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  • in reply to: Heartbroken and need help #21388

    Hey. Glad to hear you’re doing good!

    No I didn’t get any for him, he chose drugs over me so me getting it for him would be the same as if he cheated and me dropping the girl off to him. That’s how I see it anyway. Also I can’t be part of the problem, it is hard to refuse him though. He knows exactly which buttons to push with me.

    I am too scared to ask as I know he will shut me down. Anytime I have ever mentioned our relationship he ends up very irritated at me so I stay away from that topic. I do get the feeling he is using me but whether he is doing it intentionally or whether it’s because he trusts me and doesn’t have the capacity to be there for me in return. But I only ever hear from him (when he isn’t staying with me) when he needs help or wants something. My logical brain is telling me to walk away as I deserve better but I don’t want to leave him when he has very few people he can trust and I would hate it if me walking away pushed him to use more.

    I am from Southampton 🙂

    Thank you for saying he is lucky to have me, and don’t feel bad that your girlfriend isn’t the same you should be happy that you haven’t put her in the position I am in. I am a huge believer in meant to be and I am so sad because I feel like he is my person but drugs have ruined that and taken the chance away.

    I hope one day he will see this but right now I am just scared for him, scared he will die. As when he goes really off the rails he does turn to crack too.

    You have no idea how much these messages are helping.

    Yes summer…..so hard in this world to find things that don’t revolve around alcohol. Wish I lived in a different time.

    in reply to: Heartbroken and need help #21374

    Hi Danman83

    Feeling somewhat better this week how are you doing?

    Unfortunately my ex text me on Friday and said he was going to have a little bit as he can’t just stop altogether. I know this is his addiction talking, he also asked me on Saturday to go and pick a g up for him which I refused but it took about an hour for him to stop inundating me with pleas. He is still at his brothers but hiding it from him.

    Even though he has used again I am thankful he is somewhere he will struggle to get it delivered to him, hence why he asked me, so the use is very minor in comparison to his usual. I can only hope he refrains this weekend and he actually gave me some money back, albeit a very small amount in comparison to what he owes I am still pleased he managed to do that instead of lie to me.

    I know he managed to get some on Saturday as he text me early hours asking me what I was doing. The motive of this I do not know and it realistically was just going to be asking me again to get him some but I hope it was actually cause he missed me.

    I have stopped messaging him this week and will let him come to me although it’s killing me.

    Hope you’re doing ok

    in reply to: Heartbroken and need help #21265

    Yeah I have told him he needs to delete all numbers and he has told his 2 mates that are dealers to not give it to him at all.

    He always uses to the point where psychosis kicks in and he paces my house for hours on end thinking someone is outside. It’s horrible

    His brother does drink and does coke on the odd occasion but I know his brother will refrain from coke while he is there.

    Yes I agree with the money, I swore to myself I wouldn’t give him anymore but he has me wrapped round his finger. Although I did text him today and asked for some of it back as once I pay my rent I have £30 for 3 weeks and he said he will sort it. I can only hope that if he is staying clean then he will not blow all his money like normal.

    I don’t know what his specific triggers are but I know as soon as he gets money in his hand he wants it. He uses every other day and it’s never just one it’s always an all nighter. Then takes pain meds to help with the comedown and sleep and I’m talking a lot! This then means he sleeps the following day for about 20 hours and then is back on the coke again.

    I will tell him about those videos thank you. He is aware of what I have done for him, he has said so, I think he just chooses to ignore it most of the time so he doesn’t feel any guilt. I guess this is just a waiting game where all I can do is hope and pray he gets himself sorted. In all honesty I love him enough that if it were to mean losing him but he is clean, healthy and happy then so be it. I’d rather him be alive and a stranger than the alternative.

    I will let you know how this develops if that’s ok? Thank you so much once again. Having never been an addict myself I have been really struggling to understand the mental struggle he faces.

    in reply to: Heartbroken and need help #21257

    Thank you. Well you are doing amazingly and I hope you are much happier now. I can only hope he sees the light, he broke down in tears to me the other night as he had realised what he has become.

    The difficulty is, my friends and family want me as far away from him as possible but I know it’s not him it’s the addiction.

    I still very much believe in him, I am just really scared that I have been used and that I mean nothing. I know you can’t answer any of this as it’s dependent on him.

    He owes me a lot of money, constantly asking to borrow it and I gave in every time which I regret massively.

    Unfortunately he doesn’t acknowledge me much unless he needs me for something. Now he is not needing to stay with me, I haven’t heard from him.

    It’s all so bloody heartbreaking!

    He refuses to go to rehab, has tried that in the past but hopefully him living with his brother means he will start CA.

    He does believe in God, but he believes that the Devil has him already.

    in reply to: Heartbroken and need help #21252

    Hi Danman83

    Hearing that from a recovered addict really has helped. My ex told me he chose drugs over me and that cocaine is all he cares about. Unfortunately this information came too late and I was already 100% invested into this man.

    I have been helping him with somewhere to stay but now he has moved in with his brother to get clean.

    I am hoping so much that he does and doesn’t relapse but I am also hoping that he sees sense about our relationship once he has managed his demons. Is that mad?!

