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  • in reply to: Cocaine – really is the road to ruin #17814

    It’s unbelievable! It makes me feel so much better though hearing others stories and I realise I’m not crazy !!

    Mine hasn’t even asked to see them he asked to talk a few weeks ago to sort something I sat waited any nothing phone off didn’t come x

    in reply to: Cocaine – really is the road to ruin #17811

    He sounds like my ex Rfr he left our relationship after 8 years due to his coke use which I didn’t know at the time – thought he was depressed! Turns out he’s been living with a much older woman who sniffs too – has seen kids once in 7 months tells me to accept it he’s moved on etc but the still denies this woman he won’t tell anyone where he lives not even his family Iv told him he can see kids on set days with a drug test he’s no interest I get words the odd time no actions so it tells me he’s stil deep Into but says he’s clean since Xmas?!! Y not see kids then?!

    He has no remorse nothing he was begging me all last year for chances crying bombarding my phone then would disappear it’s only now I know the truth since he told me he had issues with cocaine at Xmas Iv not seen him and I shud move on – now he denies there issues he’s clean and I’m crazy ? !! Xx

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17712

    Couldn’t agree with u more kel – I did this last year kept letting him come in and out wen suited nice one minute promising the world would switch and disappear the next I dint know then he was on coke as soon as he told me I went mad and put my foot down sort it shit or stay away – he’s not seen his kids in months so obviously he chose drugs –

    Daydream u need to cut ur ties if he sorts him self out then see if he comes bk in time but it will take time I’m 7 months in and nothing as yet not just me his kids aswel – really do u want a relationship based on his highs and lows not knowing where u stand ? And u never will like this . It will make u I’ll and he will take no responsibility and drop u wen u can’t take any more and move in to someone who will enable it . My advice get out now before it’s too late – if in 6 months a year he’s clean go for it then u will know his true mind set and how he really feels – he doesn’t know his own right now so there’s no way u can guess question wat he’s doing . It’s so hard upsetting and frustrating I know xx

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17691

    Hi I’m goody ex contacted me saying he hasn’t took. Coke since Xmas so I said ok if u drug test and prove u havnt and set days times for kids we can talk etc – so wanted to talk so arrangedto see him next day dint turn up or answer phone etc. Still no mention 2 weeks later of seeing kids only live 5 min away has seen once since Xmas . Saw him on someone’s snap chat driving a very flash car think it’s this woman’s who he knocking about with Who also takes coke — he was in Mcds drive thru in it with his mate 2pm in a week day so not working still – could be seeing his kids but choosing not too .. think he still deep in it all actions speak louder don’t they . Nothing would keep me from my kids. Yet he is choosing to stay away xx how are u xx

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17444

    Ur right iv always said to my ex u can’t hack the real world ! He’s 33 nearly 34 which is pathetic!

    And yes their ego is bigger than their conscience! And unfortunately that will always win hence y they only show remorse wen on a come down and feeling shit about life!

    Daydream u deserve more and I think sum times u have to take a leap of faith to c ur worth – once u do that u will look bk like an outsider and not recognise the old u.. u will c ur worth and get a man that is consistent clean and knows wats wat these arnt real men they boys playing with ppls and children’s lives selfish they know wat they are doing wen they go take it and choose to go do that rather than playing with the children or making fun with us!

    The addiction might be an illness but if they really wanted to grow up and make lives with us and the children they would coz it should be the most important thing In the world to them like it it’s to us but the drug the “mates” the women and money takes over !!

    Don’t sit and be second best wasting ur life waiting for him to fall trust me the minute he sees u get up and get on and ignore him he will soon panic ! But ur really worth more in a few years u will look bk and not believe uv sat and listened to all the bull sh lies and promises wen they have no intentions of keeping them wen on this stuff they physically mentally can’t- iv told my ex I’ll never go bk to him I’d never trust him and I don’t wana live that way but wen he’s fully clean or if he needs help getting there I’ll be his friend but I’m not waiting anymorw for him to fall and realise and it’s a weight off my shoulders- iv accepted now he’s chosen this life and iv got to get on with mine for my boys more so .

