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  • in reply to: Why can’t I cut him off #27445

    I’m so sorry this is happening. We worry like mad but there is nothing we can do is there ? While we’re worrying they are destroying themselves. A few months ago I sat one night and thought is this it ? Is this my life forever now ? Watching his every move, waiting for the reek of booze on his breath. When we have split previously Iv hated alcohol, blamed alcohol for everything, this time no more, there is one person who has not taken the help from rehab and destroyed and lost everything and it’s not me. I have everything I had before him and he has exactly what he had when I met him sod all !

    Yes I think of him but Iv detached myself from the “what if he goes missing” “what if he ends up in hospital again” because if not when something happens I would go running. We need to put ourselves first and going out Friday was a massive eye opener for me believe me. Try get out with friends, try to be you and put him to one side for awhile, believe me it would be worth it x

    in reply to: Why can’t I cut him off #27440

    Hi I was just thinking about you yesterday, glad the weekend went without incident but sad it wasn’t what you wanted.what I have learnt is There is life beyond addiction for us but it’s hard to let go. I went out with a friend on Friday night, just into our village, as I was with an alcoholic this is something Iv not done for a good few years, trying to keep a lid on it all. Everyone was so lovely and said how fab I looked, in the end it was easy, after I’d been dreading the whole thing. It showed me I am worth better than what I had. Even had a text from an ex who was in the pub within 10 minutes of me leaving telling me how good I looked. All good for the ego but helps a great deal to move on.

    in reply to: Why can’t I cut him off #27401

    I’m just so lucky. No ties with my ex such as house or kids. It’s still hard though x

    in reply to: Why can’t I cut him off #27400

    Absolutely it is ????

    in reply to: Why can’t I cut him off #27396

    Good luck ????????

    in reply to: Why can’t I cut him off #27393

    You may not see this before you go but if I was you I’d book myself a travel lodge not far, get a big bar of chocolate and a big bag of Doritos and have a night on your own in peace lol x

    in reply to: Why can’t I cut him off #27387

    Blame. It’s interesting isn’t it ? The first few times I experienced these benders, of which at the time I didn’t know they were benders, suddenly this lovely man I had met turned on me. Disappeared in his car over a petty issue to the sisters leaving me in floods of tears, texting him I was sorry and begging him to come back. Vile messages, blame all on me is what I got back. I left him to it thinking I’d lost him then a month or two later he would pop up saying he wasn’t right at the time due to ex withholding the kids etc , didn’t mean any of it and loved me. As the years went on we went on holidays of which looking back I always ended up in tears. All inclusive clearly wasn’t good for an alcoholic then expect them to hold it together for a week. Then the huge incidents started, I’d realised by this point drink was a huge issue so the cat and mouse started. I’d question him, he would flip then a huge incident. Police found him asleep in a nearby field. Came to my house to see if I was ok a “welfare visit” as he had told them we had an argument. The drink driving one was a huge incident, he left my house off his head to drive to his sisters in the next town. I begged him not to drive. An few hour later the police knocked on my door, would you believe he had actually rang them and told them he had to leave my house and was currently driving drunk because I tried to poison him and he needed to flee me. Needless to say they had stopped him, dragged him out of the car, he was carrying on so they in his words “gave him a kicking” which I hope they did and he spent the night sobering up in the cells. He went back to his sisters, the leach, then we had lock down and I didn’t hear from him for a good 5 month. When he got in touch I supported him into rehab and then had him back. 18 months later we’re back to square one. The blame is always there to blame someone else for their actions. It was my fault he drove drunk as I tried to poison him, then the polices fault he was arrested because he defending himself against them. It’s not and never is their fault. Their brains convince them everyone else is to blame to justify their actions. The leaches agree with them for their own gains.

    Blame can also be felt by us, somewhere in the mist of my 4 years a number of times I felt I have been to blame for his relapses. Had I not told him to leave when I knew he had had a drink he wouldn’t have been found in a field by the police, I felt it was my fault. I was to blame and caused these big issues. Had I not told him on the phone to not come back here 4 weeks ago today when I could tell he had had a drink he wouldn’t have gone to his sisters and we now be in this position. I actually now know I’m not to blame. I’m actually free of him, until he comes back crawling, but as Iv said before I will just ignore any attempt to contact me as I fear I would feel sorry for him and cave. I need my life back this time and not have him as a mill stone round my neck.

    As we’ve all said we need to put ourselves first and we are no way to blame for their addictions ????

    in reply to: Why can’t I cut him off #27358

    You are spot on, out of 4 years I think for the best part of that Iv been a carer, because he is a binge drinkers the periods in between binges would be excellent but I was always still watching and waiting for the next binge. Then the build up when I can see things were not right but couldn’t put my finger on it then bang ! Relapse.

    When we have been apart previously I’d always worried about other women, he absolutely wasn’t like that at all when we were together to be fair but it was always a worry he would find someone else and be ok with them and then they have the sober him who is an amazing man. But after reading his step work books the other day from when he was in rehab it’s evident this has gone on and on for years and my dreams of him been a new person after rehab for our future together were never going to be met. Because Of this Iv realised now if he does find some one else she will be like him a drinker / addict as no “normal” woman will put up with this behaviour. They may have a good few months but nothing long term and it won’t be some one like me that’s for sure as Iv come to realise I’m better than this, took me awhile though to be fair. Best thing to do is maybe think to yourself do you want to be still in this situation 1 year, 3 years on.

