine took the love of my life #14954

    I think I’ve replied to myself above

    in reply to: Cocaine took the love of my life #14953

    Thank you jules1980

    He’s ripped my heart to pieces his new GF stays she doesn’t agree with coke and she’s never seen him “off his head”and he told her he was single a while when it was less than a week!! He his it well for over 5 years. I really believe he left because he can’t hide it anymore. He’s slowly stopped seeing mutual friends unless drinking is involved. He used to go out and come home next day and say “I don’t know why I’m like this all I need is you” but do it again within a couple of weeks. I knew deep down he was using before he admitted it but when confronted always denied it until he couldn’t anymore. I spoke to him last week he said he’s only had it once on a night out since he left and we kissed twice, but told he the other women I tried to kiss him and he pushed me away. Now I spoke to her he won’t speak to me and sent a message telling me he doesn’t want to get back together. I know there’s nothing I can do to make him see what he’s thrown away. We bought a house when I was pregnant but he convinced me because I was on maternity leave to put it in his name. Stupid me now he’s telling me I will have to leave eventually. I despise the person he has become but can’t let go of who he once was as he makes an appearance occasionally. He reckons he started using on nights out then every weekend, I believe he was using midweek too though as he used to go to bed by 10pm before but started staying up till 2-3am drinking cans and falling asleep on sofa. I know I’ve lost him and I have to accept it, but it’s hard to let go

    in reply to: Looking for advice #14941

    Hi, my partner of over 8 years left me and our 3 yr old nearly 3 months ago and immediately moved on to another women who is everything he’s always said he doesn’t like in women. He admitted 6 months ago that he has been using coke for 5 and a half years since his mum became ill and died. For the past 2 years he’s constantly on the toilet furthest away and starting drinking his nose always running and wakes up with orange stuff across his face. Even when I asked him previously before his admission he would scream and shout at me likes I was deluded. He was such a kind and caring person and still acted like he adored me right up until the day he left. He told me he doesn’t want to be with me but gives me mixed signals when we see each other. I know the right thing to do is walk away but how do you give up on someone you love and know is a completely different person to who he once was. Our son adores him but he only sees him 2 hours a week it’s pointkess but I would never stop him from seeing him but he’s not really playing a part in his life I feel he’s only spending that little time with him to prove he’s there in his life but I’ll never understand how that enough or why coke means more than people who love and care for you

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