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  • in reply to: Feeling lost ! #27131

    People in active addiction lie, manipulate, and steal. Therefore you can not believe what he says, only what he does. Wanting help is a nice phrase, but has he contacted his local drug services, joined Nar Anon, or talked to his Dr?

    This is affecting your mental health, and your daughter, so your number one priority is your health. You can reach out for help from your local Mental Health services, which are free.

    Or, you can attend an online recovery group for the families and friends of addicts, which meet weekly, and share your story, meet other people going through the same thing, and start feeling you are not alone. For example

    No one is a ‘bad person’, but the behaviours that drive addicts to get their drugs are affecting you seriously. Is that what you want for the near future? You can learn about setting up boundaries, eg your partner can not live with you, whilst using. It is really up to him, he is an adult, and knows what is going on.

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