    It was 2 years ago this month my ex went on a 4 month bender at his leaches house, was so vile to me and even told his family I tried to poison him then came crying to me and I supported him to go to rehab. I had him back because he was his old self. 2 years on back here we are. Things just won’t change.

    in reply to: Why can’t I cut him off #27340

    You will know when the time is right to say enough is enough and tell him to stay with his leach. My ex is still with the leach sister, although since the last bender when he went there she has swapped into a 1 bed council flat from a 2 bed house where he just about had his own room ! Let’s hope he likes the sofa at hers because he won’t be coming back here. I Carnt continue this life. I hope your ok, it is draining and ends up taking its toll on us ????

    in reply to: So so sad, but beginning to make sense ???? #27331

    Another thing Iv realised, a few days before he went to his mums to have his son over night he stopped what he was doing and looked me straight in the eyes and said “I do love you you know” I do know he meant it and that’s the saddest part.

    It’s evident that this need for alcohol was so great that this binge was clearly planned and executed to plan by manipulating everyone even his 13 year old son.

    in reply to: What do I do now? #27306

    It is very sad, the thought of been alone is very sad when you think of the positive times. I think I had started to resent the situation if I’m honest. When he came out of rehab I was very much that I would never drink again. As this was during covid nobody was going out anyway so it didn’t matter about socialising but my good friends who did know about his addiction and rehab began to keep us at a distance. Not inviting us out. We were no fun anymore clearly. Iv ended up loosing contact with most of my friends and if I’m honest it’s not nice. Then I would watch him go on his benders, been allowed to drink so to speak while Iv given everything up for him. Iv never been a big drinker but I hate what alcohol has done to my life over the last 4 years and the hurt it has caused me. Obviously it’s my ex who caused this but it’s the drink that makes him like he is. It’s a disease and it’s terrible.

    in reply to: What do I do now? #27304

    The main thing is don’t think your alone, read through this forum and you will see just how widespread this is. Family and friends won’t get it, unless they have loved an addict. Alcoholism is a disease and as we learn it won’t go away. I was so nieve at the beginning of my relationship with an alcoholic. I knew he had had issue in his past but not to the full extent. After 2 years the real situation became apparent. Finding empties is a classic one I believe. I remember finding vodka bottles under the bed, top of the wardrobe, even in the public bin on my street and knowing they were his. It becomes like a cat and mouse game of Gothcha ! It’s draining and ends up effecting our mental health. After everything including £10k rehab nearly 2 years on from that it’s back at square one and Iv now removed myself emotionally from the situation. He’s gone and has been 3 weeks, It feel liberating but also very sad, as when he’s not on a bender he’s a beautiful person but I need to keep telling myself I deserve better.

    I was told a couple of years ago to put myself first, at the time I was so worried about him and ignored that but I now understand what I was been told. So please look after yourself as we do matter greatly in this x

    in reply to: Why can’t I cut him off #27299

    My “ex” also had a childhood friend who was an alcoholic, they went through their teens together in the rave scene taking all sorts then as they were older went on to alcohol. The friend died just before Christmas 21. Yes it hit my ex hard but if anything that has probably contributed toward this latest episode. This friend would have been a go to person when he was going on a bender, he even got locked up for DUI while with this person. There is also the sister who is just beyond appalling but What Iv learnt about all this is they will look for type, they will gravitate towards their type who gives them the permission to do their vices that we don’t. These leeches have their own gain from this, often financial or just a buddy to use with, we will never win against these people who do this, it’s truly awful.

    in reply to: Why can’t I cut him off #27294

    It’s absolutely awful been in this situation, Iv been here before when he’s been “my ex” and Iv been drawn back in, mainly feeling sorry for him and thinking about the “sober partner” and forgetting about the “drunk Partner” I need now to stick to this. He’s an intelligent man, in his last year of doing a degree at 47 yrs old ! He went into education after I encouraged him that he was more than capable. GCSEs through to degree and Iv been there throughout it all with these episodes every few months and picked up the pieces. God knows if he will finish his degree as these last few months are crucial, but not my problem now and that’s what I need to keep thinking. Have a look at my post from a year ago with my recent update.

    When he comes out of this episode which could be a few weeks or 6 months I need to not be drawn in again. I feel im too old for this now and need someone in my life who loves and respects me. I’m 48 and need out now or before I know it I’ll be 58 then 68 and my life has gone in a flash. Just so hard, friends and family do mean well but just don’t understand what it’s like to love an addict.

    in reply to: When recovery turns to relapse and you life crumbles. #27288

    So we’re a year on from my original post. I took the decision to have him back. All ok until July 21 then he goes off on a bender again. Again to the leach sister who facilitates the situation for her own ends, her addictions funded by his money. A few weeks on when the money has dried up and he’s begging to come back, again I caved. Made it clear it was the last time. 3 weeks ago he withdrew money from my account. I got a notification and rang him asking what on earth he was doing. I could tell he had been drinking, he said he had, I said well your not coming back here. Last I heard from him until yesterday. Same old at sisters, off his head, wants this and that from the house, he’s not had a change of clothes for 3 weeks. He was goading me via text but I was calm and didn’t give him the rise he was after. Eventually ignored him. A couple of hours later my 25 yr old daughter came round in floods of tears. He had been texting her saying he had feeling for her and always had and was drilling her phone with missed calls. As he never got on with her I do believe this was to get a rise out of me and her to be honest to make him the victim, as she’s hot headed like me !

    After speaking to his mum it appears he left me ! Because of my secret eating apparently. I have a gastric sleeve so eat little and often. Nothing to do with the fact he can not drink at my house and it’s party central at his sisters, until the cash has gone.

    I have given up what is now 4 years of my life, when sober he is intelligent, caring and a loving human being. When back on the drink and whatever he can get his hands on via his sister he is the most evil , lying, manipulative,nasty piece of work Iv ever come across.

    Enough is enough, I’m out now for good. My daughters have now begged me never to have him back and I’m not going to come what may. They say I need someone who will respect me and make me happy. I know their right, but it still hurts ????

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