    Is it possible to love someone whilst addicted to coke?

    in reply to: Boyfriend left me to recover #21251

    Hi Ladies, well he has gone again. Hopefully to better things as he has moved in with his brother, who called him in tears because he is scared he will die. Even though I know this is what he needs to do as his brother has told him he must stay clean for at least a month, I still was very hurt as he asked me to run all of his stuff to him and not so much a thank you for putting him up myself at mine and taking care of him in every way I know how.

    So now I’m left all alone, clearing up the mess and crying over my seriously bad financial situation right now. I have been referred to a psychiatrist too.

    Unfortunately addiction is a selfish disease. I am not who I used to be, I look awful, have gained weight through stress eating and was using drugs myself way too much in order to just stay in harmony with him. I have completely fucked myself over only to be left out in the cold again.

    I hope and pray that none of you end up at the place I’m in.

    Hope you’re all ok. Xx

    in reply to: Boyfriend left me to recover #21148

    Hey! Oh I’m so sorry hun, I’m here if you need to talk. Mine has but not as a boyfriend, he is currently living with me as he is homeless and still asks me for money. We had a discussion and he admitted to choosing drugs over me.

    Babe I have to be honest, neither of us will ever be as important to them and that is no reflection on us, it their addiction which is a mental one not a physical one. (Depending on drug of choice)

    Please please put some boundaries up, you have to protect yourself. One thing I found really helpful was watching videos on YouTube where recovering addicts explain what their addiction was like and the lengths they went to to get their fix. I don’t know if we can private message on here but please do if not comment here. Stay strong hun xxxxx

    in reply to: Boyfriend left me to recover #20448

    Hi, I’m ok he messaged me on Friday saying he needs me so I went to him. Brought him back to mine and he left this morning. We spent some time and discussed things, he said he still loves me and he still wants to be with me but he can’t as he will destroy me and my life and he doesn’t want to do that to me. So we are just going to be friends but his issues are really deep seated and I feel so bad for him. I am absolutely gutted that we can’t be together and have that future as if it wasn’t for his problems he is so lovely, has so much to offer and would be the man of my dreams. I feel like drugs have robbed me and him of that and I’m devastated. But I feel secure in knowing that it’s nothing about me.

    Drugs really are one of the worst things in this world!!!

    How are you doing? Xx

    in reply to: Boyfriend left me to recover #20447

    Hi, I’m ok he messaged me on Friday saying he needs me so I went to him. Brought him back to mine and he left this morning. We spent some time and discussed things, he said he still loves me and he still wants to be with me but he can’t as he will destroy me and my life and he doesn’t want to do that to me. So we are just going to be friends but his issues are really deep seated and I feel so bad for him. I am absolutely gutted that we can’t be together and have that future as if it wasn’t for his problems he is so lovely, has so much to offer and would be the man of my dreams. I feel like drugs have robbed me and him of that and I’m devastated. But I feel secure in knowing that it’s nothing about me.

    Drugs really are one of the worst things in this world!!!

    How are you doing? Xx

    in reply to: Boyfriend left me to recover #20406

    Now he has blocked me on all social media?! I haven’t bothered him hounded him been angry at him, nothing! I’ve respected his decision and played by his rules.

    If I meant even a little bit to him he wouldn’t severe all ties with me would he?!

    in reply to: Boyfriend left me to recover #20354

    So unfortunately I made the mistake of asking him to make time to speak to me when he picks up his stuff tomorrow, he sent a hostile response and said stop making this about us, it’s about me and that’s all there is to it.

    Am I to take that as – he doesn’t care about us? Or us isn’t a problem and we are on pause?

    Don’t think I can spend another day crying about this I’m exhausted and just want to run away

    in reply to: Boyfriend left me to recover #20333

    Oh I am so sorry to hear about your chemo! Wishing you the very best for recovery and I hope it helps!

    Thank you for your wise words, speaking to friends doesn’t help me as they say all the traditional things and I know that the situation is totally different due to addiction. You’re right he could go on a binge and just hide it, he has been doing it long enough. Seeing what you said about your partners’ contact with you recently I can now see that even they don’t know what they want.

    I was going to move in with him but now that’s not happening and I will just get myself a place, this is probably a blessing in disguise.

    Perhaps he is doing me a favour and removing himself from my life as he is no good. Unfortunately I have known him for a very long time and know what he can be without the drugs and it’s so hard to watch him to do this to himself. He is extremely damaged, and if I’m honest there is nothing I can do for him, or to bring him back.

    He is 35 and does C 2/3 times a week minimum too. He doesn’t smoke weed as it doesn’t agree with him, but if he is on C he will take approx 4-6 heavy duty painkillers or antidepressants to get to sleep, he then lets that take hold of him for a day or 2 and just sleeps whilst not at work and then he is back on it.

    My rational brain is screaming at me to see this for what it is, but my heart is missing him terribly and would do anything to have him walk in that door and tell me he made a mistake x

    in reply to: Boyfriend left me to recover #20330

    I’m sorry to hear this. I know he isn’t on a binge, when he has at home (his mums) he doesn’t get on it as she doesn’t allow it and he is also waiting to hear back on a covid test. He binges when he is with me so he has no need to get away in order to do so.

    He is being so cold towards me. Aside from a message on New Year’s Day asking how I was, the other messages have been very transactional about me dropping his work clothes off to him and the trainers I bought him for Xmas.

    My mind is going off in so many directions, is it an excuse, is there someone else, does he really care about me or was it all fake


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