    Iv recently had an unexpected death in my family then my very healthy uncle collapsed and now has terminal cancer ! It’s really put things into perspective for me life is short and can be gone at any given moment if they don’t care and see that then it’s their fault I begged my ex’s family to help me and him with all this and they don’t care so let’s hope they don’t get a knock on the door he’s overdoesed or in prison one day ! I’m not wasting anymore time on him now I’m glad I can vent on here it’s really stopped me venting to him wen he doesn’t read or listen to half wat I said anyway !

    The day will come wen they do fall but I can’t waste my life any more waiting for it it’s been 3 years of hell and letting it go – happiest I’ve been for years xx

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17440

    They really are ! I used to joke before. I knew about the coke that next time he “crashed” wen I thought it was depression I’d film him an wat he said . If only I did! Xx

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17438

    I think they forget what they say !! Had it all xx

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17436

    They always are ok!! But one day they will see and crash and need us !

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17425

    Yeh I am it’s his inconsistency that’s the problem and the let downs always late wen he does turn up spends most of time on his phone they deserve more x

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17418

    Mine isn’t even acknowledging seeing the kids even though iv suggested sorting sumat he wants to do it as and wen he pleases hence y iv cut contact for now he can email me or post a letter wen he’s ready to sort himself ! It’s sad misses out on so much ! Glad ur sorting urself dot kids are everything and will love u so much for being there for them xx

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17417

    Hi .. yeh sounds same as mine if u click my name can read it properly… he was dealing too and I shuda put my foot down then but he dint respect my views his mum dad let him stay there wen ever rather than listening y I kicked him out so he had a free run to deal and take live the life he had now found!

    Iv left a msg on my mates phone saying wen ur ready to be a dad do drug tests have kids set days Then we can talk if u want real help I’ll help u if u don’t think u have a problem and u can prove it even tho u told me u did then I apologise I was really nice and as u said slightly reversed the psychology rather than going mad at him so I’ll c if I hear . I think he’s so deep into his new coke fulled life he can’t even c past it to all about his kids !

    Trust me I’d it wasn’t for them I’d run I’ll never trust him again and have the same respect for him but I’ll b a friend for the boys if he wants help x

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17410

    Daydream u sound 100% like me and ur like my ex ! It’s unbelievable mine is so so selfish worse thing is he does with kids to picks them up puts th down as and wen it suits guessing along side the highs and lows we are always there wen he needs but never the other way round! I dint know for a long time it was coke and the minute he told me he’s dispearred and seen kids once since new year! So I’m guessing he’s on some constant high with his new coke head gf and we don’t come into play it’s so hard coZ I know wen he crashes and needs us the person I am like u will be there for him! I’m trying so hard to cut that cycle but it’s hard the memories the life we once had were so good and u wana get that love bk with them make them the old them again or like u say an “invented” person u dream of them being so u hold on in hope – I had all the promises the ups downs the rebuilding the bomarding of txts then the dispaearing now he’s just that deep in his own world he’s dropped me and 3 kids and isnt looking bk ! It’s scary how this drug can change someone’s mind completely!! Xx

    in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17402

    It is it’s awful they are the devil on it really are ! My ex told me he was on it then disappeared again wen I flipped and rang and rang him for answers said I was being dramatic he’s give me an inch by telling me and iv took a yard !! ???? have to laugh how deluded they are x

    in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17398

    Iv been same tbh he made comments about my weight so many times and iv never been big only a 8/10 but I struggled so much past year over my weight !

    His parents are shit don’t care bout kids blame me over this issues and don’t even know where he lives it’s sad really is they live 5 min from me and never visit us I just want rid of the lot of them !

    It scares me that if sumat happened to me where does that leave me kids my mums great but she’s 72!

    I’m slowly moving on though I’m not rushing but seeing someone see my worth notice wat I give and do has given me the strength to start to let go at least xx

    in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17390

    I’m defo not sitting round waiting any more sat for 3 years I wud still help him if he needed it for the kids but me I’m moving on ! Iv recently started seeing someone and just how he speaks to me and treats me is lovely and normal and it makes me see how un normal he is! As far as iv heard mine is living with an older woman who has coke issues too and I think coz she enables his in the bad guy she’s suddenly everything! Me kids don’t matter right now ! Wen i didn’t know wat he was up to he was to and from me to her iv found out coz he loved the family life but had to go to her for the fix ! It’s sad it really is but it’s the life he’s chosen wen he crashes ends up dead or in prison he will wake up I hope and start being a dad x

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