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  • lou39

    Thanks for the reply

    He is buying the diazepam not saying where from

    The box looks like a genuine brand

    I will try and talk to him again today and see if he will come to the doctors with me as at present he is refusing to speak to anyone as he doesn’t feel there is anything wrong with his drug habit or the way he is acting and says it’s not worth it

    I will definitely look at the different foods to help moods as his eating has become terrible over the last few months goes with out eating for long periods of time then fills up on junk. So definitely worth trying to encourage him to eat better and more regularly

    I will have a look at different drug groups and just write them down and give to him he may look at them when he is on his own

    I will never give up trying to help him and being there to support him. It’s just that I feel I am running out of things to try if he is not willing to accept help



    Thanks for your reply

    He smokes cannabis either in joints or uses a pipe or bong. He is also using edibles

    I found the diazepam box and they are 10mg. He said he only takes 2 at a time but he has a box of 28 and half have been used. I have taken them away from him. Unsure how often he takes them as he never seems to be honest any more

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