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  • in reply to: my journey with a crack addict #31042

    You really shouldn’t have to be dealing with all this, you should be enjoying your life not getting stressed and dragged down.

    in reply to: my journey with a crack addict #31040

    34, I too feel the same, should be able to enjoy life instead of worrying about them all the time.

    It’s all very frustrating

    in reply to: my journey with a crack addict #31037

    I have told him, if he wants that life then leave, but he doesn’t says he wants us and will work getting sorted. Will last a few months, then stress of lift brings it all back.

    That’s the worse that they just dismiss everything we feel or think yet I have to accept what he has done and understand why, but he doesn’t see what he is doing is hurting not just me but everyone around him.

    I really want to believe he is telling the truth and really wants to change but I have heard it all before so I have little faith now.

    Your never overreacting, especially when it comes to feelings and emotions. Its hard to watch someone you love self destruct and all you want is for them to be happy and healthy it gets very frustrating and we express that probably the wrong way sometime but we don’t mean harm by that

    in reply to: my journey with a crack addict #31035

    Of course they will argue with you because they don’t seem to think anything is wrong with they are doing,

    I’m at the point now where I don’t want him around me like that. If he had his own place it would be so much easier.

    I will not let him bring me or my kids down with him.

    So everyone says the trust is totally gone and there really is no way of building that trust back, they will still sneak about hiding stuff away from us and yet we have to hope they don’t go back, that really isn’t a life I signed up for or I’m comfortable accepting, we all deserve so much more.

    Thank all for your input and views on it. I really do appreciate it all

    in reply to: my journey with a crack addict #31028

    Yeah the guilt you feel is real and I know if he wasn’t here he would lose everything completely so then I feel bad because I don’t want to the reason for that but then I also think it’s his own choices that have got us to this point, it’s a hard place constantly battling with yourself, questioning yourself on an hourly basis, it’s hard.

    I’m so happy your situation turned around, do you still constantly think that he will relapse?

    in reply to: my journey with a crack addict #31027

    Yeah the guilt you feel is real and I know if he wasn’t here he would lose everything completely so then I feel bad because I don’t want to the reason for that but then I also think it’s his own choices that have got us to this point, it’s a hard place constantly battling with yourself, questioning yourself on an hourly basis, it’s hard.

    I’m so happy your situation turned around, do you still constantly think that he will relapse?

    in reply to: my journey with a crack addict #31025


    Sorry to jump on but I am in the same situation, reading everyone experience is like it’s my life.

    I have no idea what to do anymore and I’m very close to leaving, the reason I haven’t already is because of all the promises, he has no where to go either.

    So my partner always did coke on and off for years, never liked it but we didn’t live together, we then got pregnant and he moved in I thought it all stopped but then he would go out all night not come back so I had an idea, fast forward 3 years we have to 2 kids together and I have an older son, I have found coke bags all over the house. Even full ones. Well u lost it. The kids could of had it. I kicked him out I told everyone about it because frankly I sick of pretending everything is OK, his mum was disgusting and has help financially, he promised not to touch it again and made an appointment for professional help, well the eek after did it again, found another empty bag, he says he hasn’t had it but I made him do a drug test well he failed that one. So now I’m here.

    He blames me and everyone around him for why he does it. I will not take responsibility for that and I will not allow him to drag me down for his own selfishness.

    I want to believe he will stop and stop picking drugs over his family but I know that probably won’t happen. So I know I have to leave not just for me but my kids aswell because I’m so scared of social services being involved.

    Anyway I just wanted to jump on and its nice knowing I’m not on my own in this bad situation but suppose that makes it so much worse that there’s loads of people like us.

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